Sorry, I don't have the specific name of the actress who plays the grandmother in that movie. You could look it up on entertainment news websites or IMDb.
I don't know off the top of my head who plays the grandmother in A Christmas Story Christmas. Maybe you can search on popular movie databases or ask on dedicated film forums.
I'm not sure exactly who plays the grandmother. You might want to check the official credits or movie reviews for that information.
The actors in A Christmas Story Christmas vary. It might include actors known for their holiday-themed roles or those who bring a fresh take to the classic story. To know exactly who's in it, you'd need to check the official credits or reviews.
I'm not sure. You might need to check the movie's credits or official cast list for that information.
I think it's actress Mary Steenburgen who plays the mom in Christmas Story Christmas.
I'm not sure exactly who plays the mother. You might need to check the official credits or movie reviews for that information.
I'm not sure who plays the grandma in that movie. You might want to check the official credits or movie reviews for that information.
I think it might be actor John Doe. But I'm not 100% sure.
Sorry, I don't have that specific detail. You could try looking on IMDb or other movie databases to find out.
The actress who portrays the mom in A Christmas Story Christmas is Julie Hagerty. Her acting skills bring the character to life and make her quite memorable.
I'm not sure exactly. You might need to check the official credits or entertainment news for the accurate information.
Peter Billingsley reprises his role as Ralphie in A Christmas Story Christmas.