Wen Zhong was King Zhou's Grand Preceptor and an important minister. At the same time, he was also the entrusted minister of King Zhou's father, Di Yi. He had a dignified position in King Zhou's heart. King Zhou respected him and feared him. Wen Zhong was loyal to the Shang Dynasty and protected the foundation of the Shang Dynasty. He had the Golden Whip that the former king had given him. The reason why King Zhou did not dare to deal with Wen Zhong was because of his prominent status and loyalty to the Shang Dynasty. At the same time, it was also because of Wen Zhong's integrity and uprightness. Wen Zhong's status and charisma made King Zhou afraid.
King Wen of Zhou and King Zhou were the two monarchs of the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Their relationship was opposite. King Wen of Zhou was a loyal minister of the last emperor of the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou. He had always submitted to the Shang Dynasty under the rule of King Zhou. However, King Zhou's excessive debauchery caused the wrath of heaven and the resentment of the people, which eventually led to his demise. After the death of King Zhou, King Wen of Zhou was succeeded by his son, King Wu of Zhou. He established the Zhou Dynasty and ended the rule of the Shang Dynasty. Therefore, King Wen of Zhou and King Zhou were enemies.
Grand Preceptor Wen and King Zhou were master and disciple. Grand Preceptor Wen was King Zhou's teacher. He had assisted the emperor of the Shang Dynasty when King Zhou's grandfather, King Wen Ding, was still alive. He had made great contributions to protecting the foundation of the Shang Dynasty. Grand Preceptor Wen was revered as an elder of the three dynasties. His prestige was extremely high, and he was given the power to beat the king with a golden whip. He could beat up incompetent emperors and treacherous officials. King Zhou was both afraid and respectful of Grand Preceptor Wen because Grand Preceptor Wen was his entrusted minister who helped him ascend the throne. Grand Preceptor Wen had a special status in the Shang Dynasty. His identity and dignity required King Zhou to respect and abide by the rules of the dignity of a teacher.
Bi Gan and Wen Zhong were like Uncle Wang and his nephew. Bi Gan was King Zhou's uncle, and Wen Zhong was King Zhou's uncle. They were all important figures in the last years of the Shang Dynasty in the Investiture of the Gods, but their endings were completely different. Bi Gan was killed because of his remonstrance against King Zhou of Shang, and Wen Zhong was the Grand Preceptor of King Zhou of Shang, who had extremely high prestige and influence. He controlled the core combat power of the Shang Dynasty, and he had been fighting for many years. He had pacified the North Sea and held military power. Therefore, Bi Gan and Wen Zhong had different statuses and fates.
Deng Chanyu was Grand Preceptor Wen's daughter. In the Romance of the Gods, Deng Chanyu and her father, Wen Zhong, fought in Beihai and Xiqi. However, the search results did not provide any clear information about the relationship between Deng Chanyu and Wen Zhong. Therefore, it was impossible to determine the relationship between Deng Chanyu and Wen Zhong.
The main reasons why King Zhou respected Wen Zhong were as follows. First of all, Wen Zhong had great strength and status. As the Grand Preceptor of the Shang Dynasty and an elder of the country's three dynasties, Wen Zhong was unparalleled in the Shang army. He was also a third-generation disciple of Jie School. He had strong magic power and was quite famous in Taoism. He had four generals and two disciples under him, and he could even invite the second-generation disciples of Jie School to help. In addition, Wen Zhong also had powerful magic tools such as the Black Qilin and the Golden Whip of the Flood Dragon. Although King Zhou was the ruler of the Shang Dynasty, his strength and status were not as good as Wen Zhong. Therefore, he knew that Wen Zhong was an important pillar to maintain the rule of the Shang Dynasty and did not dare to offend him easily. Secondly, Wen Zhong is loyal and upright. As a minister entrusted by Emperor Yi, Wen Zhong had deep feelings and responsibilities for the Shang Dynasty and King Zhou. He had always been loyal to the Shang Dynasty. He did not hesitate to quell the rebellion and remonstrate with King Zhou. Although he was a member of Jie School, he was not shaken by Jie School's conspiracy, nor was he tempted by Chan School's temptation. Therefore, King Zhou respected Wen Zhong. In short, Wen Zhong's strength and status, as well as his loyalty and integrity, made King Zhou revere him.
There were several reasons why King Zhou did not dare to kill Wen Zhong. First of all, Wen Zhong was King Zhou's trusted aide and was very loyal to King Zhou. He had a prominent position in the imperial court and was an important minister of the current Grand Preceptor and King Zhou. Secondly, Wen Zhong had a powerful backer. Legend had it that he had been appreciated and taught by Guang Chengzi, an immortal of the Shang Dynasty. He had the ability to predict the future and magical spells. Guang Chengzi was dissatisfied with King Zhou, which made King Zhou not dare to attack Wen Zhong easily. In addition, Wen Zhong's strength and status were also one of the reasons why King Zhou respected him. Wen Zhong was a cultivator. He had profound magic power and two magic weapons. No one in the Shang army could compare to him. King Zhou knew Wen Zhong's strength and status. He knew that he was an important pillar to maintain the rule of the Shang Dynasty, so he did not dare to offend him easily. In summary, King Zhou did not dare to kill Wen Zhong because of his loyalty, powerful background, strength, and status.
The specific content of Grand Preceptor Wen Zhong's speech to King Zhou was the Ten Major Items. These ten statements included demolishing the Deer Terrace, abandoning the cannon, filling the basin, abandoning the wine pond and meat forest, demoting Daji, beheading Fei Zhong and You Hun, opening the granary to relieve the disaster, appeasing the southeast, visiting the wise in the mountains, and accepting remonstrance to open the way for speech. However, King Zhou only agreed to seven of them and rejected three of them: demoting Daji, demolishing Lutai, and beheading Fei Zhongyou Hun.
Di Yi was King Zhou's father.
The King of Western Zhou was related to the Emperor. At the end of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty conferred his younger brother the title of Lord of the Western Zhou Dynasty. They were relatives of the same clan. The Emperor of Zhou was the ruler of the Zhou Dynasty and the highest ruler of the Zhou Dynasty. Although the Eastern and Western Zhou Lords had the same status as the other dukes, they were weaker. Therefore, it could be said that the King of Western Zhou and the Emperor of Zhou were relatives.
Wen Zhong and the Four Generals of the Mo Family were characters in the Investiture of the Gods. Wen Zhong used to be an important minister of King Zhou. Later, he couldn't stand King Zhou's brutality and rebelled. He became the Marshal of Xi Qi and led the army of Xi Qi to fight against the evil forces of King Zhou. The four generals of the Mo family were the evil forces of King Zhou. They launched a series of fierce battles and finally ended with Xi Qi's victory. According to the results of the search, Wen Zhong was the superior of the four generals of the Mo family. They were the commander-in-chief of Wen Zhong's subordinates at the Beautiful Dream Pass. The four generals of the Mo family were Mo Lishou, Mo Liqing, Mo Lihong and Mo Lihai. Each of them had their own unique skills and powerful weapons. In short, Wen Zhong and the four generals of the Mo family were enemies in the Investiture of the Gods.