Only the people you allow to see your stories can view the replies. Usually, it's your followers or the specific group you've selected when posting the story.
The visibility of replies to Instagram stories depends on your privacy settings. If your account is public, anyone who sees your story can view the replies. But if it's private, only your approved followers can see the replies.
Typically, those who have access to view your Instagram stories are the ones who can see the replies. This could be your close friends list, mutual followers, or a custom group you've set up for each story.
It depends on the platform. For some social media platforms like Instagram, the privacy settings of the story can determine who can see the replies. If the story is set to public, then generally anyone who can see the story might be able to see the replies. However, if the story has restricted privacy settings, only the people allowed by the user can view both the story and the replies.
Not necessarily. The visibility of replies to stories often depends on the specific rules and settings of the platform where the stories are shared. Some platforms might allow only friends or followers to see the replies, while others could have more open visibility.
Generally, your followers and people you've allowed to see your stories can view them.
Only the people you allow or your followers can see your IG stories, depending on your settings.
No. TikTok allows users to control the privacy of their content, including stories. If a user sets their story to be visible only to a specific group or has privacy restrictions, the replies will also be restricted accordingly. So not everyone can see the replies.
Only the people you've allowed to see your Instagram stories can view the screenshots. Usually, it's your followers or specific people you've selected.
It depends. In some cases, yes, if the platform or app settings allow for public visibility of replies. But in others, they might be private and only visible to the original poster and specific people.
No, Instagram doesn't allow users to see exactly who has viewed their stories. It only shows general metrics like the number of views.
Yes. Instagram has a built-in function that enables you to see who has viewed your stories. However, it's important to note that this feature may have certain limitations and might not show every single viewer in all circumstances.
No, Instagram Stories doesn't show who you invited. It keeps that information private.