
Excerpt beautiful sentences from famous books

2024-09-15 15:30
1 answer

The following are some beautiful sentences from famous books: 1 In the middle of winter I found myself in a state of mind where I could see the beauty of the world around me even in the middle of snow-covered trees and fields - 2 The world is a library and we are its readers -_______(Faulkner) The only thing that saves us is the company of our own thoughts - 4 To live is to think to think is to live -________(Nicai) 5 To be or not to be that is the question -__________ 6 To ask why we fight and the answer is always the same: We do not want to be left behind -_________(Hai Mingwei) 7 The only way to learn is to teach -_________(Maslow) 8 All great art is a request for something more -_________(Marquez) The most important thing is not to be afraid of the future but to be afraid of the past -_______________________(Garcia Marquez) 10 To truly know a place you must go and be there -___________(Elliot)

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