Novels are typically italicized or underlined. Italics are preferred in digital and printed works. If you don't have the option for italics, like in some handwritten notes, then underlining is used instead. Quotes aren't the standard for novel titles.
It depends. Usually, titles of novels are italicized when typed and underlined when handwritten.
Typically, novels are quoted rather than underlined.
Generally, it's preferred to italicize the name of a novel. This is the standard in many writing styles. Underlining is also acceptable in some situations, but it's not as common as italicizing. Quoting is not typically used for novel titles.
In general, comic books are usually quoted rather than underlined.
Most often, novel titles are italicized or put in quotation marks. It depends on the style guide you're following.
In general, novels are usually quoted rather than underlined.
Typically, novels are neither quoted nor underlined. They are usually presented in regular font without any special marking.
Short story titles are typically quoted. This is the conventional way. Underlining is not the norm. It's important to follow the accepted conventions to make your writing look professional and clear.
Short story titles are usually quoted rather than underlined.
Typically, novels are neither underlined nor italicized. They are usually quoted when referred to specifically.
In most cases, a novel is quoted. This is the standard practice in various forms of writing and communication. Underlining is less frequently used for indicating a novel's title.