
Classic, inspirational sentences

2024-09-07 06:21
1 answer

1. Knowledge changes fate, and struggle completes life. 2. A man of virtue should strive for self-improvement. Three people's desires can't all be realized. Things that can't be achieved can't be forced. If you don't fly, you'll soar into the sky; if you don't sing, you'll amaze the world. There is nothing difficult in the world but perseverance. If you want to succeed, there's no excuse. If you want an excuse, it's impossible to succeed! No matter how dark the effort, there will be light in the day! The potential of eight people is an immeasurable and rich mineral resource that is just waiting for us to excavate. Success comes from hard work. Failure is only a temporary halt to success. If I can't, I must; If I want, I must!

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