Title: Honest Lending: A Life-Changing Story The protagonist, Xiao Ming, was a sensible child since he was young. He knew how difficult it was for his parents, so he often helped the family with housework and helped take care of his younger siblings. Although his family was not rich, Xiao Ming had never made any unrealistic requests to his parents. Little Ming had a good habit since he was young, and that was to be honest and trustworthy. He would never borrow money from others and not return it, nor would he not do what he had promised others. He believed that honesty and trustworthiness were the basic principles of life. Only by doing this could he truly win the respect and trust of others. After Xiao Ming grew up, he decided to use his integrity to change his fate. Xiao Ming's first job was as a waiter in a fast food restaurant. Although this job was very hard, Xiaoming felt that it was a useful job that could lay the foundation for his future. One day, Xiao Ming heard that a customer was not satisfied with his service, so he decided to give priority to the customer and try his best to satisfy the customer's needs. However, his efforts were not recognized by the customers. Instead, the customers were dissatisfied with him. Xiao Ming felt very depressed, but he did not give up. He realized that the key to customer satisfaction was integrity. Therefore, he decided to use his credit to guarantee the quality of his service. Xiao Ming borrowed money from his friends and promised to return it immediately after the service ended. He used his actions to prove his integrity and win the trust of his friends. Xiao Ming's efforts were rewarded, and his service was recognized by his customers. His company was also gradually expanding. In the end, Xiao Ming became a senior executive of the company. He used his integrity to change his destiny and contribute to society. Xiao Ming's story tells us that credit lending is a life-changing story. As long as we keep our word, we can succeed.