
Regarding copyright?

2024-09-10 15:10
Can I ask if the picture I drew on the computer is publicly sold on the Internet, and then someone else buys this picture, can he sell it again? If he sells this picture, is it considered as copyright violation (I didn't apply for copyright, and this picture has been sold to many people)
1 answer

copyright and copyright were two of the most important concepts in intellectual property. The copyright referred to the rights to literary works, music, movies, plays, photography, paintings, and other forms of art, including adaptation, translation, editing, and the creation of derivative works. On the other hand, copyright referred to the author's right to publish, adapt, translate, perform, sing, display, and other artistic forms of literary works, music, movies, plays, and so on. In the copyright protection of literary works, the rights enjoyed by the copyright owner include:1. The exclusive right is the right to prohibit others from copying, distributing, renting, performing, broadcasting, exhibiting, etc. to use their own works without their permission;2. The right to use is the right to use their own works when they are using it, but not to violate the right of others to use it;3. The right to adapt is the right to adapt, translate, edit, create derivative works, etc.;4. The right to protect is the right to protect their works from criminal and civil responsibilities. In the copyright protection of musical works, the rights enjoyed by the copyright owner include:1. The exclusive right is the right to prohibit others from copying, distributing, renting, performing, broadcasting, exhibiting, etc. to use their own musical works without their permission;2. The right to use is the right to use their own musical works when they use it, but not to violate the right of others to use it;3. The right to adapt is the right to adapt, translate, edit, create derivative works, etc.;4. The right to protect is the right to protect their own works from being violated, including criminal and civil responsibilities. In the copyright protection of film works and photography works, the rights enjoyed by the copyright owner include:1. The exclusive right is the right to prohibit others from copying, distributing, renting, performing, broadcasting, exhibiting, etc. without their permission to use their own film works and photography works;2. The right to use is the right to use their own film works and photography works without violating the right to use others;3. The right to adapt is the right to adapt, translate, edit, create derivative works, etc.;4. The right to protect is the right to protect their works from violation, including criminal and civil responsibilities. It should be noted that the legal provisions of copyright protection are not the only ones. Different countries and regions may have different legal provisions. Therefore, in specific practice, it is necessary to judge and deal with it according to local laws and regulations.

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