The Tokyo Ghoul manga has approximately 14 books. These volumes take you on a thrilling journey through the dark and mysterious world of Tokyo Ghoul.
There are around 14 books in the Tokyo Ghoul manga. Each volume tells a part of the captivating story with unique twists and turns.
It's hard to give an exact number. The number of Tokyo Ghoul manga books can vary depending on different editions and compilations. You could try looking on manga-related websites or forums for more precise information.
The Tokyo Ghoul manga consists of around 14 books. Each volume contains a part of the captivating story and its unique art.
There are a total of 14 volumes of the Tokyo Ghoul manga.
I'm not sure exactly. But there are quite a few volumes and spin-offs.
It's hard to give an exact number. The Tokyo Ghoul manga series has multiple volumes and spin-offs, but I don't have the precise count at hand.
It's hard to give an exact number. Different editions and compilations could make it tricky to determine. You could check with manga collectors or search on authoritative manga websites for a precise count.
As of now, there are a total of 14 volumes of the Tokyo Ghoul manga.
Well, the Tokyo Ghoul manga has about 143 chapters. It covers a wide range of events and character growth throughout its run.
It varies depending on the volume and edition. But typically, each volume has around 180 to 200 pages.
There are a total of 14 volumes of Tokyo Ghoul manga.