Itchy was spelled as sāo yāng.
Yes, itch was a polysyllable. The Pinyin for itchiness was yāng and yāng.
There were many possible reasons for itchiness, including dandruff, psoriatic skin, parasitides, and allergy. Dandruff is one of the most common causes, also known as seborheic hemorrhoid. Its symptoms include redness, itching, dryness, and peeling of the scalp. Psoriasis was a chronic, inflamed skin disease that caused thick red scales to appear on the scalp, accompanied by pain. Lice transmission can also cause itchy scalps, especially if you have a pet at home. Other reasons included dry skin, allergic contact inflammation, skin fungus infection, and so on. In short, there were many possible reasons for itchiness. The specific reason needed to be diagnosed according to the individual's situation.
The Pinyin of Danzhou can be written as "dānzhōu."
The English translation for "together" is "together".