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Question: “How to be a human being?, How to live as a proper social being?” ___ There are many new things learned from movies or series and thought that is something that people need to watch. It’s not just romance or gender or just being boys love fan, but things give her some thoughts about, “How to be a human being?, How to live as a proper social being?” HUMANITY is what Nan sees through those series she watched, made her want to become a person who produces those kinds of series. And one day, she seriously takes a step to achieve her dream. ___ Nan, a girl who had a dream of becoming a drama series director in Thailand. She has a secret about her having a thing to watch a Boy's Love series and it makes her crazy about the actors! Then one day when she's worked to pursue her dream, she got the chance to meet and work with the famous rising actor, Din Vachikorn. The actor on the most recent famous BL series that she been watching. What kind of encounter will Nan face? From now on, a heart-throbbing experience is about to happen ahead of both her career and romance!

ssun_ara · Urban
115 Chs

Orchid: Sun and moon

The young CEO falls in love with a mob girl who chooses to live simply. A simple girl who was exiled because of her actions. Make friends with the school gang who brought them into a world of darkness. The arrival of the Moon and An's life is a mystery. Moon's closeness with Uncle Chan made An want to set her up. But a danger has targeted the Moon as the target of assassination, and Hyun, who has disappeared from the hospital. Hyun's search for his childhood girl, and the Moon's love triangle. A mystery is asked, "Why is the Moon everywhere?" A humor that "Demon has returned", the assassin who became great enemies of Orchid and Eye Shadow. Orchids are back in action to reveal the truth. Favorite please !?

Apkxiaanita · Teen
188 Chs

The Billionaire's Secretary is a Stud

CHAPTER 97-147 ARE CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN F×M Book 1 Intimacy Contract Pregnancy Engagement Marriage As the old adage goes, marriage has never been easy Book 2 whips WiFi contracts true love submission invasion

qweenamanda · Urban
147 Chs

Princess in the Death Penalty (English)

Prince Shem Theodorus of the Kingdom of Sadrach has fallen in love with a Princess of the Serafin Kingdom. They are ready to get married and both of them love each other. But who would have thought that the King of the Serafin Kingdom was treasonous and wanted to steal Red Xavier Crystal, but was caught in the act. So that it caused a great war, and the Serafin Kingdom was completely destroyed along with the King and Queen who were beheaded. Because the Serafin's Princess disappeared, she became a fugitive in the kingdom with the status of Death Penalty (beheaded) as well. In her escape, she met many men who wanted her, even her body. Even the King (Father of Prince Shem) is tempted by Adaline's beauty in disguise and wants to have her too. What will happen to Princess Adaline? Will Prince Shem Theodorus give up his lover to be beheaded? anti-plagiarism, honesty will have an impact on your world and your hereafter.

Lika_FR · Fantasy
181 Chs


“For My people are foolish, they have not known Me. They are silly children, and they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. We are actually living in a world that is likened to a society with the vital ingredient that keeps the essence of life missing and the truth is that, we can’t even place really what that is, I mean we do not even know what is missing, notwithstanding, we could still feel it like we are feel the impression of air. In hollow and in emptiness, in the heart of our hearts, we just know that something is missing. Personally, I have felt this hollow and emptiness that burdened my heart so much while I was growing as a child. In my family, right from the cradle, I have always desire to know why things happens the way there often happens. What I am trying to explain span from our relationship with each other into our worship to God that has now being limited to self-imposed rituals. Hence we worship but not the true God, but the one who wants to be like the Most High as our mindsets are now dragging us into His very thought. Our worship has become so empty and adulterated with strange intrusions that we could hardly tell if truly what we are worshipping is God.

Pattyegah Ikwue · Fantasy
93 Chs

Lovely Girl from Mestonia

Petra relocates to the city to pursue a Metropol High School scholarship. That's where she met Lyon. The wealthy and cool young man. As if that wasn't enough in the name of destiny to secure Petra a lifetime contract with Lyon. Lyon's future wife.

Ningsih_Nh · Urban
351 Chs

School of Persona

Bagaimana rasanya hidup sebagai remaja di tahun 2042-2043? Ditengah perkembangan zaman yang semakin pesat dan kompetitif? Mereka itulah yang disebut sebagai ‘Generasi Emas Indonesia 2045’. Berdirilah School of Persona (SP). Sebuah asrama yang dibangun sebagai tempat pembinaan kompetensi dan kepribadian para remaja SMA penerima Haikal Scholarship in Leadership (HSL). Penghuni asrama elit itu sangat heterogen, mereka dituntut untuk memahami berbagai perbedaan persona di dalamnya. Mereka memiliki sisi yang membanggakan, normal, hingga 'liar' secara bersamaan. Bukan kamuflase, itu hanya ukum tiga wajah; pribadi; keluarga; publik. Banyak persoalan, rahasia dan masalah muncul diantara mereka, lama kelamaan membesar, lalu meledak sebagai bom waktu. Lalu, mampukah mereka membangun diri sekaligus menghadapi tantangan besar generasi mereka itu? Unlock the answer by reading this story! ------ Halo, Readers! Selamat datang di novel keempat Aleyshia Wein. Konsep novel ini adalah Fiksi Realistik dengan sentuhan Literary Fiction. Meskipun demikian, sisi romantis akan tetap ada tipis-tipis, baik diantara para penghuni School of Persona, atau Adriana dan Haikal. Author menyarankan untuk terlebih dahulu membaca karya kedua Author yang berjudul 'Laboratory Doctor and Activist' untuk lebih dekat dengan karakter dan kisah Adriana Gerrie dan M. Faqih Haikal yang terbilang cukup filosofis mendasari berdirinya The School of Persona. Seperti biasa gaya bahasa akan cenderung teknis, dan beberapa istilah advanced akan dijelaskan dalam notes Author. Happy reading! Regards, Aleyshia Wein.

aleyshiawein · Teen
268 Chs

Should have been better

Two friends go on an Asian tour and enjoy their accurate time, but a different type of predicament was waiting for them on the other side. Will they be able to come back to their regular circumstances? All the while, One of them falls in love with a Korean idol and the episodes they meet will be unfortunate in the outcome. Discovering true love was just a portion of it, yet, it reverses into horror for one of them. While they tour the Asian countries to circumvent something, although, in conclusion, they drop to it. "Expect the unexpected." "There is a reason for everything happening, either good or bad, everything goes." "Avoid it, and it comes back at you." (ON-GOING) (NOVEL) (ROMANCE-ACTION)

joondabest · Teen
25 Chs

Save Me

Morgan lost her mum and sister to a fatal accident and she came home one day to find her dad the only family she has dead, Ann on the other side finds Morgan and wants to help her heal. will Morgan let Ann help her out of her misery or will she just allow herself to wallow in pain? Morgan has suffered a bad fate and still holds on to her past. There is Ann who has a past she has long forgotten. She is as scarred as Morgan. Ricardo too has a story.

Bethel-Gold · Teen
42 Chs

Good Girl Problems

Kisah nyata tentang kehidupan yang terjadi dimasa sekolah yang akan dipresentasikan oleh "Perempuan Baik". Mereka adalah gadis yang baik, baik bukan berarti tak mengalami "masalah". Seperti masalah kehidupan yang menimpa Shannon, kehidupan mudanya rusak karena pacarnya. Kisah Nicky seorang siswi remaja yang menutup diri kepada temannya, teman yang baik di depan tapi palsu di belakang. Haruka gadis yang menebar "racun" dikehidupan bersosialisasi. #ROMANCE #COMEDY

ssdonquixote · Teen
26 Chs

The Tale of Two Sisters

He looks tenderly at her the moment he enters his home. He does not mind the presence of his wife, and he keeps gazing at the only woman he truly loves. She gets uncomfortable at his looks, and she notices how his wife is moving her eyes between both of them. The uneasiness of this moment makes her uncertain of her actions. Her fears come back again, and she wishes she had never returned. “There is no way back. They started it, and I must end it. I must place the scattered pieces of my heart into their places again.” She smiles at this thought, and she feels in control of the situation once more. After Sue Lorence moves on in her life, a call for help from the past awakens undesirable feelings and memories she tried for a decade to erase. She finds herself drawn back to the darkness of her past life. She could not help herself but accept the idea of revenge. The Tale of Two Sisters is created by S.S.Q, an eGlobal Creative Publishing Signed Author.

S.S.Q. · Urban
90 Chs


Danielle has to transition from teenage hood to adult hood but the childhood trauma holds her back. The death of her father and abuse from her mother weighs on her soul. But there's love. what happens when the love eats her slowly from the inside? Would Danielle finally be able to discover who she truly is? Read on to find out. REWRITING

qweenamanda · Teen
148 Chs


Kisah Aurel Erwansyah yang memiliki sifat dingin dan acuh pada orang asing, terutama pada pemuda yang bernama Rega Putra Hariwijaya karena sifat pemuda itu yang sangat tidak bisa di atur dan selalu mengganggu ketenangan orang lain. Namun, tanpa di sadari oleh Aurel sendiri bahwa sebenarnya Rega memiliki sifat yang sangat baik hati dan perduli pada orang lain. Sehingga Rega itu tidak seperti yang Aurel bayangkan selama ini. Hingga perlahan, Aurel merasa bahwa ada yang berbeda dari perasannya yang sebelumnya membenci Rega tiba-tiba saja berubah menjadi perduli dan jantungnya selalu berdetak lebih cepat ketika berbicara dengan pemuda itu. Ada apa dengan Aurel sebenarnya? Simak selengkapnya di sini ... Story by : Refi Mariska Art by : Pinterest

Risma_Devana · Teen
270 Chs

The Enchanter (Black Pearl)

“Apa kau bisa melihatku?” “Jervin, apa itu?!” “Apa kau dapat melihatnya?” “Rupanya kau yang terpilih!” Hera Grotbear hanyalah seorang gadis yang hidup damai di gubuk kecilnya bersama neneknya. Dia adalah pekerja keras, ilmunya tentang obat-obatan dan tanaman lainnya telah ia kuasai. Saat dirinya menapakkan kaki di puncak gunung dia melihat selarik bercakan hijau di ruas kayu-kayu. Pertemuannya dengan makhluk Mitologi membuat jadi dirinya terungkap. Nilam Grotbear adalah Nenek dari Hera yang telah lama hidup berdampingan bersamanya. Masa lalunya yang kelam membuat cucunya merasakan akibat dari perbuatannya. Kepundungannya membawa pada jelaga hitam yang pekat. Jelaga itu menunjukkan semua yang dibutuhkannya dan apa yang di inginkannya. Di dalam dirinya menyimpan rahasia-rahasia kekuatan yang belum ia ketahui dan apa yang harus ia perbuat. Akankah Hera menemukan jawabannya?

270 Chs

Stuck With You: EUPHORIA

Rose Moona Grace. Nama yang cantik, gadis yang lahir di Melbourne, Australia. Ia lahir di ibukota Australia dengan banyaknya kesedihan yang mendalam dari perjalanan hidup nya ini. Dia adalah satu satunya perempuan yang hingga saat ini berani sekali melawan perkataan orang tua nya. Sikap nya yang blak-blakan. Liar dan suka berkata kasar. Rose Moona Grace, baru saja menyelesaikan kuliah nya. Dia kini menjadi seseorang yang memliki gelar 'S1 Seni Musik' di universitas ternama di Australia. Dan Kemungkinan akan masih berlanjut hingga S2. Hidup nya yang tidak pernah berubah. Terus terusan seperti ini. Tidak ada kemajuan nya sama sekali. Mata nya yang selalu lembab dengan air mata. Semua itu karena rasa Traumanya. "Gue pasti ga bakalan bisa jadi orang terkenal. Gue juga ga bakalan pernah jadi anak kesayangan. Gue juga benci Tuhan. Gue juga ga suka sama lu." Ucap Rose dengan memandang langit langit yang indah sekali. "Lah apa hubungan nya sama gue? Ada ada aja..." Semuanya terjadi, dan berawal dari hari Halloween. Mereka berdua terjebak disana. Ini bukan kasus pembunuhan biasa. Mereka berdua terjebak dalam cinta sejak hari itu. Sungguh mengejutkan sekali.

Laurens_Fan7 · Teen
393 Chs

Dark & Cold

Will the broken and inexperienced Princess Ericia -an abused daughter and hopeful bride to be- step up to the challenge of ruling her divided kingdom?

ciaraattong · History
20 Chs

Time Beyond A Dream

Catherine wishes all her dreams were just like those that everybody has. Yet, her dream was different. Her dreams weren't rainbows and sunshine. However, her dreams became her reality. After all, she was a descendant of the Mark. The bridge over the Land of Nod.

C.ELLICA · Fantasy
50 Chs

My Youth My Love Story

I fall in love. Forbidden love with classmates. A person with all the differences that are many and difficult. Can I keep this love? ... In the crocodile class, there aren't many rainbow geese. Because one or two female foxes from another planet enjoy ducking their juniors. Isn't it the norm at school? Is the biggest problem with Anggi herself? Cover is mine

Ningsih_Nh · Teen
314 Chs


When the god of death and the goddess of the moon are reincarnated into highschool teenages. Love washes its path on them. The land , waters and air craved with trapped souls. They couldn't get to the afterlife because they needed to complete their birth reason. Innocent Mrs Menices runs away from her husbands torture while 9months pregnant but her fate is unfortunate. She dies while the baby stayed alive in her tummy. She became a trapped soul too and with charm and chants the baby was brought out of her. He was magnificent. His hair was blazing like the volcano and his eyes combined the colouring of gold and red .His teeth was bright white and his skinned looked slightly pale almost like the souls. As the elder among them held him, watching his intimidating look they, felt his strength and they named him Thanatos:he who brings death. But that isn't all. They sent him away at age 18 to study and live with the humans and that is where he met Luna the girl who made his rage high and yet only she could calm him down.

Infectious1x1 · Fantasy
17 Chs

Candu cinta

Citra Amelia nama gadis yang cantiknya natural, sopan, cerdas dan gadis yang banyak dikagumi oleh para lelaki Dia adalah seorang gadis yang sangat baik namun dia belum mendapatkan ada pemuda yang memikat hatinya, apakah dia bisa jatuh cinta nantinya? Atau tetap memilih jadi gadis yang memiliki hati yang baik? Mencintai seseorang adalah hal yang tak mudah bagi gadis cantik ini memikat hati seorang lelaki bukanlah keahliannya. Akankah Citra menemukan kekasih hati dan cinta sejatinya? Baca yuk .... Dan terus ikuti kisah Citra di buku yang berjudul “Candu cinta”.

Inlut · Urban
398 Chs