
How many foreign authors do you know? And their works.

2024-09-21 03:59
Do you know the works of famous foreign authors? Please answer 30 questions.
1 answer

There were many outstanding works abroad, and their creations involved many fields, including literature, drama, film, music, and so on. The following are some well-known foreign countries: 1. William Shakespeare: considered the most important works of the British Renaissance, including hamlet, othello, king lear, etc. 2. Edward E Smith: He is regarded as the representative figure of 19th century British literature. His works include Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield, etc. 3. Hugo Hugo: A representative figure of French romantic literature. His works include "Miserables,""Notre-Dame de Paris,""Sea Labourers," and so on. 4. Maurice Zola: A representative figure of French 19th century realist literature. His works include The Necklace and Marius. Leo Tolstoy: A master of Russian literature. His works include War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment, etc. 6 Maugham (Arthur Rimboud): A representative figure of French literature in the second half of the 19th century. His works include The Moon and Sixpence, The Chains of Human Nature, and so on. These were just some of the outstanding ones overseas.

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