
How could a book published in China be published overseas?

2024-09-14 04:44
The main terms I agreed with the publishing house: Chapter 1: Party B grants Party A the exclusive right to publish the above-mentioned works in the form of paper books, audio and video, and digital products within the validity period of the contract, and agrees that Party A will cooperate with a third party to publish the above-mentioned works in the form of digital products. In order to expand the publicity of the above-mentioned works, Party B agrees to grant Party A the exclusive right of information network transmission of the above-mentioned works within the validity period of the contract. Party A may exercise this right by itself or entrust a third party to exercise this right. Third, Party B guarantees that it has the rights granted to Party A as stated in the first and second articles. If the exercise of the above rights violates the copyright or other rights and interests of others, Party B shall bear all the responsibilities and compensate for the losses caused to Party A, and Party A may terminate the contract. During the term of the contract, if Party B wants to publish similar works (including anthology, anthology, complete works, etc.) in a third party, it must obtain the written approval of Party A. If there is a violation, Party A has the right to demand economic compensation and terminate the contract. In view of Party A's influence in the publishing industry and the domestic and foreign markets, Party B agrees to transfer the rights and other property rights mentioned in articles 1 and 2 of this contract (including 1. performance rights, 2. broadcasting rights, 3. filming rights, 4. adaptation rights, 5. Translating right, compilation right, etc.), Party A shall be granted the exclusive right to exercise or be sub-authorized by Party A to exercise by a third party, and Party A shall be authorized to sign copyright use contracts with domestic and foreign users of works on behalf of Party B in the name of Party A. The copyright usage fees shall be divided into the following proportions: 50% for Party A and 50% for Party B. Are there any unreasonable clauses? What if I wanted to legally publish a revised version of the book (with major changes) abroad? Thank you!
1 answer

To get the book published overseas, you can follow the following steps: 1. Decide on the type and theme of the book you want to publish and find a suitable foreign bookstore. He could search for relevant book publishing companies on the Internet or contact well-known publishing companies. 2. Negotiate a contract with the publishing company to determine details such as the publication time and payment method. Contract negotiations needed to take into account the requirements and expectations of the publishing company, as well as his own needs and goals. Prepare the necessary materials and documents, including the copyright page of the book, translated text, author information, editing and proofreading records, etc. These documents had to meet the requirements of the publishing company and had to be professionally translated and edited. Translate books into English or other languages to ensure that the language meets the requirements of the publisher. Translations required professional standards to ensure that the books were readable and had correct grammar. 5. Submit the translated book to the editor for review and editing. Edited and proofread needed to ensure that the content of the book was accurate, fluent, and standardized. 6. After editing and reviewing, submit the book to the publishing company for layout and design. Typography and design needed to take into account the book's format, size, cover, illustrations, and other aspects to ensure the overall quality of the book. 7. The final book is reviewed, published, and sent to the readers by the final bookstore. It was important to note that publishing a book required a certain amount of time and capital, as well as copyright and legal issues. Therefore, when considering publishing a book abroad, it was necessary to carefully assess the cost and risk and ensure that the quality of the book met the requirements of the bookstore.

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1 answer
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