Xu Ruzi's original text was: "When Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he once played under the moon. People said to him,'If there is nothing in the moon, will it be extremely bright?' Xu said,'No. For example, there are pupils in people's eyes. Without them, one would not understand."
Xu Ruzi was nine years old. He once played under the moon. People said to him,"If there is nothing in the moon, will it be very bright?" "No. For example, there are pupils in people's eyes. Without them, one would not understand." The translation of this ancient text was: When Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he once played under the moonlight. Someone said to him,"If there is nothing in the moon, it will be very bright, right?" Xu Ruzi said," It's not like that. It's like a pupil in a person's eyes. Without it, the eyes are not bright."
When Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he was playing under the moonlight. Someone said to him," If there is nothing in the moon, will it be brighter?" Xu Ruzi replied,"That's not the case." It's just like how a person's eyes have pupils. Without them, they definitely can't see."
Xu Ruzi's enlightenment of appreciating the moon was to learn to use his own wisdom and express his own views skillfully. In the process of admiring the moon, Xu Ruzi expressed the principle of not blindly agreeing with other people's views by comparing the pupils of people's eyes. He believed that although the moon was sometimes round and sometimes waning, it always adhered to its duty to bring light to the world at night. This story tells us that we must learn to find balance in the ups and downs of life, stick to our beliefs, and constantly pursue the perfection of our hearts. Xu Ruzi's story of admiring the moon also inspires us to conform to the laws of nature and live in harmony with it, rather than resisting and rebelling. His ideas still play an important role in today's environmental protection and sustainable development. In short, Xu Ruzi's enlightenment of appreciating the moon was to use wisdom, stick to faith, conform to nature, and pursue inner perfection.
When Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he once played under the moonlight. Someone said to him,'If there is nothing in the moon, will it be very bright?' Xu Ruzi said,'It's not like that. It's like there are pupils in a person's eyes. Without them, the eyes are not bright.'" The notes explained some key words, such as " if " meant " if "," object " referred to people and things, and " pupil " referred to pupils.
Xu Ruzi was nine years old. He once played under the moon. People said to him,"If there is nothing in the moon, will it be very bright?" "No. For example, there are pupils in people's eyes. Without this, they would not understand."
Xu Ruzi was a smart and thoughtful person. He was born into a family of Confucian scholars and had been very diligent in learning knowledge since he was young. He had extensive knowledge and had in-depth research in the fields of classics, philosophy, astronomy, arithmetic, and calendar. Xu Ruzi's character was like jade. He valued emotions and righteousness, was respectful, thrifty, humble, indifferent, and quiet. He was respected as a scholar of the South Region. He studied hard and was full of knowledge. Xu Ruzi was not only smart and witty, but also good at observation and thinking. He was also very eloquent. At the age of nine, he was able to recite some works and show a different kind of philosophical thinking. Xu Ruzi's noble character and his philosophy of respecting frugality made him respected. He had once acknowledged Huang Qiong as his teacher, but after Huang Qiong entered politics, Xu Ruzi took the initiative to cut off contact with him. Xu Ruzi had always adhered to the integrity of a scholar and was unwilling to be an official. Instead, he devoted himself to the cause of education, imparting knowledge and teaching the people poetry, books, and etiquette. He was conferred the title of one of the twenty-four sages by Liu Xie and entered the Imperial Ancestral Temple to enjoy the national sacrifice. In general, Xu Ruzi was a smart and studious intellectual with a noble character and advocated humility.
When Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he was playing under the moonlight. Someone said to him,'If there is nothing in the moon, will it be brighter?' Xu Ruzi said,'It's not like that. It's like a person's eyes have pupils. Without them, they definitely can't see it."
Xu Ruzi tasted it when he was nine years old. It referred to Xu Ruzi's experience of playing under the moonlight when he was nine years old. Someone asked him if there was nothing in the moon, would it be brighter? Xu Ruzi replied that it was not like that. He used the analogy of pupils in human eyes to explain that without pupils, the eyes would not be bright. This story expressed Xu Ruzi's intelligence and deep understanding of things when he was young.
When Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he once played under the moonlight. Someone said to him,'If there is nothing in the moon, will it be brighter?' Xu Ruzi said,'It's not like that. It's like a person's eyes have pupils. Without them, they definitely can't see it."
The classical Chinese translation of Xu Ruzi's appreciation of the moon is: "Xu Ruzi was nine years old. He once played under the moon. People said to him,'If there is nothing in the moon, will it be extremely bright?' Xu said,'No. For example, there are pupils in people's eyes. Without them, one would not understand." The meaning of this passage was that when Xu Ruzi was nine years old, he was playing under the moonlight. Someone asked him," If there is nothing in the moon, will it be very bright?" Xu Ruzi replied," It's not like that. It's just like how there are pupils in a person's eyes. If there are no pupils, the eyes won't be bright." This story tells us through metaphor that everything in the world has its reason and value. Just like how human eyes need pupils to see things clearly, the moon needs objects to shine. This story reminds us to look at problems from a comprehensive perspective. We can't just look at the surface. We must be good at thinking and understanding the essence of things.