
Excerpt of beautiful words and sentences

2024-09-18 13:09
I want more, not love, thank you_ _ -
1 answer

Alright, here are some beautiful words and sentences: Life is a journey and I only want to walk this journey with you. Every outstanding person has an unknown story. The beginning of this story is a brave smile. Sometimes we need to let go of the past to move forward. True love is not about giving everything, but about making yourself a better person. True strength is to not forget the hope for the future even in the darkest moment. Life is like a ball, the person who taught you the first steps may not be able to accompany you until the end. In this world, the most precious thing is not what you can't get or what you've lost, but what you're doing. Sometimes, we are like cactus guarding against others and ourselves. The most important thing in life is not the road we walk, but the people we pass by. Life is too short. If you give up today, you might not get it tomorrow.

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Please provide me with the answers you need. I will try my best to copy 15 beautiful sentences.
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