The maximum duration for Instagram story videos is usually 15 seconds. But sometimes, you can string multiple 15-second clips together for a longer overall story.
Instagram story videos can typically be up to 15 seconds long.
Instagram story videos are usually limited to 15 seconds each. However, you have the option to post multiple consecutive 15-second clips if you want to show more content.
The maximum length for Instagram story videos is 15 seconds. But you can also string multiple 15-second clips together to create a longer narrative if you want.
Instagram story videos typically last for up to 15 seconds.
You can use third-party apps that allow you to split the long video into segments and post them one by one on Instagram story.
Instagram stories videos have a limit of 60 seconds. So, you need to be concise and make the most of that time to convey your message effectively.
Instagram Stories videos can be up to 15 seconds long each.
Instagram stories can be up to 15 seconds each for regular photos or videos. But if you use Boomerang or Hyperlapse, they can be a bit shorter.
An Instagram story usually lasts for a maximum of 15 seconds. But you can string multiple 15-second clips together to create a longer narrative if you want.
An Instagram story can typically last up to 15 seconds for a single video or photo. But you can string multiple 15-second clips together for a longer total duration.
The maximum duration for an Instagram story is 15 seconds. But you can string multiple 15-second clips together to create a longer story if you want. Also, you can use multiple images or short videos within that 15-second limit to tell your story.
The maximum duration for an Instagram story is typically 15 seconds per clip. However, you can have multiple clips in one story to extend the total duration. Also, some features like Boomerang or Superzoom might have their own specific time limits within the story.