
What were the characteristics of the stream of consciousness?

2024-09-12 03:32
1 answer

Stream of consciousness is a literary technique that refers to the direct presentation of a character's thoughts, emotions, and sensory experiences to the reader without interference. The characteristics of the stream of consciousness included: 1. No obvious narrative structure: The narrative structure of the stream of consciousness is chaotic and there is no clear beginning, ending, turning, and ending. It often unfolds in a non-linear way, making it difficult for people to predict the development of the story. 2. Omitting a large amount of language: The language used by the stream of consciousness is very concise. It often omits language elements such as subject and verb to make the expression of the sentence more direct and emotional. 3. emphasize the sensory experience: the stream of consciousness often uses the sensory experience of the character to express the emotions and thoughts of the character so that the reader can have a deeper understanding of the inner world of the character. 4. Strong Subjectivity: The narrative content of the stream of consciousness often has a strong subjective color. The author often uses the character's own perspective to express his own views and feelings so that the readers have a strong resonance. 5. Leap: The development of the story of the stream of consciousness often does not have a clear beginning and end. Instead, it develops in a jumping way. The thoughts and emotional experiences of the characters are not fixed and the story line is unstable.

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1 answer
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1 answer
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1 answer
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