The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou. Wang Qinian recognized Fan Xian at a glance and praised him. He admired Fan Xian not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his talent and potential. Wang Qinian did not hesitate to take out the map he had meticulously drawn, wanting to sell it to Fan Xian.
The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou.
The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou. Wang Qinian recognized Fan Xian at a glance and praised him. He admired Fan Xian not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his talent and potential. Wang Qinian did not hesitate to take out the map he had meticulously drawn, wanting to sell it to Fan Xian.
The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou. Wang Qinian recognized Fan Xian at a glance and praised him. He admired Fan Xian not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his talent and potential. Wang Qinian did not hesitate to take out the map he had meticulously drawn. He wanted to sell it to Fan Xian to show off his skills and wisdom.
The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou. Wang Qinian recognized Fan Xian at a glance and praised him. He admired Fan Xian not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his talent and potential. Wang Qinian did not hesitate to take out the map he had meticulously drawn. He wanted to sell it to Fan Xian to show off his skills and wisdom.
The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou. Wang Qinian recognized Fan Xian at a glance and praised him. He admired Fan Xian not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his talent and potential. Wang Qinian did not hesitate to take out the map he had meticulously drawn, wanting to sell it to Fan Xian.
The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou. Wang Qinian recognized Fan Xian at a glance and praised him. He admired Fan Xian not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his talent and potential. Wang Qinian did not hesitate to take out the map he had meticulously drawn, wanting to sell it to Fan Xian.
The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou. Wang Qinian recognized Fan Xian at a glance and praised him. He admired Fan Xian not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his talent and potential.
The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou. Wang Qinian recognized Fan Xian at a glance and praised him. He admired Fan Xian not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his talent and potential. Wang Qinian did not hesitate to take out the map he had meticulously drawn, wanting to sell it to Fan Xian.
The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou. Wang Qinian recognized Fan Xian at a glance and praised him. He admired Fan Xian not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his talent and potential. Wang Qinian did not hesitate to take out the map he had meticulously drawn. He wanted to sell it to Fan Xian to show off his skills and wisdom.
The first time Wang Qinian and Fan Xian met was at the gates of Jingdou. Wang Qinian recognized Fan Xian at a glance and praised him. He admired Fan Xian not only because of his identity and status, but also because of his talent and potential. Wang Qinian did not hesitate to take out the map he had meticulously drawn. He wanted to sell it to Fan Xian to show off his skills and wisdom.