The reason why Long Sheng and his wife were in conflict was because each of the nine sons of the dragon was different, and the characteristics and personalities of these sons were all related to their mothers. For example, Qiuniu, the eldest son of the dragon, had a cow as his mother, so he liked to listen to music; Ya Zi, the second son, had a jackal as his mother, so Ya Zi had a fierce personality; and the other sons had their own characteristics. These different characteristics and personalities may cause conflicts between the dragon and his wife.
The reason why Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife was because he loved her and doted on her. He was willing to listen to her words and obey her instructions because he believed that his wife's words were imperial edicts and must be obeyed. He was afraid that he would be punished for disobeying his wife's orders at home. In addition, Wang Qinian also worked hard to earn money to provide a better life for his wife and children. He appeared to love money outside, but in reality, he was doing it for his family. Therefore, the reason why Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife was because of his love and respect for her.
Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife because he loved her and spoiled her. He was willing to listen to her words and obey her instructions because he believed that his wife's words were imperial edicts and must be obeyed. He was afraid that he would be punished for disobeying his wife's orders at home. In addition, Wang Qinian also worked hard to earn money to provide a better life for his wife and children. He appeared to love money outside, but in fact, he was doing it for his family. Therefore, the reason why Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife was because of his love and respect for her.
Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife because he loved her and spoiled her. He was willing to listen to her words and obey her instructions because he believed that his wife's words were imperial edicts and must be obeyed. He was afraid that he would be punished for disobeying his wife's orders at home. In addition, Wang Qinian also worked hard to earn money to provide a better life for his wife and children. He appeared to love money outside, but in fact, he was doing it for his family. Therefore, the reason why Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife was because of his love and respect for her.
Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife because he loved her and spoiled her. He was willing to listen to her words and obey her instructions because he believed that his wife's words were imperial edicts and must be obeyed. He was afraid that he would be punished for disobeying his wife's orders at home. In addition, Wang Qinian also worked hard to earn money to provide a better life for his wife and children. He appeared to love money outside, but in fact, he was doing it for his family. Therefore, the reason why Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife was because of his love and respect for her.
Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife because he loved her and spoiled her. He was willing to listen to her words and obey her instructions because he believed that his wife's words were imperial edicts and must be obeyed. He was afraid that he would be punished for disobeying his wife's orders at home. In addition, Wang Qinian also worked hard to earn money to provide a better life for his wife and children. He appeared to love money outside, but in fact, he was doing it for his family. Therefore, the reason why Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife was because of his love and respect for her.
Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife because he loved her and spoiled her. He was willing to listen to her words and obey her instructions because he believed that his wife's words were imperial edicts and must be obeyed. He was afraid that he would be punished for disobeying his wife's orders at home. In addition, Wang Qinian also worked hard to earn money to provide a better life for his wife and children. He appeared to love money outside, but in fact, he was doing it for his family. Therefore, the reason why Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife was because of his love and respect for her.
Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife because he loved her and spoiled her. He was willing to listen to her words and obey her instructions because he believed that his wife's words were imperial edicts and must be obeyed. He was afraid that he would be punished for disobeying his wife's orders at home. In addition, Wang Qinian also worked hard to earn money to provide a better life for his wife and children. He appeared to love money outside, but in fact, he was doing it for his family. Therefore, the reason why Wang Qinian was afraid of his wife was because of his love and respect for her.
In a conflict, they can use positive reinforcement. For instance, if the wife does something good, the husband can praise her instead of scolding or spanking. Also, taking a time - out when things get heated can be useful. This gives both of them time to cool down and then approach the problem rationally.
One possible main conflict is the difference in their new lifestyles. The ex - wife, being a billionaire, lives a life of luxury and power. The ex - husband, on the other hand, may have a much more ordinary life. This contrast could create a sense of inferiority or resentment in him, leading to conflict between them, either directly or through their interactions with the people around them.
The reason why Zhou Chu killed the believers was because they did not run away and continued to sing hymns. This made Zhou Chu feel that these believers did not take him seriously. He felt that he was being looked down upon. Therefore, he turned back and gave them a chance to choose "life" again. As long as the believers were timid, afraid of being injured, and dared to escape, they would not have the ability to be the boss. Because they did not have the courage and ability, Zhou Chu decided to kill them.