The story of 'A Christmas Carol' takes place in the 19th-century Victorian era of England. This period was marked by significant social and economic changes, which are often reflected in the story's themes and backdrop.
The story 'A Christmas Carol' is set in Victorian England during the 19th century.
The novel 'A Christmas Carol' is set in the Victorian era of 19th-century England.
The story of 'A Christmas Carol' is set in Victorian London.
The story mainly takes place in London during the Victorian era.
The story of Christmas Carol mainly takes place in London, England.
The story 'A Christmas Carol' is set in the Victorian era of the 19th century, but the exact year is not specified.
The setting of The Christmas Story Christmas is during the Christmas period. It aims to capture the essence and spirit of the festive season, with all the associated traditions and joy.
It takes place during the Christmas season, as the title suggests. But specific details about the exact year or date aren't explicitly mentioned.
The movie takes place during the Christmas season, but the exact year isn't specified clearly.
It takes place during the Christmas season. The specific year or exact date might not be explicitly mentioned in the story.
The movie takes place during the Christmas season, but the exact year isn't specified clearly.