The Scarlet Letter was an American noir film released in 1958, directed by William Yubin and adapted from Stephen King's novel of the same name. The story was about a young American who was sentenced to life imprisonment for writing an article about racial isolation. The protagonist of the film was a man named John Smith, who was accused of writing an article about racial isolation and sentenced to life in prison. In prison, he met a black woman named Emily and gradually established a relationship. John Smith was treated unfairly in prison, but through his correspondence with Emily and reading books, he gradually learned about the neglect and discrimination of black people in American history. In the end, he won Emily's heart through his own efforts and will and successfully escaped from prison. The Scarlet Letter was a film with a profound social meaning. It discussed the issues of racial isolation and discrimination and called for people to pay attention to and respect the history and culture of black people. The film received widespread praise and was considered one of the best films of 1958.