The reason why writers, philosophers, and philosophers were so powerful was that they could reflect on and explore the nature of human beings, society, culture, history, and the universe through their unique perspectives and ways of thinking. In their literary works, writers usually express their thoughts and feelings through artistic means, showing their deep insight and understanding of human nature, emotions, society, and nature. Their writing skills and inspiration came from their lives and experiences, as well as their thoughts and concerns about the fate of mankind. On the other hand, philosophers usually conducted in-depth research and exploration on topics such as human nature, morality, knowledge, truth and existence. Through philosophical thinking and reasoning, they attempted to answer basic questions about the universe, human beings, and existence, and to explore the nature and behavior of human beings in depth. Thinkers are the further development and deepening of philosophers, usually not only concerned with philosophical issues but also social, cultural, and political issues. They tried to put forward new theories, perspectives, and ideas through thinking and research, and made important contributions to human civilization and social development. The reason why writers, philosophers, and ideologists were so powerful was that they deeply reflected on and explored the nature of human beings, society, culture, history, and the universe through their unique perspectives and ways of thinking, and made important contributions to the future of mankind and the development of society.