
Youth classic, determined quote

2024-09-15 20:35
1 answer

The following are some classic sayings from young people: Without saliva and sweat, there would be no tears of success. Youth is capital. As long as you are willing to work hard, it is never too late. Without wind and waves, there would be no brave ride-takers; without thorns, there would be no unyielding pioneers. Choosing comfort was equivalent to giving up success; choosing stormy seas was equivalent to choosing gold and silver treasures. The fifth lane was under my feet, and no one could decide my direction. Only those who have their feet on the ground can say: The road is under my feet. 7 Success is not something that will happen in the future, but it will accumulate from the moment you decide to do it. Only by putting in effort can you get more returns. Courage isn't about not feeling fear, it's about feeling fear and continuing to do it. Never give up until you succeed!

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