Huangzhou, Huizhou, and Danzhou were the places where Su Shi was banished. Su Shi opposed Wang Anshi's new law and was banished to Huangzhou because he criticized the court in his poems. Later, he was demoted to Huizhou and Danzhou. In these three places, Su Shi spent a long time in exile. This poem was written by Su Shi in a self-deprecating tone, expressing his feelings of wandering and being demoted.
The meaning of the poem was that Su Shi replied that he had spent a long time in exile in Huangzhou, Huizhou, and Danzhou when someone asked him where his achievements were. This poem expressed Su Shi's feelings and helplessness about his wandering and banished life.
I asked you about your achievements in life. Huangzhou, Huizhou, Danzhou.
Huangzhou is now Huanggang City in Hubei Province, Huizhou is now Huizhou City in Guangdong Province, and Danzhou is now Danzhou City in Hainan Province.
The pronunciation of the whole poem in Huangzhou, Huizhou, and Danzhou is:
Huangzhou was located in Hubei Province, Huizhou in Guangdong Province, and Danzhou in Hainan Province.
Huangzhou was located in Hubei Province, Huizhou in Guangdong Province, and Danzhou in Hainan Province.
The correct pronunciation of Huangzhou, Huizhou, and Danzhou was: huángzhōuhuïzhōudānzhōu.
The correct pronunciation of Huangzhou, Huizhou, and Danzhou was: huángzhōuhuīzhōuudānzhōu.
Huangzhou was located in Hubei Province, Huizhou in Guangdong Province, and Danzhou in Hainan Province.