The Shawshank Redemption was a movie based on Stephen King's novel of the same name. The story took place in 1947, when the protagonist, Andy Dufresne, was wrongly convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment in Shawshank Prison in Maine. In prison, he suffered abuse and bullying, but through his wisdom and thirst for knowledge, he gradually gained freedom. The movie was set in the 1930s in the United States, where there was serious racial discrimination and class division, and criminal activities were extremely prosperous. Andy met a prisoner named "Red" in prison, who became Andy's friend and supporter. Red ran a service called the " library " in the prison to provide prisoners with reading and learning opportunities. In addition, he had helped Andy escape the surveillance of the prison cells many times. The theme of the movie was " Hope ", which expressed the human pursuit of freedom and hope. It tells the story of a prisoner's growth and freedom in prison, showing the complexity and perseverance of human nature. The film was also influenced by the war theme of 1941 during World War II, emphasizing the importance of human unity and freedom.