There were four words to describe a woman's beauty. The more, the better!Beautiful, peerless, bright eyes, white teeth, watery, crystal clear, delicate, devastatingly beautiful, national beauty, natural beauty, elegant temperament, demeanor, gentle, lively, cute, smart, beautiful, delicate, fresh, natural, dignified, elegant, charming, delicate, devastatingly beautiful, bright eyes, white teeth, watery, crystal clear, delicate, devastatingly beautiful, national beauty, natural beauty, elegant temperament, demeanor. Gentle, lovely, lively, smart, beautiful, charming, fresh, natural, dignified, elegant, charming, charming, beautiful, devastatingly beautiful, bright eyes, white teeth, watery, crystal clear, charming, devastatingly beautiful, national beauty, natural beauty, elegant temperament, demeanor, gentle, lively, cute, smart, beautiful, charming, fresh, natural, dignified, elegant, charming, charming, devastatingly beautiful, bright eyes, white teeth. It was watery, crystal clear, delicate, beautiful, elegant, gentle, cute, smart, beautiful, beautiful, fresh, natural, dignified, elegant, charming, beautiful, bright, beautiful, beautiful, elegant, gentle, cute, smart, Beautiful, charming, fresh, natural, dignified, elegant, charming, charming, beautiful, country toppling, bright eyes, white teeth, watery, crystal clear, charming, country toppling, country toppling, national beauty, natural beauty, elegant temperament, graceful bearing, gentle, lively, cute, smart, beautiful, charming, fresh, natural, dignified, elegant, charming, charming, country toppling, bright eyes, white teeth, watery, crystal clear, charming. Nation toppling beauty, national beauty, natural beauty, elegant temperament, graceful bearing, gentle and lovely, lively and cute, smart and clever, beautiful and moving, charming and beautiful, fresh and natural, dignified and elegant, charming and moving, charming and beautiful, nation toppling beauty, bright eyes and white teeth, watery, crystal clear, delicate and beautiful, nation toppling beauty, natural beauty, elegant temperament, graceful bearing, gentle and lovely, lively and cute, smart and clever, beautiful and moving, charming and beautiful, fresh and natural. Elegant, charming, charming, beautiful, bright eyes, white teeth, watery, crystal clear, beautiful, natural, elegant, gentle, lively, cute, smart, beautiful, beautiful, fresh, natural, dignified, elegant, charming.