When King Zhou heard of the death of Grand Preceptor Wen, he felt very sad and cried. This showed that King Zhou had deep feelings and respect for Grand Preceptor Wen. Although King Zhou was a crazy and cruel monarch, he expressed his sincere condolences for the death of Grand Preceptor Wen. However, there was no clear answer as to why King Zhou respected Grand Preceptor Wen so much.
King Zhou was very respectful and afraid of Grand Preceptor Wen. Grand Preceptor Wen was King Zhou's entrusted minister. He played an important role in guiding King Zhou's growth. Grand Preceptor Wen had the power to control the army. He had once quelled a rebellion, so King Zhou knew his ability and strength. In addition, Grand Preceptor Wen was holding the Golden Whip, which symbolized authority and power. King Zhou was very respectful of him. Grand Preceptor Wen's background and strength also made King Zhou feel afraid. In short, King Zhou was afraid of Grand Preceptor Wen because his status, strength, and background made him an existence that King Zhou could not resist.
King Zhou was afraid to hear the news of the Grand Master. King Zhou was very respectful and fearful of Grand Preceptor Wen. Grand Preceptor Wen was King Zhou's entrusted minister. He helped King Zhou ascend the throne and had a high status in the imperial court. Grand Preceptor Wen also held the power to march and fight, almost equivalent to the future Regent. King Zhou grew up under Grand Preceptor Wen's careful guidance and respected him greatly. In addition, Grand Preceptor Wen also possessed powerful martial strength. King Zhou knew his strength well. Therefore, King Zhou was both afraid and respectful of Grand Preceptor Wen and dared not disobey his will.
Grand Preceptor Wen was King Zhou's Grand Preceptor and an important official.
[King Zhou was timid after hearing the return of the Grand Preceptor.] Grand Preceptor Wen was a boorish man. His deterrence made King Zhou afraid. Grand Preceptor Wen was known as Yin Shang's civil and martial double jade in the Investiture of the Gods. His contributions were far above Huang Feihu's, and he protected Great Shang almost single-handedly. When Grand Preceptor Wen returned from the Eastern Expedition, he found that the government was corrupt and Xiqi was gradually rebelling. In order to protect Yinshang, Grand Preceptor Wen sent troops to attack Xiqi and fought with Jiang Ziya. In the end, he was killed by Yun Zhongzi's Heavenly Fire Pillar. Grand Preceptor Wen's death meant that Huang Feihu had surrendered, and the destruction of the Shang Dynasty was just around the corner. King Zhou was afraid of Grand Preceptor Wen's return because he knew that Grand Preceptor Wen's existence posed a threat to his ruling position.
Grand Preceptor Wen and King Zhou were master and disciple. Grand Preceptor Wen was King Zhou's teacher. He had assisted the emperor of the Shang Dynasty when King Zhou's grandfather, King Wen Ding, was still alive. He had made great contributions to protecting the foundation of the Shang Dynasty. Grand Preceptor Wen was revered as an elder of the three dynasties. His prestige was extremely high, and he was given the power to beat the king with a golden whip. He could beat up incompetent emperors and treacherous officials. King Zhou was both afraid and respectful of Grand Preceptor Wen because Grand Preceptor Wen was his entrusted minister who helped him ascend the throne. Grand Preceptor Wen had a special status in the Shang Dynasty. His identity and dignity required King Zhou to respect and abide by the rules of the dignity of a teacher.
King Zhou did not dare to kill Taishi Wen. King Zhou killed Bi Gan, but he didn't do the same to Grand Preceptor Wen. There were several reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, Grand Preceptor Wen was the entrusted minister of King Zhou. He was entrusted to take care of King Zhou before his father died. This made King Zhou wary and dependent on Grand Preceptor Wen. Secondly, Grand Preceptor Wen had outstanding talent in governing the country and was also the pillar of the country. King Zhou needed to rely on Grand Preceptor Wen to stabilize the country and quell the rebellion. In addition, Grand Preceptor Wen was described as a person with powerful spells and high prestige, which also increased King Zhou's fear of him. To sum up, King Zhou did not dare to kill Grand Preceptor Wen because of his fear and reliance on Grand Preceptor Wen, as well as his talent and prestige.
Grand Preceptor Wen was an important character in the classic novel," Investiture of the Gods." He was the Grand Preceptor of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, and also a minister entrusted by Emperor Yi. He was the disciple of the Golden Spirit Holy Mother of Jie School. He had cultivated for 50 years and possessed powerful Dharmic powers and martial arts. Grand Preceptor Wen had won the trust of the King of Shang with his loyalty, integrity, and outstanding military and political skills, and was respectfully addressed as Grand Preceptor Wen. He once went on an expedition to the North Sea and fought hard for fifteen years to protect the territory of the Shang Dynasty. Grand Preceptor Wen was known as the highest combat power of the Shang Dynasty and was one of the leaders of the Shang Dynasty. He played an important role in the early stages of the God-Sealing War and was known as the head of the civil officials of the Shang Dynasty. Grand Preceptor Wen's ability and prestige were revered by King Zhou, but he was unfortunately killed in the battle. Grand Preceptor Wen's life was full of legends and tragedies. He was a character that could not be ignored in the Investiture of the Gods.
Grand Preceptor Wen was portrayed as a complicated character in the Investiture of the Gods. He was an important advisor to King Wu of Zhou and an important official in the late Shang Dynasty. He had made great contributions in the war and made plans for the Zhou army. He was described as a brave, resourceful, loyal and upright man. However, he also had some negative behaviors, such as obeying King Zhou's orders, giving him advice, and using the power of Jie School to resist Jiang Ziya and others. Therefore, there was a dispute about Grand Preceptor Wen's evaluation. His strength was not outstanding among the cultivators, but he had the cultivation of the Five Elements Great Dao and was good at Vajra Body Protection and whip techniques. Grand Preceptor Wen was very popular in the Investiture of the Gods because he displayed loyalty, wisdom, and courage.
Grand Preceptor Wen was an important character in the Ming Dynasty novel " Investiture of the Gods ". He was also the Grand Preceptor of the last emperor of the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou. He was the disciple of the Golden Spirit Holy Mother. When he was young, he became a disciple of the Golden Spirit Holy Mother of the Green Touring Palace of Jie School. After 50 years of learning, he went down the mountain to assist Di Yi. He protected the country of Yinshang almost by himself. Grand Preceptor Wen had performed well on the battlefield. He was good at using the Five Elements Dao Techniques and was proficient in Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. He had strong magic power and good martial arts skills. He played an important role in the God-Sealing War and was the representative of the Shang Dynasty. He was also one of the key reasons why the Daoist of Jie School helped the Shang Dynasty. Grand Preceptor Wen finally died in Juelong Mountain when he was fighting Xiqi in the west and was burned alive by Yun Zhongzi with Heavenly Fire Pillar. His soul was conferred the title of 'Heavenly Venerate of the Nine Heavens' Thunderous Primal Thunder'. In short, Grand Preceptor Wen was a loyal, intelligent, and powerful character.
Wen Zhong, also known as Grand Preceptor Wen, was an important character in the ancient Chinese novel," Investiture of the Gods." He was the Grand Preceptor of the last emperor of the Shang Dynasty, King Zhou. He was also one of the elders of the country's three dynasties. Wen Zhong had an important position in the Shang army and was given the Golden Whip to beat the king. He was a disciple of the Golden Spirit Holy Mother of Jie School and was proficient in Dao techniques and Dharmic powers. Wen Zhong was loyal to the Shang Dynasty. He was upright and resolute, and his prestige was very high. He had fought many battles in the North Sea, East Sea, and Xi Qi to protect the Shang Dynasty. However, in the end, when he was fighting Xiqi, Wen Zhong was killed by the Heavenly Divine Fire Pillar refined by Yun Zhongzi of the Clan of Enlightenment. Wen Zhong's life was full of fighting and loyalty. He was known as the Shang Dynasty's civil and military double jade, and was one of the important figures on the God-Sealing Hero List.