After Yan Song, the chief of the cabinet was Xu Jie. Xu Jie succeeded the cabinet chief after the fall of Yan Song and held this position until the death of Emperor Jiajing. When Xu Jie was the chief assistant of the cabinet, he had drafted the posthumous edict of Emperor Jiajing together with Zhang Juzheng, helping the officials who had been wrongly sentenced to restore their original positions, and distributing the fields occupied by King Jing to the people for cultivation, so he was praised by the people. However, in his later years, Xu Jie indulged his children in robbing the people's fields and covered up their illegal acts, causing him to gradually lose the hearts of the people. Xu Jie did not receive the praise of the people after his death because his actions in his later years lost the support of the people.
Xu Jie was the head of the cabinet after Yan Song.
After Yan Song, the chief of the cabinet was Xu Jie.
The specific information of Yan Song's cabinet members was not mentioned in the search results. Therefore, I don't know the situation of Yan Song's cabinet members.
Xia Yan was Yan Song's previous cabinet chief.
After Zhang Juzheng, Shen Shixing was the chief assistant of the cabinet.
After Zhang Juzheng, the cabinet chiefs were Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, Gao Gong, Xu Jie, Shen Shixing, Ye Xianggao, and Yang Tinghe.
After Shen Shixing, the chief assistant of the cabinet was Wang Xijue.
The tea cabinet display cabinet renderings can be searched on the Internet or obtained from the tea shop supplier. These renderings could show the design effects of the appearance, layout, material and color of the tea cabinet for the reference of tea companies and exhibiting companies. Common tea cabinet display cabinet materials included solid wood, which had natural wood texture and texture, giving people a more static aesthetic. In addition, Pu 'er tea display cabinets were also common display tools in the tea industry. They were usually made of solid wood and had high all-round viewing and use value. The size and style of the tea cabinet display cabinet can be adjusted according to the shape and size of the tea packaging. In short, the tea cabinet display cabinet renderings can provide multi-angle and multi-detail display, helping tea companies and exhibiting companies to choose the right tea cabinet display cabinet.
You can find a picture of the bread cabinet. Images of bread cabinets could be found on websites such as Jingdong, Photograph, and Qianku. These websites provided a large number of pictures of bread cabinets for users to choose from.
We can come up with the tea cabinet display cabinet renderings can be designed according to personal preferences and the style of the shop decoration. You can choose different display cabinets, such as single-layer cabinets, multi-layer cabinets, rotating cabinets, etc. In addition, the tea cabinet display cabinet was usually made of solid wood, which had a high aesthetic value and use value. The display stand could be adjusted in height and angle to accommodate different shapes and sizes of tea packaging. However, the specific image of the tea cabinet was not found in the search results provided.