The three evils referred to the ferocious tiger, the evil dragon, and Zhou Chu. This saying came from the New Words of the World: "When Zhou Chu was young, he was fierce and powerful, and was a disaster for the villagers. There were flood dragons in the river and white-fronted tigers on the mountains. Both of them harmed the people. The villagers call them the three evils, and Zhou Chu is especially ferocious."
Zhou Chuchu's three most wanted criminals were 'Ox Head' Lin Luhe,'Hong Kong Boy' Xu Weiqiang, and 'Guilin Boy' Chen Guilin.
The three evils were the tiger, the dragon, and Zhou Chu. This allusion originated from the stories in Shi Shuo Xin Yu and Jin Shu Zhou Chu Zhuan. When Zhou Chu was young, he was fierce and powerful, and was regarded as a scourge by his neighbors. In addition, there was a flood dragon in the river of Yixing County and a white-fronted tiger in the mountains. They had also become existences that harmed the people. Zhou Chu was considered the most serious of the three evils. Zhou Chu finally decided to get rid of these three pests. He first killed the white-fronted tiger, then went into the river to kill the flood dragon. Zhou Chu fought with the flood dragon for three days and three nights before finally killing it. This story described Zhou Chu's brutality and valor when he was young, as well as his determination and courage to eliminate evil for the people.
The three evils were the tiger, the dragon, and Zhou Chu himself. This conclusion came from the records in " New Words of Shi Shuo: Starting From the New." When Zhou Chu was young, he was fierce and powerful, and was regarded as a great scourge by the villagers. In addition, there was a flood dragon in the river of Yixing County and a white-fronted tiger on the mountain. Both of them brought harm to the people. Therefore, the people of Yixing called them the three evils, and Zhou Chu was considered the most serious one.
In the story of getting rid of the three evils, the three evils were the tiger, the dragon, and Zhou Chu.
The three evils in the story referred to the tiger, the dragon, and Zhou Chu. These three disasters had brought trouble and harm to the villagers. As one of them, Zhou Chu finally decided to get rid of these three evils and bring peace and happiness to the villagers.
The three evils referred to the fierce tiger, the evil dragon, and Zhou Chu. According to Shi Shuo Xin Yu and other related documents, Zhou Chu was violent and powerful when he was young, and was considered a great scourge by his neighbors. In addition, there was a flood dragon in the water of Yixing and a white-fronted tiger on the mountain. They also invaded the people. Therefore, people called these three the three evils.
Zhou Chu's 'three pests' referred to the three most wanted criminals, Niutou Lin Lu, Hong Kong boy Xu Weiqiang, and Guilin boy Chen Guilin.
The three evils of eliminating the three evils referred to the tiger, the dragon, and Zhou Chu. This allusion came from "Shi Shuo Xin Yu·Xin Xin Yu" and "Jin Shu Zhou Chu Zhuan", describing Zhou Chu's violent and powerful youth, which was regarded as a great scourge by the villagers. In addition, there were flood dragons in Yixing's rivers and white-fronted tigers on the mountains. They also invaded the people. Therefore, the people of Yixing called these three evils, and Zhou Chu was considered the most powerful one. Later, Zhou Chu turned over a new leaf and got rid of the tiger and the flood dragon, thus eliminating the three evils.
The three pests were Zhou Chu, the flood dragon, and the white-fronted tiger.
The three miscreants referred to the Southern Mountain White Tiger, the Long Bridge Dragon, and Zhou Chuyi.