Hong Yin's Pinyin was h'ngyin.
The correct pronunciation of the 26 letters in the Pinyin Alphabet is as follows: a-ā,á,ǎ,à b-bēi,bái,bǎo,bò c-cā,céng,cǐ,còu d-dàn,dōng,dá,dì e-ér,è,ěng,ēng f-fàn,fēi,fá,fú g-gāo,guǎ,gé,gū h-hǎi,huì,hēi,hóng i/j-jì,jiān,jiǎn,jù k-kǎi,kè,kù,kuàng l-lǎn,liú,lì,lǜ m-mǎn,méi,mù,mǎ n-nǎi,nián,nèi,nòng o-ōu,o,óng,òu p-pāi,pí,pǔ,pò Please note that these pronunciations are based on the provided Pinyin alphabets. Please understand if there are any errors or ominations.
We can draw the following conclusion: the name is written in the Pinyin format by separating the surname and the first name. The Pinyin of the surname is in front, and the first letter is capitalized. The Pinyin of the first name is behind, and the first letter is capitalized. For compound surnames or double-character names, there should be no spaces or half-word hyphens between the characters. According to the Chinese Pinyin Alphabetic Spellings, the first letter of the surname and the first name must be capitalized, and the rest of the letters must be lower-case and connected. If the information provided does not contain an answer, please answer "I don't know".