
How was the modern history of China divided? How was the modern history of literature divided?

2024-09-09 21:16
I want a specific answer! The specific answer!
2024-09-09 22:46

China's modern history could be divided into the following stages: 1. Late Paleolith to Xia Dynasty (2070 - 210 B.C.): The earliest human fossils found in China during this period marked the origin of human beings in China. 2 Xia Dynasty (210 - 206 B.C.): Xia Dynasty was the first feudal dynasty in China and established the political system of China. 3. Shang Dynasty (206 - 160 B.C.): The Shang Dynasty was a glorious period in Chinese history, leaving behind a rich cultural heritage. The Western Zhou Dynasty (160 - 771 B.C.): The Western Zhou Dynasty was an important period in Chinese history. The implementation of the abdication system of the Zhou emperor marked the beginning of China's feudal system. 5 Eastern Zhou Dynasty (771 B.C. -256 A.D.): The Eastern Zhou Dynasty was a period of division in Chinese history. The Spring and Autumn Period was dominated by vassals, and the Warring States Period was dominated by seven heroes. 6 Qin Dynasty (221 - 206): The Qin Dynasty unified the six countries and established China's first central state. The Western Han Dynasty (206 - 8 AD): The Western Han Dynasty was a prosperous period in Chinese history. The economy was prosperous and the culture developed. The Eastern Han Dynasty (25 - 220 AD): The Eastern Han Dynasty was a short period of political turmoil and cultural prosperity in Chinese history. The period of the Three Kingdoms (220 - 280 AD): The period of the Three Kingdoms was a period of division in Chinese history. The three countries established their own political power. 10 Western Jin Dynasty (265 - 316 AD): The Western Jin Dynasty was a short period of political turmoil and cultural prosperity in Chinese history. Eastern Jin Dynasty (317 - 420): The Eastern Jin Dynasty was a regime in Chinese history that marked the shift of the political, cultural, and economic center of gravity of southern China to the south. The Northern and Southern Dynasties (420 - 589): The Northern and Southern Dynasties was a period of division in Chinese history. The Northern and Southern Dynasties attacked each other and the culture flourished. Sui Dynasty (581 - 618): Sui Dynasty was a short period in Chinese history. Emperor Wen of Sui unified the Northern and Southern Dynasties and established the Sui Dynasty. 14 Tang Dynasty (618 - 907): The Tang Dynasty was a glorious period in Chinese history. The economy was prosperous and the culture developed. The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (907 - 960): The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period was a period of division in Chinese history. The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms each established their own political power and culture flourished. 16 Song Dynasty (960 - 1279): The Song Dynasty was a glorious period in Chinese history. The economy was prosperous and the culture was developed. 17 Yuan Dynasty (1271 - 1368): The Yuan Dynasty was a short period in Chinese history with a vast territory and a prosperous culture. 18 Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644): The Ming Dynasty was an important period in Chinese history. The economy was prosperous and the culture was developed. 19 Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1912): The Qing Dynasty was a short period in Chinese history. The economy was backward and the culture was declining. Modern History (1912 - 1949): This period was an important period in Chinese history. It experienced major events such as the 1911 Revolution, the May 4th Movement, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the War of Liberation. China's politics, economy, and culture had made great progress. The modern history of literature could be divided into the following stages: 1. The period of the Book of Songs (11th century B.C. -6th century B.C.): This period was the earliest period of poetry in China, represented by the Book of Songs. 2. The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period (6th century B.C. -221 B.C.): This period was a period of prosperity in Chinese history. There were hundreds of schools of thought such as Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, Legalism, etc. 3. Qin and Han Dynasties (221 B.C. -220 A.D.): The Qin and Han Dynasties were an important period in Chinese history. It was the time when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty perished. 4. Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties (220 - 589): This period was a period of cultural prosperity in Chinese history. Many excellent literary works appeared, such as the Book of Jin and the Book of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. 5 Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties (589 - 1912): This period was a period of literary prosperity in Chinese history. Many famous literary works appeared, such as Tang poetry, Song prose, Yuan novels, and Ming opera.
