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Wabah zombie semakin meluas, kota-kota disekitar Seoul telah mati. Hal ini berawal dari para peneliti yang mengembangkan senjata biologis manusia. Mereka mengembangkan manusia-manusia mutan yang dapat bermutasi dan dapat meningkatkan kekuatan pada setiap keadaan. Zombie yang telah bermutasi mencipatakan dua golongan zombie, yakni zombie mutan dan zombie monster yang lebih ganas dan telah kehilangan kemanusiaan. Nenek Nam yang tinggal di sebuah Panti Jompo di pegunungan, mau tidak mau harus keluar dari Panti Jompo untuk mencari bantuan yang katanya, ''Pemerintah mengoperasikan Tim Evakuasi Udara.'' Mendengar sang cucu telah berada di gedung evakuasi, membuat nenek Nam membangun semangat untuk mempertahankan nyawanya. Ia bersama enam lansia, bergerak sembunyi-sembunyi di kota Zombi menuju perbatasan kota. Tetapi mereka tidak tahu, bahwa ada banyak misteri yang meliputi tiap mayat hidup di kota itu. Siapa yang mati? Siapa yang berkorban? Siapa yang selamat? Atau mungkin tidak ada! Semuanya tak dapat diramalkan, kecuali anda membaca seluruh ceritanya. Cerita ini dikemas dalam 5 vol. atau 5 season. Anda dapat memilih setiap season yang ingin dibaca, #Sekilas Daftar isi Novel. Season 1, perjuangan para lansia dan seorang ketua perawat menuju gedung isolasi. season 2, menceritakan cucu nenek Nam, Yeo Han dan para mahasiswa bergerak menuju gedung isolasi. Cerita nuansa anak muda in tidak kalah mendebarkan, karena mengikuti pola pikir anak muda untuk menemukan cara selamat. season 3, menceritakan seorang mutan zombie yang melawan mutan dalam dirinya. Zombie yang berusaha mempertahankan kesadaran kemanusiaannya. season 4 dan 5, menceritakan penelitian besar dan hasrat para mutan untuk membangun peradaban tersendiri di tengah manusia. [ akan ada perang besar antara manusia dan mutan zombie ].

Vince_Umino · Action
271 Chs

Javanese Freislor

"Sadarlah, Breckson! Kau tidak akan bisa hidup bersamaku! Sekalipun aku mencintaimu, tapi aku tahu kedudukan kita berbeda!" pekik Freislor. "Aku tidak peduli itu, Freis!" Breckson menjawabnya dengan nada tinggi. Freislor, sosok perempuan yang memiliki tugas tersendiri untuk menemukan sosok Grendolfin, seorang dewi yang diutus ke bumi untuk mengadili suatu perkara. Ia bertemu dengan sosok Breckson, salah satu pemimpin Negara Zavrainz yang digadang-gadang menjadi pusat peradaban dunia. Pertemuan mereka diawali dengan kejadian tragis. Di mana Freislor merupakan salah satu kaum buangan dari beberapa negeri. Ia memperjuangkan para penduduknya untuk diberikan tempat tinggal di Negara Zavrainz sekalipun dia mendapat hinaan dan pembulian dari para warga. Beberapa tahun setelahnya, dia melanjutkan misi untuk mengalahkan Tuan Reos. Pada akhirnya, Breckson, Freislor dan Tuan Krapolis berkelana ke masa lalu, masa depan dan kematian untuk menemukan Grendolfin. Di sana, mereka mendapatkan beberapa pengetahuan baru mengenai Hasta Brata yang berasal dari kaum Jawa. Tak hanya itu, dia mendapatkan teka-teki baru yakni dengan permainan angka dan waktu yang terdiri dari satu, tiga dan juga lima. Hal itu diperjelas dengan sebuah puisi yang dibuat oleh ayahnya. Satu kali satu, aku berlari Dua kali satu, aku berputar Tiga kali dua, aku berhenti Tunggu dulu, sepertinya aku salah langkah Ku putar langkahku sebesar tiga puluh derajat ke kiri Ku dapati sebuah garis panjang yang mengarah ke suatu tempat Dihiasi cahaya bermandikan gemerlap bintang Aku dan kamu menjadi kita Selama perjalan, mereka juga mendapatkan kunci untuk mengalahkan Tuan Reos dari adanya petunjuk Serat Joyoboyo. Tak hanya itu, dia juga menemukan jati dirinya sebagai pemimpin di sebuah negeri. Breckson akhirnya sempat menyatakan cinta kepada Freislor. Namun, kisah cinta itu berubah setelah bertemu dengan Poresa. Ditambah lagi, beberapa kitab kuno menyebutkan bahwa hidup Freislor hanya sebatas hitungan angka dan waktu. Lantas, bagaimanakah dengan misi mereka? Akankah mereka berhasil membunuh Tuan Reos? Bagaimana dengan kisah cinta Freislor? Siapa yang akan dia pilih?

Rainzanov_words · Fantasy
351 Chs

Escape System: Rise of the New Hero

Synopsis: Atlas Sterne was suddenly thrashed in an exhilarating adventure of fighting monsters and saving the world from destruction...unwillingly! When his ordinary life was visited by an bizarre creature that he never even thought existed, he discovered a shocking revelation about the world he lives in – the world will end from the invasion of monsters, and all human lives will be at risk of extinction. With the information that the world can be saved by the protagonist, which greatly put a massive relief on him, he was then informed by a piece of ultra-shocking news – the said protagonist had died! After hearing such atrocity and seeing that what he heard was true and not just a fragment of his fantasies, his first thought was to end himself to escape that terrifying future. However, he was shocked to find out that he already possessed a cheat code! Now, Atlas was faced with blackmail and threats from the guardians of the world, asking him to fill in and fulfill his role properly! But how could he rescue the entire humanity when all he knows is to paint nudes? Is he befitting of being called the protagonist? Or the guardians were merely toying with him? Find out if Atlas will be able to live on in his new role or will he just end up painting the destruction of the world…with everyone naked! --- Support this book by leaving a REVIEW and voting POWER STONES. Thank you so much^^ -Cover is mine^^

superAyan · Fantasy
40 Chs

Escravo das Sombras

Crescendo na pobreza, Sunny nunca esperou algo bom da vida. No entanto, nem mesmo ele antecipou ser escolhido pelo Feitiço do Pesadelo e se tornar um dos Despertos - um grupo de elite de pessoas dotadas de poderes sobrenaturais. Transportado para um mundo mágico em ruínas, ele se viu enfrentando terríveis monstros - e outros Despertos - em uma batalha mortal pela sobrevivência. Para piorar, o poder divino que recebeu possuía um pequeno, mas potencialmente fatal efeito colateral...

Guiltythree · Fantasy
712 Chs

Stuck With You: EUPHORIA

Rose Moona Grace. Nama yang cantik, gadis yang lahir di Melbourne, Australia. Ia lahir di ibukota Australia dengan banyaknya kesedihan yang mendalam dari perjalanan hidup nya ini. Dia adalah satu satunya perempuan yang hingga saat ini berani sekali melawan perkataan orang tua nya. Sikap nya yang blak-blakan. Liar dan suka berkata kasar. Rose Moona Grace, baru saja menyelesaikan kuliah nya. Dia kini menjadi seseorang yang memliki gelar 'S1 Seni Musik' di universitas ternama di Australia. Dan Kemungkinan akan masih berlanjut hingga S2. Hidup nya yang tidak pernah berubah. Terus terusan seperti ini. Tidak ada kemajuan nya sama sekali. Mata nya yang selalu lembab dengan air mata. Semua itu karena rasa Traumanya. "Gue pasti ga bakalan bisa jadi orang terkenal. Gue juga ga bakalan pernah jadi anak kesayangan. Gue juga benci Tuhan. Gue juga ga suka sama lu." Ucap Rose dengan memandang langit langit yang indah sekali. "Lah apa hubungan nya sama gue? Ada ada aja..." Semuanya terjadi, dan berawal dari hari Halloween. Mereka berdua terjebak disana. Ini bukan kasus pembunuhan biasa. Mereka berdua terjebak dalam cinta sejak hari itu. Sungguh mengejutkan sekali.

Laurens_Fan7 · Teen
393 Chs

The Transmigrated Author

Axel, a struggling novelist, stumbles upon an otherworldly online writing tool promising an unprecedented level of realism for storytelling. Interested, he hurriedly signs up without reading into the terms and conditions. Ready to breathe life into his almost-finished novel, Axel excitedly imports his work into the platform shortly before drifting off to sleep. To his surprise, Axel awakens as an unnamed character within the very world he once wrote. the website's terms concealed a mysterious clause, entwining his destiny with that of the novel he created. Chapter Release Schedule: Monday - 1 Chapter Tuesday - 1 Chapter Wednesday - 2 Chapters Thursday - 1 Chapter Friday - 1 Chapter Saturday - 2 Chapters Sunday - 1 Chapter Projection of chapters: 900 - 1000 chapters Releases for chapters are scheduled at midnight - early morning AEDT time. Discord Server Coming soon.

zowji · Fantasy
153 Chs

CEO's Revenge

Pembalasan dendam seorang CEO kepada CEO lainnya yang dianggap telah membuat keluarganya jatuh miskin ketika dirinya masih duduk di bangku SMP. Pria itu melakukan segala cara untuk membalaskan dendamnya pada keluarga Tirta. Mulai dari merebut tunangan anak sulung mereka, hingga melakukan penipuan terhadap perusahaan milik keluarga Tirta. Sementara itu, seorang wanita cantik dan berkelas berencana menghancurkan hubungan mantan tunangannya dengan wanita lain yang ternyata adik kandungnya sendiri. ~~~ "Kamu adalah pria terbodoh di dunia. Sekarang wanita itu adalah milik saya dan saya akan mengambil perusahaanmu cepat atau lambat." Pria tersebut tersenyum licik sambil mematut dirinya di depan cermin. *** "Sampai kapanpun, saya tidak akan membiarkan mantan tunangan saya menikah dengan wanita itu!" tandas Diana. ***

Vienna_Gu · Urban
220 Chs


(+18 content.) His life takes a turn for the better. Prologue Could it be that he knows, and that's why he...?" The life of secrets, betrayal, and firm In the midst of being lonely some days, Karalana takes a turn in life for the better. Karalana's mind was a swirling tempest of memories.The weight of his mother's death hung heavy on his shoulders—a tragedy that had shattered his world. Though the accident had been beyond his control, the blame was inescapable. One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the mountains, he met Sharisha. Her presence was a gentle breeze that momentarily calmed the storm in his heart. The two shared a secret beneath their imaginations, their whispered words forming an unbreakable bond. As time passed, Karalana couldn't deny the growing connection between them. In Sharisha, he saw not just a refuge from his past but the promise of a brighter future. And so he made a decision to be by her side: he would keep his mother's death a secret from her; it was a lie born out of love. In the glittering city of Smokey Valley and with unfamiliar faces, Karalana's trust issues deepened like a chasm in his soul. Surrounded by the wealthy elite, he felt like an outsider, a mere spectator in a world where people wore masks of politeness and privilege. When every smile seemed to have hidden agendas. He couldn't help but wonder if, in this world of opulence, genuine connections were a rarity. The memories of his cousin's past betrayal and the weight of his tormenting memory only fueled his suspicion of everyone he met. Yet, amid this sea of unfamiliarity,Sharisha remained his anchor. Her unwavering support and genuine affection were the glimmers of light in his darkening world. With her, he dared to believe that trust could be rekindled, even in a city where wealth and facades seemed to rule. The unexpected marriage of Karalana and Sharisha sent shockwaves through Sanka and Abisai's circle of friends.

Claudiah · Urban
86 Chs

Blue Angel in search of Innocent Soul

Blue Angel in search of innocent soul, when counter with Maria starts mystery, magics &tragedy. It is complete family novel, I'm excited to share this story with you. It's about two very different people: Maria and Magician Jack. Maria's strong, and despite tough times, she's trying to find happiness. Magician Jack, on the other hand, has darker plans. I want you to think about choices and how they shape our lives. Sometimes, mysterious things happen around us. In this story, we explore these mysteries. Follow Maria and Magician Jack's journeys, think about what they do, and how it affects them and those they meet. Whether you like the light or the shadows in this story, I hope you enjoy reading it. It is complete family novel for all age groups Thanks for joining me on this adventure. Best wishes,  

Malik_2023 · Horror
32 Chs

The Smell of Crime

Berbagai kasus yang terjadi di kota Marseille telah membuat seorang penyidik yang baru saja di mutasi ke kota tersebut harus ikut terlibat, penyidik itu bernama Benjamin. Frank Benjamin merupakan seorang laki-laki muda dewasa dengan perawakan yang cukup tinggi dan berusia kira-kira dua puluh delapan tahun. Ia harus dihadapkan dengan kasus-kasus yang sulit dipecahkan bahkan sebuah pembunuhan yang sangat kejam hingga harus berurusan dengan organisasi berbahaya yang membuatnya harus mendapatkan teror-teror mengerikan yang hampir membunuhnya. Demi menjalankan sebuah rencana untuk menghancurkan organisasi berbahaya, membuat Benjamin harus menyamar dan merubah identitasnya sementara waktu. Mampukah Benjamin membongkar jaringan kejahatan dan menghancurkan organisasi berbahaya di Kota Marseille? Akankah Benjamin akan berhasil membongkar kasus demi kasus yang terjadi dan menjadikan kota Marseille menjadi aman dari kriminal? Ikutin kisah perjalanan Franc Benjamin dalam menuntaskan kasus-kasus di kota tersebut.

Mauls09 · History
269 Chs

The Vinx System

In a contemporary and formidable world, seemingly ordinary individuals possess extraordinary abilities thanks to an advanced technology known as 'Vinx.' Among them is Shin Nanoa, an 18-year-old student at Saturon University, and Mooni Sato, also known as Vinxurian Zero. Together, they embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries behind this cutting-edge technology and unearth the origin of Mooni and her extraordinary kind. As they delve deeper into the secrets of Vinx, they discover a web of hidden truths concealed by the government to maintain a delicate balance, preventing the dominance of Vinxurians. The narrative unfolds as Shin and Mooni navigate a world where ordinary façades mask extraordinary potential, unveiling a gripping tale of intrigue, discovery, and the struggle for equilibrium in a society on the brink of transformation.

Niiyeng · Fantasy
31 Chs

Marido de Casamento de Prova: Precisa Trabalhar Duro

Na noite anterior ao seu casamento, seu noivo fugiu com sua amante. Frustrada, ela agarrou o homem que estava na frente do Cartório, "Presidente Mo, sua noiva não chegou e meu noivo fugiu ...Posso sugerir que nos casemos?" Antes do casamento, ela disse, "Mesmo que compartilhemos a mesma cama, nada acontecerá entre nós!" Depois do casamento, ele disse, "Se não tentarmos, como saberíamos?"

Passion Honey · Urban
537 Chs

Like Strawberry Candy

A "Breaking Into Your Heart" Story Since she's been a little girl, she has known the true nature of men: cunning, shameless, and selfish. The not so trustworthy opposite sex has left a deep mark withing her, something she has been fighting with as boys started to become more and more appealing to her eyes. Cassidy loves her best friend, the reason she's been freaking out lately, as Isabelle has just hooked up with the hottest guy in school. It is all fine now, her best friend was happy, and she was starting to relax about her new brother-in-law seemed like a good person. That, until his hot best friend showed in scene. It was unexpected, like those electric shocks you get when you touch someone out of the blue. They scare the shit out of you, but when you pay close attention, it was only to find that electric balance withing yourself. Will this clash between opposites actually work out?

XanaTrygg · Teen
37 Chs

ROmance MYstery

Mylar Rodriguez is a waitress at Gentleman's club, a famous night club in Brooklyn, New York city. She finds herself in a hassle after her boss from the club revealed his intention of keeping her with him for as long as he wanted while using the excuse of a repayment of $80,000. And in the long run, she is involved in a one night stand with a big shot known as Camilo Wylder. Camilo is a young man who can't stand on his own without depending on his daddy who is a very rich business tycoon. Mylar finds out later on that she was in a really deep mess due to what she did out of compulsion and finds it difficult to think of a solution to her problem. Rumours about Camilo's habits are quite famous in the New York's papers and social media. Mylar took a big step after being pressurized by Vida, her best friend from gentleman's club. Mr Julian, Camilo's daddy accepted her into the family with open arms but with a condition of a contract marriage that will last for three years only. Elio, Camilo's younger brother and Mrs Camila, Camilo's mom liked Mylar very much and treated her like family but some others hated her especially Miss Emelda, Camilo's nanny and confidant. Elio falls in love with Vida and a new love story is formed. Mylar's curiosity reveals all the family's dirty secrets. Mr Julian's love affair and his plan to make Mrs Camila totally crazy by giving her the wrong drugs just to keep her properties for himself. Mylar saves Camilo from being killed by Mr Julian after he found out that he isn't his dad. Mystery finds it way into romance and romance finds it way into Mystery. PART TWO ROmance MYstery2 (FAMILY DRAMA) SYNOPSIS In order to cover up her secret about having a child out of wedlock, Mylar Tiffany Rodriguez had to find someone to put the blame on and that someone was going to be Camilo Diego Wylder, rich billionaire and mummy's spoilt boy. After a one night stand with a woman whom he almost ran over with his car, his life turned upside down. Mylar, the crazy and most popular stripper in Magic City Strip Club on 241 Forsyth St SW, Atlanta Georgia had recorded their sex video. Camilo's mom was forced to organized a contest to find a wife for her son by her father-in-law to please him after his failed seven dates but Mylar had to ruin it with her pregnancy news. His granddad literally ruined his life by arranging a contract marriage for both of them with the hope that one day, they will begin to love each other. "Hey daughter, we are moving in." Mylar's insanely terrible mom suddenly informed her that they'll be moving into her daughter's in-law's house because her gambler dad made a bet with their house and now they are homeless, broke and they do not have a place to live. More trouble for both Mylar and Camilo other than their daily trouble because Camilo's mom, his grandma and Mylar's parents despised each other. Here is a romance and a family drama with a twist for you to read. Enjoy.......

OlubukunmiJokotoye · Urban
128 Chs

Ex-esposa grávida do Presidente

Sabrina Jewel descobriu que estava grávida depois de muitos testes de gravidez. No mesmo dia, seu marido, o poderoso Presidente do Grupo de Empresas Jewels na cidade de NY, Robin Jewel, trouxe outra mulher para casa depois que Sabrina suportou suas aventuras com inúmeras mulheres e tentou ser uma boa esposa. “O que? Depois de todo o esperma, você não conseguiu engravidar nem uma vez. Nem mesmo um aborto espontâneo. Ela fez o seu trabalho por você,” Robin jogou a culpa em Sabrina. O mundo de Sabrina desmoronou bem diante de seus olhos. Ela deixou sua família por esse idiota, mas não mais. O pai dele sabia quem ela era, mas Robin nunca se deu ao trabalho de pesquisar sobre ela durante os três anos de casamento. Como ele engravidou outra mulher, pra ela já deu. “Eu já tive o suficiente, Robin. Ou ela vai embora ou eu vou…”

Glorious_Eagle · Urban
487 Chs

Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

This is the tale of an average nobody, who after his death got transmigrated in a new world. The memories of his average life flashed before his eyes, as he found nothing that was noteworthy about him. So in this new world should he try to change that, should he wish to be supreme, rise to the peak or to rule the heavens, but he's too lazy for that. "And how come all the names are so familiar. Don't tell me, am I in that novel?" Soon after waking up he realised this world was based upon the very first novel he read years ago. At first he felt happy that finally something unexpected happened in his life. But that happiness was short lived as he remembered the plot of the book and the crisis that was coming for the world. If that wasn't enough he was living in the body of Rio Raven Blake - avatar of Nyx. Known by his other names like The last dark spawn, The first fallen or The infamous Devil. In a world brimming with dungeons, towers, Gods, Demons, monsters and magic - our MC finds himself trapped in the body of the last villain. "I don't care about the novel plot, I'll just ignore it, and live my life peacefully." At least that was his plan, until he heard a voice in his head , that he's been waiting for all this time. [DING] [TING] [TIDING] [DID YOU MISS ME??? ] 'The great villain system, what a funny name.' You can earn points by ruining the plotlines, and can get whatever you want. Let me see, I'm a master at messing things up. [What, someone is going to do a prophecy that I will become the villain after growing up - kill him while he's still a kid.] [what, this potion was made for the protagonist and the alchemist heroine - I'll take it with me.] [ohh you're the one who saves the protagonist when he was about to die - go to prison, you traitor.] [wait, you have a sister. but she is sick and needs help - here take this potion and work for me.] [What, my parents are fixing my engagement with the princess, who's also a main heroine - hehehe] Once the plot started many years later, at the academy entrance exam. Protagonist was shining brightly, breaking all records, taking first rank, but no one was talking about him. As the news came out that the genius of humanity Rio Blake, will be joining the academy too. Not only mortals, even Gods and Demons were surprised at this sudden development too. {Nyx nods at her believers achievements} {Odin says you've grown a lot} {Gauri/Kali challenges you to fight her believer} {Jesus prays for your souls redemption} {Anubis awaits your enemies doom} {Lucifer writes down your lines, as you take on the Devil persona} The protagonist just stared at the guy who took all the limelight from him, but his surprise turned to shock, when his sister ran and hugged the man, while crying her eyes out, saying she missed him and she was sorry. "What is happening? Who is he? {Apollo curses...} ## -- A/N - 1) NO HAREM. (I believe in soulmate love 2) MC doesn't care about right, wrong, good, evil - as long as he gets what he want, he'll do it. 3) He hates the so called righteous hypocrites, so don't think he'll be friends with protagonist. 4) MC is serious when it comes to relationships, so don't expect any pokemon collection harem. 5) MC hates the plot, so he'll ruin it. Do not expect him to follow it or him trying to keep it same as written. 6) I don't like hiding my strength tropes, so not happening. He will be OP, and a badass. ## -- Join my discord for character arts and discussions https://discord.gg/zFTJsYP7kM DevilDarkness#0506

DevilDarkness · Fantasy
358 Chs

A Billionaire and A Dancer

College student, Nancy, works as a cabaret dancer after class when one night she meets Ronnie, a successful CEO of a car company. They quickly become fascinated by each other, despite their contrasting lifestyles and opposing personalities. With outside forces – a jealous assistant, a love-struck best friend, and judgmental parents – threatening to come between Nancy and Ronnie, will they be strong enough to overcome it? *** “I want to see you out of this dress. You are the sexiest woman I have ever met,” Ronnie groans. I lean on my elbows, watching as he takes off everything but his boxer briefs. Finally, he leans over me, pressing me into the bed with his body weight. I wrap my legs around his hips while he kisses my shoulders and chest. My heart is beating so fast; Ronnie must be able to hear it. A Billionaire and A Dancer is created by Shawnee Renee, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

Shawnee Renee · Urban
50 Chs

School of Persona

Bagaimana rasanya hidup sebagai remaja di tahun 2042-2043? Ditengah perkembangan zaman yang semakin pesat dan kompetitif? Mereka itulah yang disebut sebagai ‘Generasi Emas Indonesia 2045’. Berdirilah School of Persona (SP). Sebuah asrama yang dibangun sebagai tempat pembinaan kompetensi dan kepribadian para remaja SMA penerima Haikal Scholarship in Leadership (HSL). Penghuni asrama elit itu sangat heterogen, mereka dituntut untuk memahami berbagai perbedaan persona di dalamnya. Mereka memiliki sisi yang membanggakan, normal, hingga 'liar' secara bersamaan. Bukan kamuflase, itu hanya ukum tiga wajah; pribadi; keluarga; publik. Banyak persoalan, rahasia dan masalah muncul diantara mereka, lama kelamaan membesar, lalu meledak sebagai bom waktu. Lalu, mampukah mereka membangun diri sekaligus menghadapi tantangan besar generasi mereka itu? Unlock the answer by reading this story! ------ Halo, Readers! Selamat datang di novel keempat Aleyshia Wein. Konsep novel ini adalah Fiksi Realistik dengan sentuhan Literary Fiction. Meskipun demikian, sisi romantis akan tetap ada tipis-tipis, baik diantara para penghuni School of Persona, atau Adriana dan Haikal. Author menyarankan untuk terlebih dahulu membaca karya kedua Author yang berjudul 'Laboratory Doctor and Activist' untuk lebih dekat dengan karakter dan kisah Adriana Gerrie dan M. Faqih Haikal yang terbilang cukup filosofis mendasari berdirinya The School of Persona. Seperti biasa gaya bahasa akan cenderung teknis, dan beberapa istilah advanced akan dijelaskan dalam notes Author. Happy reading! Regards, Aleyshia Wein.

aleyshiawein · Teen
268 Chs

The Nameless Boy Reincarnated into a Novel

There was a Nameless boy who didn't have parents and lived his life on the streets, he never had anyone to share his grief or problems with. To survive he had to steal the food and be beaten by the people if he caught it. This was the life of this Nameless boy, then one day a book fell on the boy, the boy was somehow able to read the book and he read the book. The book was about a young boy and how he became a hero and save the world from many threats. The nameless boy finds joy for the first time in his life, learn the emotions, companionship, love, care, hate, liar, evil, betrayed, and many things he might not had felt if he wasn't able to read the book. Then he reincarnated into this book as a minor character. ---- Important: The MC is not evil; he is a good person who forgives others because mistakes happen. Yes, people make mistakes, and it's okay to forgive them. Mistakes happen once, but the next time it's a choice or laziness in correcting their mistakes. The MC will forgive a mistake once but not a second time. Another thing, aside from some characters, the MC loves all the characters in the novel because they gave him hope to live. He will try to save these characters and make them happy because they made him happy. However, in saving or making these characters happy, he won't do anything that sacrifices his own happiness. 1. No NTR. 2. No Yuri in MC's Harem, but outside of MC's Harem has Yuri. 3. MC will get his first girlfriend after his first year academy. 4. There is a very low amount of smut chapters since this novel focus is more on MC and his friends journey. 5. This novel is at a slow pace since I'm writing many characters's journey together. 6. I didn't decide an exact number of harem members MC will have but all harem members love MC because of valid reason. These harem members have their own ambition and to fulfill their ambition they don't mind getting separated from MC for a long time to go on their own journey to fulfill their ambitions. However, they never ever will cheat on MC, nor will they think about it.

_Er · Urban
109 Chs

The Angelic System That Turned My Life Into Hell

[Enter Loogam or you will die.] “Huh?” For the 15-year-old Mika Elbar it was a day like any other. He casually spent his time strolling around the village. Mika was neither ambitious nor did he have a dream. Unlike the others in his age, he wasn’t really interested in adventures or subjugating monsters and demons to become a hero. It was enough for him to live his life peacefully with his family in the village. However, things didn’t go as planned. A voice in his head suddenly threatened him to enter the world’s most renowned magic academy, Loogam. The academy was known for producing the best mages, knights, adventures and even heroes. It goes without saying that whoever graduates from that academy will be swimming in fame and wealth. Thus, reluctantly, Mika decided to try to enter Loogam with no hopes of getting accepted. After all, his magic was below average and he didn’t even possess one of the world’s 66 mythic relics. Instead, he only had the guidance of a strange voice in his head and a rusty sword on his hip. But will that be enough to survive in the magic academy Loogam? In the world of Lorw, where dangerous and powerful monsters constantly threat the peace? ------------------------------------------------------------ Cover by Gakusei Muto (Instagram: @gakusei.muto)

VERSON · Fantasy
238 Chs