The note in the ghost story said something like 'Beware of the curse that lies within' or some other ominous words that hinted at impending danger.
Well, the note in the ghost story contained a warning or a secret message related to the haunted place. It might have been a clue to solve the mystery or a threat to the protagonist.
The note said something creepy and mysterious, but I can't tell you exactly because it's a secret part of the story.
The note might have contained some mysterious words or warnings related to the haunting.
I'm not sure. It could have been anything spooky or mysterious.
The note might have said something creepy like 'I'm coming for you'.
I don't know exactly. Maybe it was some creepy warning or a mysterious message from the other side.
The note might have revealed some terrifying secrets or warnings related to the ghost's presence.
I have no idea. It could be anything mysterious or creepy depending on the context of the story.
It's hard to say exactly. Maybe the note mentioned the name of the ghost or gave instructions on how to escape its curse. But it all depends on the specific story.
The note might have contained secret instructions or a hidden secret about the haunted place. It's hard to tell without knowing the specific story.
It's hard to say exactly. Maybe the note mentioned a hidden secret of the haunted place or a curse that was about to befall the protagonist. Different ghost stories have all kinds of possibilities for what the note might say.