
The sad sentence in the novel of the "Seer"

2024-08-31 04:24
The sad sentence in the novel of the "Seer"
1 answer

There were many sad sentences in the novel, and the following were some of the more classic ones: Without you, my world has no more color. My heart is dead, but you live in my heart forever. Even if you are no longer by my side, my heart is still beating for you. There is nothing more painful than losing you in this world. My love, even if you are not by my side, I will always protect you. I don't want to miss you anymore because I've already lost you. I don't want to lose you again. My heart has been broken into pieces and you are my eternal pain. Even if you are not by my side, I will always love you forever. My love, even if you have left this world, my heart will always beat for you. There is no one more important than you in this world. Even if you are no longer by my side, my heart will always pray for you.

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