Yes, it can. Sarcoptic mange is a contagious condition that can be passed from animals to humans in certain circumstances.
Yes, sarcoptic mange can be transmitted to humans. It occurs when mites from an infected animal transfer to a human. But with good hygiene practices and avoiding direct contact with infested animals, the risk is reduced.
Sarcoptic mange is usually transmitted to humans through direct contact with an infected animal, such as a dog or a cat. This can happen when you pet or handle the infected pet.
Sarcoptic mange is usually transmitted through direct contact with an infected animal. This can happen when animals come into close physical contact with each other.
In most cases, mange doesn't transfer to humans. It's a specific skin disorder that's more common and specific to certain animal species and their skin conditions.
Mange isn't transmissible to humans. The mites that cause mange have a specific affinity for the skin and immune systems of animals and don't pose a risk to us.
It's not very likely for cat mange to be directly transmitted to humans. Our skin and immune systems are different.
Mange is usually transmitted to humans through direct contact with an infected animal. This could be touching, petting, or being bitten or scratched by an animal with mange.
Yes, it can. Sarcoptic mange is a skin condition that can affect humans, especially if they have close contact with infected animals.
Yes, it can. Sarcoptic mange can be transmitted to humans, but it's not very common.
Yes, it can. Sarcoptic mange can spread from animals to humans, but it's not very common.
Yes, humans can get sarcoptic mange. It's a contagious skin condition that can spread from animals to humans.