In Italian,'short story' is translated as 'racconto breve'. It's a common phrase used in literature and language contexts. You might come across it when reading Italian books or having conversations about literary works.
The Italian word for'short story' is 'racconto breve'.
The phrase'short story' is expressed as 'racconto breve' in Italian. This is a straightforward translation. For example, if you want to talk about a short story you read, you would say 'Ho letto un racconto breve'.
The word 'comical' can be translated to 'comico' in Italian.
The Italian phrase for 'love story' is 'storia d'amore'.
The Italian word for'science fiction' is 'fantascienza'.
In Italian, 'detective novel' is typically 'romanzo d'indagine'. However, depending on the specific context or style of the writing, 'romanzo poliziesco' or 'romanzo giallo' could also be appropriate.
You can say 'comical' in Italian as 'comico'. It's a commonly used term to describe something funny or amusing.
The Italian term for 'science fiction' is 'fantascienza'.
You can say 'non-fiction' in Italian as 'saggistica'. It's used to describe various types of non-fiction literature like biographies, history books, and more.
The German word for'short story' is 'Kurzgeschichte'.
The Spanish word for'short story' is 'cuento corto'.