
Which one was Tang Yin's genuine 'Song of the Peach Blossom Nunnery?'

2024-09-17 06:47
Which of these two versions of "Song of the Peach Blossom Nunnery" was the real one? version one The Peach Blossom Monastery in the Peach Blossom Cove and the Peach Blossom Immortal in the Peach Blossom Monastery. Peach Blossom Immortal planted peach trees and broke their branches as wine money. When you are sober, you can only sit in front of flowers. When you are drunk, you must sleep under flowers. Flowers bloom day after day, drunk and sober year after year. I don't want to bow in front of chariots and horses, I hope to die of old age among flowers and wine. The dust of chariots and horses is enough for the rich to enjoy, and the wine and flowers are used by the poor. If you compare wealth to poverty, one is flat and the other is heaven. If you compare poverty with chariots and horses, he can drive me to leisure. The world laughed at me for being too arrogant, and I laughed at the world for not seeing through me. I remember the tombs of heroes in the five mausoleums. There were no flowers, no wine, no hoes, no fields. Version 2 The Peach Blossom Monastery in the Peach Blossom Cove, under the Peach Blossom Monastery is the Peach Blossom Immortal. Peach Blossom Immortal planted peach trees and plucked peach blossoms to exchange for wine money. When sober, I sit in front of flowers; When drunk, I sleep under flowers. Half drunk and half awake, day after day, flowers fall and bloom year after year. I wish I could die of old age among flowers and wine, unwilling to bow in front of chariots and horses. The dust of chariots and horses is obvious, and the wine and flowers are hidden. If you compare the wise with the recluse, one is on the ground and the other is in the sky. If you compare flowers and wine with chariots and horses, why are they busy and why are we idle? Others laughed at me for being too crazy, while I laughed at others for not being able to see through me. I can't see the tombs of heroes in the five mausoleums. There are no flowers, no wine, no hoes, no fields.
2024-09-17 09:48

Tang Yin's original "Song of the Peach Blossom Nunnery" was generally believed to be a poem written by the Ming Dynasty writer Tang Bohu, titled "Song of the Peach Blossom Nunnery." With peach blossoms as the theme, the poem described the poet drinking tea, playing chess and writing in the Peach Blossom Monastery, and expressed his feelings about life. However, there were also some people who believed that "Song of the Peach Blossom Nunnery" was not written by Tang Yin but was compiled by later generations. The main reason for this point of view was that there were many words and grammar that did not conform to the style of Tang Dynasty poetry, as well as the differences with Tang Yin's other works. Therefore, there were different opinions and debates on which was the real version of Tang Yin's Song of the Peach Blossom Nunnery.
