Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal Wu Zhu. In " Celebrating Years," Thirteenth Wang walked out of the Temple with a rectangular box on his back. Fan Xian also saw this box. Inside lay the sleeping Wu Zhu. After Thirteenth Wang found Wu Zhu, Fan Xian and the other two did not have any chance of winning against Wu Zhu. Thus, it could be confirmed that Thirteenth Wang had gone to the temple to steal Wu Zhu in the end.
In the end, Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal Wu Zhu.
In the end, Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal Wu Zhu. In " Celebrating Years," Thirteenth Wang walked out of the temple with a rectangular box on his back. Inside lay the sleeping Wu Zhu. Fan Xian and Haitang Duoduo also saw the box. Wu Zhu was an important character. He had the strength to rival a martial grandmaster. After Thirteenth Wang found Wu Zhu, Fan Xian and the other two did not have any chance of winning against Wu Zhu. Thus, it could be confirmed that Thirteenth Wang had gone to the temple to steal Wu Zhu in the end.
In the end, Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal Wu Zhu. In " Celebrating Years," Thirteenth Wang walked out of the temple with a rectangular box on his back. Inside lay the sleeping Wu Zhu. Fan Xian and Haitang Duoduo also saw the box. Wu Zhu was an important character. He had the strength to rival a martial grandmaster. After Thirteenth Wang found Wu Zhu, Fan Xian and the other two did not have any chance of winning against Wu Zhu.
In the end, Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal Wu Zhu.
In the end, Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal Wu Zhu. In " Celebrating Years," Thirteenth Wang walked out of the temple with a rectangular box on his back. Inside lay the sleeping Wu Zhu. Fan Xian and Haitang Duoduo also saw the box. Wu Zhu was an important character. He had the strength to rival a martial grandmaster. After Thirteenth Wang found Wu Zhu, Fan Xian and the other two did not have any chance of winning against Wu Zhu.
Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal some parts to treat Wu Zhu's injuries.
In the end, Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal Wu Zhu.
In the end, Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal Wu Zhu.
In the end, Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal Wu Zhu.
In the end, Thirteenth Wang went to the temple to steal Wu Zhu. In " Celebrating Years," Thirteenth Wang walked out of the temple with a rectangular box on his back. Inside lay the sleeping Wu Zhu. Wu Zhu was an important character, possessing the strength of a martial grandmaster.