
When did poetry begin?

2024-09-19 17:30
1 answer

Poetry originated in ancient Greece between the 6th and 4th centuries B.C. The early forms of poetry were mainly narrative poems such as Homer's Iliad and Odey. These poems described ancient Greek myths and historical stories that became an important part of ancient Greek culture. Later, the form of poetry gradually turned into lyric poetry and narrative poetry, and at the same time began to develop different topics and styles. The famous ancient Greek poets, Agamemnon and Prometheus, were famous for their poems. In the Middle Ages, the forms of poetry became more diverse, and many famous poets and works appeared, such as William Shakespeare, Dylan Thomas, etc. Their works were not only popular at the time, but they are still widely praised and appreciated today. The form and style of modern poetry were also constantly evolving and developing. There were still many excellent poets and works.

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