Detective Conan was a Japanese mystery manga and animation series created by Aoyama Gangchang. The plot revolved around the primary school detective Kudo Shinichi and the Dark Organization. It mainly talked about his interactions with Conan Doyle, his assistant Maori Kogoro, and other detectives while investigating the case. Among them, the more interesting episodes included: Murder of a female university professor from the Dark Organization Mysterious passenger Confronting the Dark Organization: The Mysterious Duality Event of the Full Moon Night Tracking the Missing Murderer at the Crossroads of the Maze 5,478 Murders at the Same Time City Light The Secret Event of the Crossdressing Big Boss and His Friends The Cursed Melody Curry Stick of Confusion Tracking Target: Red Full Moon The target is Kogoro, Kogoro's Diary of Inference. Each of these episodes had different plots and characters, and some episodes even included special plots and scenes to make the audience feel more intense and exciting. However, due to the complicated plot of Detective Conan, the audience should be mentally prepared before watching it.
Detective Conan is a very popular Japanese mystery novel. Every episode contains a lot of interesting plots and suspense. Here are some episodes that I think are better: Clues to the Dark Organization The Crossroads of the Maze Murderer and Dog Suspect X's Sacrifice Magician at the end of the 5533rd century A Moment of Life and Death The Detective's Trembling The Collision of Red and Black The Target Is Kogoro Fifteen Minutes of Silence The Secret in the Lavatory Hidden Files Twenty Years of Murderous Intent White Tower The Detective's Fight The Crossroads of the Maze (Part 1) The Crossroads of the Maze (Part 2) Detective Conan vs Magic Duel Murderer-Kudo Shinichi Confused Hearing and Hearing Tracking the Missing Criminal Crisis of Love and Trust Mysterious passenger Kudo Shinichi's First Incident 25,553 Stalker The Legacy of the Explosion The Detective's Snowy Night Battle Secrets in the toilet (Part 1) The Secret in the Lavatory (Part 2) Red and Black Clash (Desperate Pursuit) Each of these episodes has different elements and plots that allow you to enjoy a different type of mystery novel experience.
Conan was a Japanese anime series. Each episode had a different storyline and character. Here are some of the better episodes of Conan: Curry Stick of Confusion Tracking the Missing Criminal Consecutive Inferences Consecutive Reasoning (Cont.) Safety of the Shinkansen Safety of the Shinkansen (continued) Mysterious passenger Mysterious passenger (continued) Painter in Trouble Painter in Trouble (continued) The above are some of the better episodes of Conan. I hope you will like them.
Detective Conan had a fixed number of episodes, 581 at the moment. The contents of each episode can be seen on the television screen or searched online. If you want more information, you can search for related information.
Detective Conan episodes 1 - 695 were as follows: Exploding Skyscrapers (1) The Crossroads of the Maze (2) Silver Wing's Magician (3 chapters) Detective's Night Clothes (4) The Princess and the Dragon on the Lonely Island Detective Conan (6 chapters) [7:21] The Collision of Red and Black Detective's Inference (9) Shadow of the Dark Organization (10) Two Similar People The Mystery Novelist's Tricks (12) Tracking the Missing Criminal White Tower (14 chapters) Desperate Pursuer (15) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro (17) The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel Between Love and Murderous Intent Conan VS Double Trap (20 chapters) The Crossroads of the Labyrinth Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Trickster of a Mystery Novelist (26) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel of Love and Killing Intent (30 chapters) The Crossroads of the Maze Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Trickster of a Mystery Novelist (36) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel Between Love and Murderous Intent The Crossroads of the Maze Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Trickster of a Mystery Novelist (46) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel Between Love and Murderous Intent The Crossroads of the Maze Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Trickster of a Mystery Novelist (56) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel Between Love and Murderous Intent The Crossroads of the Maze Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Trickster of a Mystery Novelist (66) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel Between Love and Killing Intent The Crossroads of the Maze Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Trickster of a Mystery Novelist (76) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel of Love and Killing Intent The Crossroads of the Maze Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Trickster of a Mystery Novelist (86) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel Between Love and Murderous Intent The Crossroads of the Maze Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Trickster of a Mystery Novelist (96) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel Between Love and Killing Intent The Crossroads of the Maze (101) Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Mystery Novelist's Tricks (106) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel Between Love and Killing Intent The Crossroads of the Maze (111) Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Mystery Novelist's Tricks (116) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel Between Love and Killing Intent The Crossroads of the Maze Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Trick of a Mystery Novelist (126) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Clothes A Duel Between Love and Killing Intent The Crossroads of the Maze Silver Wing's Magician The Detective's Night Clothes Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Similar People The Mystery Novelist's Tricks (136) Two Things at the Same Time The Target Is Kogoro The Detective's Night Cloak
Detective Conan episodes 1-566: 1. Detonate Skyscrapers The Fourteenth Target Magician at the end of the 3rd century The Assassin in the Pupils Countdown to Heaven The Spectre of Becker Street The crossroads of the maze Silver Wing's Magician 9. The Dead Corner on the Horizontal Line The Collision of Red and Black There Is Only One Truth The Detective's Night Visit 13 and the corporate emperor 14 Detective Conan The Detective's Trembling 15 Minutes of Silence Tracking the Missing Criminal Two Things Doing Simultaneously Detective's Inference Cherry Blossom Village of Love and Despair The Butterfly in the Maze The Murderer Kudo Shinichi Snow Girl's Red Lips The Ridiculous Traveler The Target Is Kogoro A Gathering of Mystery Novelists The Detective's Challenge A Sweet Trap The Secret of the Black Photograph A Moment of Life and Death Detective Conan The Detective's Lament The Detective's Fight Mysterious Train Countdown to Heaven The Red School Tour Summer's Afterimage The Truth Was Revealed The Detective's Doubts The Parting of Love and Tears The Target Is Kogoro The Silent Majority The Decisiveness of a Mystery Novelist The Detective's Determination A Sweet Trap A Moment of Life and Death Detective Conan The Fierce Fight of the Detective Mysterious Train Countdown to Heaven The Red School Tour Summer's Afterimage The Truth Was Revealed The Detective's Determination The Parting of Love and Tears The Target Is Kogoro
Detective Conan was a Japanese mystery anime, and each episode contained some mysterious cases. If you want to know more about this cartoon, you are recommended to watch the main plot, which is episodes 1-99, because these episodes contain the main plot and plot development of the entire story. In addition to the main plot, there were also some related cases and scenes, such as the reasoning process of Conan and his friends, the friendship story of Conan and primary school students, and the character images of various characters. These episodes could also be watched, but they were relatively not as important as the main plot. In general, there are many suggestions to start watching Detective Conan from the first episode and then gradually go deeper to better understand the whole story.
Detective Conan Special: 1. Solution (File792-794) The Suspect (2) 3 First Love Chapter 4: Dark Organization (File812-815) 5. The Stalker (821-823) 6 University Professor The Crossroads of the Maze (File902-904) 8 Silver Wing's Magician (File929-931) The Evil Spirit on the Horizontal Line (File946-948) The Quest for the Truth These special chapters had different storylines and characters that could be selected according to their preferences.
In Detective Conan, the relationship between Haihara and Conan was rather complicated. It was not good to directly recommend which episodes were better. However, the following are some of the more classic and attractive episodes with plots and character creation that can be used as reference: The Shadow of the Dark Organization recommended this episode to everyone because Conan's first love, Haihara, and the first deduction between Conan and Kogoro appeared here. Detective Squad VS Strange Thief KID This is the classic scene where Conan and the members of the Detective Squad solve the Red and Black Case together. It is also the episode where Conan's identity is exposed for the first time. 3 1029 Fei Yingli's Grief Haihara completely collapsed in this episode, allowing Conan to understand her feelings more deeply. The Detective's Night Journey Here is the scene where Conan and the members of the Detective Squad solve a series of mysteries together. The plot is compact and the characters perform well. In this episode, Conan discovers that a passenger is a member of the Dark Organization and begins a thrilling deduction with him. The above are some of the more classic and attractive episodes. Of course, there are many other exciting scenes and plots that you can choose according to your preferences.
Detective Conan was a Japanese mystery novel. It told the story of a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who was forced to take a small medicine while investigating the dark organization and became a primary school student, Conan. He used the identity of Conan to solve various cases with the primary school detective team. The number of good episodes depended on one's taste and preferences, but generally speaking, there were many episodes of Detective Conan, and each episode had many different cases and plots. Here are some of the well-received episodes: - The Crossroads of the Maze - The Collision of Red and Black - Silver Wing's Magician - The Detective's Night Song - The Detective's Trembling - Detective Conan's Mourning - Puzzled Listening and Hearing - Tracking the Missing Criminal - Tracking Simultaneously - The Red School Tour - An Explosion Saying Goodbye - The Hidden Truth in the Lavatory - Fei Yingli's Reasoning - Clues to the Dark Organization - Getting Close to the Truth of Huiyuan - The Missing Woman - The Moment of Love and Trust Each of the episodes above had a lot of exciting plots and characters that deserved to be carefully tasted by the audience.
Detective Conan was a 1004-episode mystery manga created by Japanese manga artist Aoyama Gangchang. The following are the classic episodes of the comic: 1-34 The story of Conan as an elementary school student begins with solving the mysteries and cases between elementary school students. 35-67 The story of Conan as a high school detective begins with solving a mystery and case between high school students. 68-90 The story of Conan as a college student detective begins with solving a mystery and case between college students. 91-103 The case that Conan and the members of the Detective Squad solve together contains some clues related to Conan's past. 104-129 Conan and Conan's Father Solved a Case Together. It tells the story of Conan's father's background and Conan's relationship. 130-147 The case that Conan and the members of the Detective Squad solve together contains some clues related to Conan's past. 148-167 Conan and Conan's Father Solved a Case Together. It tells the story of Conan's father's background and Conan's relationship. 168-189 The case that Conan and the members of the Detective Squad solve together contains some clues related to Conan's past. 190-206 Conan and Conan's Father Solved a Case Together. It tells the story of Conan's father's background and Conan's relationship. 207-220 The case that Conan and the members of the Detective Squad solve together contains some clues related to Conan's past. 221-239 Conan and Conan's Father Solved a Case Together. It tells the story of Conan's father's background and Conan's relationship. 240-257 The case that Conan and the members of the Detective Squad solve together contains some clues related to Conan's past. 258-276 Conan and Conan's Father Solved a Case Together. It tells the story of Conan's father's background and Conan's relationship. 277-290 Collection: Conan and the Detective Boys 'Summer Special tells the story of Conan and the Detective Boys' daily lives through various summer activities.