It varies. The survival time of the novel coronavirus on surfaces depends on several factors like the type of surface, temperature, and humidity. Generally, it can last from a few hours to several days.
The novel coronavirus can survive on surfaces for different lengths of time. On smooth and non-porous surfaces, it might last up to 2-3 days under certain conditions. But on porous materials, it might be shorter. Temperature and humidity also play a role.
The lifespan of the novel coronavirus on surfaces can vary. Generally, it can survive for a few hours to several days, depending on factors like the type of surface, temperature, and humidity.
It depends on various factors like the type of surface, temperature, and humidity. Generally, it can survive for a few hours to several days.
The lifespan of the novel coronavirus on surfaces can vary. Generally, it can survive for a few hours to several days, depending on the type of surface and environmental conditions.
The lifespan of the novel coronavirus on surfaces isn't fixed. It might survive for a short time on some surfaces like copper, but longer on others like plastic or stainless steel. Temperature and humidity also play a role.
The lifespan of the novel coronavirus on surfaces varies. On hard, non-porous surfaces like stainless steel and plastic, it can last for up to several days, but on porous materials like fabric, it's usually shorter. Environmental conditions also play a role.
The survival time of the novel coronavirus on surfaces can vary. Generally, it can last from a few hours to several days, depending on factors like the type of surface and environmental conditions.
The survival time of the novel coronavirus on surfaces can vary. Generally, it can last from a few hours to several days, depending on factors like the type of surface, temperature, and humidity.
The survival time of the novel coronavirus on different surfaces can vary. On some smooth and non-porous surfaces like stainless steel or plastic, it might survive for a few days. But on porous materials like fabric, it usually doesn't last as long, maybe just a few hours.
The length of time the novel coronavirus stays on surfaces can vary. Generally, it can survive for a few hours to several days, depending on the type of surface and environmental conditions.
The duration the novel coronavirus lasts on surfaces can vary. Generally, it can survive from a few hours to several days, depending on the type of surface and environmental conditions.