The following aspects could be considered to match the resume's social practice with the position: Whether the job description is related to the social practice content: When writing your resume, you need to read the job description carefully to see what skills and experience are required for this position. If the social practice content is closely related to the job requirements, then you can write these experiences into your resume to enhance your competitiveness. 2. Whether social practice experience is related to the position: When writing a resume, you need to filter social practice experience according to the position requirements. If the position requires relevant skills or experience, then match the social practice experience with the job requirements and highlight the relevant skills and experience. 3. Whether social practice experience is beneficial to the position: When writing a resume, you need to consider the contribution of social practice experience to the position. If practical experience brings advantages to the position, highlight it and emphasize its contribution to the position in your resume. 4. Whether social practice experience is consistent with personal goals: When writing a resume, you need to filter social practice experience according to your personal goals. If your personal goals include working in a certain field, you can match your social experience with those goals and highlight the impact of your personal goals on your resume. 5. Whether social practice experience is consistent with personal characteristics: When writing a resume, you need to consider whether personal characteristics and social practice experience are consistent. If your personal characteristics are consistent with some social experience, you can highlight these experiences and emphasize the relationship between your personal characteristics and these experiences in your resume. There were many aspects that needed to be considered in order to match a resume's social practice with a position. It was necessary to filter and highlight the relationship between their contribution to the position and their personal characteristics based on job descriptions, personal goals, social practice experience, and many other factors.