In most cases, no. Social media platforms usually don't have a feature that specifically notifies the person if you rewatch their story.
In most cases, no one can tell. Social media platforms don't typically notify others about your rewatches. It's more like a personal and silent activity.
It depends on the specific social media platform. For instance, on Instagram, the owner of a story can often see a list of viewers. But on other platforms, this feature might not be available or might work differently.
In many cases, someone could potentially find out if you shared their story. This could happen through notifications, mutual friends seeing the share, or other tracking mechanisms on the platform.
In most cases, no. Social media platforms usually don't have a feature to notify others when you take a screenshot of a story.
In most cases, yes. Many social media platforms have features that allow the creator of the story to know who has viewed it.
Sometimes yes. Some social media platforms have features that notify the person if you viewed their story.
Yes, usually they can. Many social media platforms have features that notify the creator when someone views their story.
Yes, in some social media platforms, the person who posted the story can see who viewed it.
In most cases, no. Usually, there's no direct notification to the person that you've viewed their story.
Yes, usually they can. Many social media platforms have features that notify the original poster when their story is replayed.