The Chinese version of Tiantian's private cat was dàn dàn pèi pèi táng táng.
The Roman Pinyin for Sweet Private Cat OP was Táng Táng Shī Dāo Māo. The Chinese translation was Tian Tian's private cat.
The pronunciation of the word "world" was shi.
He was currently writing in Chinese Pinyin.
The Hanyu Pinyin of "a little" could be written as "liīliī'.
In " Sweet Private House Cat," the cat Xiaoqi was pronounced Qi. It was a cat named Mao Xiaoqi and was one of the main characters.
Li Jintai's Chinese Pinyin was Li Jin Ti.
The correct pronunciation of the 26 letters in the Pinyin Alphabet is as follows: a-ā,á,ǎ,à b-bēi,bái,bǎo,bò c-cā,céng,cǐ,còu d-dàn,dōng,dá,dì e-ér,è,ěng,ēng f-fàn,fēi,fá,fú g-gāo,guǎ,gé,gū h-hǎi,huì,hēi,hóng i/j-jì,jiān,jiǎn,jù k-kǎi,kè,kù,kuàng l-lǎn,liú,lì,lǜ m-mǎn,méi,mù,mǎ n-nǎi,nián,nèi,nòng o-ōu,o,óng,òu p-pāi,pí,pǔ,pò Please note that these pronunciations are based on the provided Pinyin alphabets. Please understand if there are any errors or ominations.
The Pinyin that the demon cat had passed down was: