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The Awakening

I stroke the white horse I am riding lovingly before getting off. we are currently at the river, the one called flowing souls. Such an eerie name for a beautiful river. I move towards the bank, where the hands of the water caress the soft bosom of the land. I feel the water rush forward and stop just in front of me, kissing the tips of my shoes. I close my eyes and think of nothing but happiness. The first time I went hunting with him, my jayjay. The feel of his hands on my body, the fire in his eyes when they roam over my body, that lust, that desire. The way he laughs, the way he adores me, that is happiness. Just then, I catch a weak scent of blood in the air. It is appetizing, my stomach churns and makes loud noises, and my legs take off of their own will in search of food. There's blood everywhere. I am covered in blood. A man lay in front of me pale as ash, his hands clutching his neck, eyes bulged out in terror. But I feel no guilt, none at all. My eyes widen In pleasure. JayJay wouldn't approve of it, but this is what we are. His ideas are Noble, but you can't deny your nature and still be you. Humans have never denied their nature. They give in to their pleasures and cravings all the time. Animals are slaughtered for their satisfaction, as food. How is that any different from what I have just done? I lick my fingers, enjoying the scent of the drying blood on them, he was truly a delicacy. This part of me is a part he will never see, never. ################################### After what felt like an eternity, I began to feel it, the cold, but it was just my heart that felt it. The other parts of me became numb, I didn't feel anything or hear anything or see anything, just the cold in my heart and the darkness, the black sea. I didn't go inside it, I sat at the bank of the sea and listened to the silence of the water. I knew the thoughts of the black sea, I could feel its consciousness, its desires and fears, it feared me, so I sat and watched. Then a lady with white flowing hair approached me, she had on a white wedding dress, she was beautiful. She stood at the mouth of the sea, where the water kissed the land and she beckoned to me, but I didn't see her, I only saw the silence and the black sea. "you have to accept me in" she says with a cocky voice. "why" "why? I am the power, I am the beauty, I am the awakened, you are nothing without me" "you're wrong" I say, standing up and turning my back to her. I walk a little distance then stop, "you're nothing but a restless voice who needs me to exist" and I was gone with the wind, back to where I belonged, back to the arms of my loving boyfriend and his best friend.

bee_333 · Fantasy
109 Chs

I must confess

Zac lives a carefree life as a model with his famous mother. He is suddenly sent away with his aunt when the truth about his mother is revealed to him by an unknown source. Only when the pieces are finally put together does Zac realize that not everything is as it seems. One action can cause the ruin of a person's entire life and Zac finds out that his mother was on the receiving end of that action.

Crimson B · Horror
28 Chs


Daniella has tried to be normal all her life even if she wasn't born normal. She's from a place completely different entirely. Going to a new school changes her normal routine and she's going to have to sit up to tackle something strange and familiar the same time.

Stephanie · Fantasy
20 Chs

lost & found

Being 19 years old is never an easy task, with a world so dark and people so toxic, a simple weak girl could only fall victim to people's wrath. So alone, abandoned and scarred, would Zina make it? ========================= "I promise you, that I will fix you," She told him as tears fell from her sweet brown eyes. He raised his head to meet her painful gaze. He felt his heart sink. If only she knew she was in no place to fix me, he thought. ************************************************************************** "At just 19 years old, Zina finds herself navigating a dark and toxic world, abandoned and scarred. Will she overcome the challenges that threaten to consume her? With a promise to fix others while battling her own struggles, Zina's journey unfolds in a gripping tale of resilience and redemption. Dive into this captivating urban novel filled with raw emotions, unexpected twists, and the power of human connection. Join Zina on a quest for survival and self-discovery in a world where hope shines brightest in the darkest moments."

CHZ · Urban
75 Chs

Starting From Today

Apa yang akan kamu lakukan apabila mendapati dirimu terbangun dalam tubuh seseorang yang sangat mirip denganmu tetapi di masa lalu, yakni tepatnya 9 tahun lalu? Cantik, pintar, kaya raya, dan berbakat. Itulah kata-kata yang dapat menggambarkan Lareina Putri Arini, seorang aktris papan atas yang juga pensiunan dari atlet senam ritmik. Hampir sempurna dapat dikatakan. Namun memang pada dasarnya kesempurnaan hanya milik tuhan, Lareina memiliki satu kekurangan, yakni sifatnya yang terlalu buruk. Kehidupannya sebagai aktris yang terkesan sempurna ini terancam sirna dikarenakan Lareina secara ajaib mendapati dirinya melakukan perjalanan waktu atau time travel ke 9 tahun. Dimana ia masih berusia 17 tahun. Tak cukup hanya time travel ke masa lalu, Lareina juga ternyata time travel ke dimensi lain dimana ia berubah menjadi siswi SMA kutu buku pada umumnya. Di perjalanannya waktunya ini, Lareina mencari berbagai cara agar dapat kembali ke waktu dan dimensi tempat ia semestinya berada sembari beradaptasi dengan kehidupan barunya.

Winhao96 · Teen
208 Chs

Love Unfolding

Be brave enough to take off the mask you’ve been wearing and be who you are underneath. I think in life, happiness comes from deciding to follow your heart over your fears. So, let’s follow Kaileen Andy Lewis together with Erika Leigh Parlam in their journey through depths of finding, accepting and loving themselves despite the views and opinions of others simply because they view the world from a lens of impossible. That it’s tiring to spend most of their nights where their mind is at war with their heart; fighting between what they knew and what they felt. ***************************************************** Author’s Note: Join the group https://discord.gg/RMJAEMC Hey ladies, gentlemen and non-binary pals, enjoy reading…

viLelouch · LGBT+
116 Chs

Setulus Cinta Kirana

Ketika Kirana mencintai seorang laki - laki dengan tulus, ia harus berpisah karena tidak mendapatkan restu kedua orang tua. Ketika Kirana mencintai seorang laki - laki lain dengan tulus, ia harus kembali terpisahkan karena adanya orang ketiga. Bagaimanakah lika liku perjalanan cinta Kirana hingga ia menemukan seseorang yang tepat? Akankah ia bertahan dengan perasaan pada cinta pertamanya ataukah ia mendapatkan cinta yang lain?

WentyOktaria · Urban
394 Chs


Evelyn Jada Wright was a naive innocent twenty two year aspiring journalist who had been excited at landing an internship in one of the prestigious publishing company who thought she has found the perfect man of her dreams but had her dreams turned to nightmares when the man sexually assaulted her, and when the court ruled him innocent with the help of his incredible good lawyer her world was further plunged into darkness and pain that only the child growing inside of her could offer her a redeeming light, but before that light could bloom it was forcefully snuffed off by the same evil man causing Evenly heart to grow dark with revenge, and ten years later she came back as an evil heartless drug lord to visit revenge on those that hurt her. Her quest of revenge lead her to meeting a young innocent beautiful woman who turns out to be the daughter of her nemesis. Avery a young innocent lesbian who had the misfortune to be born into the family she found herself in was disowned at the age of eighteen by her father when he caught her in bed with another woman. Living her life independent from her family, Avery met a stunning older woman who she fell for hard and quick, but the woman had a thick exterior that was hard to penetrate leading Avery to believe that her love was not reciprocated, but when it seemed that things will be better for them and incident occurred that showed Avery that there was more to her relationship with the woman, that it might not be by chance that they met. Watching the woman she loves murder her family right before her eyes was more than Avery could take, and this sent her running from the city for her own life. Few years later she came as cop ready to take down the woman who took her family away from her. A STORY OF LOVE AND REVENGE WHICH WILL WIN OUT AT THE END, FIND OUT IN HER VENDETTA

snarkydove · LGBT+
79 Chs

The Alpha VS The Beta

Lucia is a woman who is kind, humble, beautiful, also sweet. Meanwhile, Diana is an arrogant woman, although from the outside she looked beautiful, but her heart was not as beautiful as her outer appearance. Diana is Arya's fiance who had an affair with Ryan. One day, Arya reunited with Lucia in Greece while they were on vacation there. Then, Arya approached Lucia, but suddenly an earthquake and then a tsunami dragged them into the sea. A few hours later, Arya woke up in a strange room with a different body, while Lucia woke up and found out herself in a hospital. At the same time, Ryan was also vacationing on the Santorini Island and then sank to the bottom of the sea after a fight with Alexa. It turns out their bodies were swapped. Between Arya and Ryan, they turned into other people. This story is not about love, but there are some conflicts about revenge also infidelity, complicated life. Notes : All characters, names and place settings, companies are fictional. Except country and airport is non fiction.

Vienna_Gu · Fantasy
210 Chs

Penderitaan Cinta Jessy

Namanya Jessy Stephanie. Jessy adalah keturunan keluarga pebisnis, semua anggota keluarga Jessy bergelut di dunia bisnis, termasuk Jessy sendiri. Kini Jessy berusia 23 tahun, dan ia sudah mempunyai beberapa usaha sendiri bersama kakaknya. Kesibukan Jessy di dunia bisnis membuatnya tidak memperhatikan tentang penampilannya, bahkan Jessy belum pernah memiliki kekasih, Jessy belum pernah merasakan apa itu jatuh cinta. Hingga suatu ketika ia mengenal seorang pria berparas tampan bernama Angga Wiguna. Angga berusia 20 tahun. Kehidupan Angga sangat berbanding terbalik dengan Jessy, Angga adalah seorang pria yang berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu. Angga menempuh kuliahnya sambil bekerja. Waktu berjalan begitu cepat, mereka memutuskan untuk menjadi sepasang kekasih. Jessy yang memang murah hati, membantu kekasihnya untuk membayar semua biaya kuliahnya. Namun apa yang Jessy berikan tidak setimpal dengan apa yang Angga lakukan setelahnya. Angga meninggalkan Jessy dengan perempuan lain begitu saja yang membuat Jessy merasa putus asa dan berniat mengakhiri hidupnya, beruntung usahanya tersebut dapat digagalkan oleh saudaranya. Bagaimanakah kisah Jessy setelah kehilangan tambatan hatinya? Apakah Jessy menemukan pengganti Angga? Atau nama Angga akan selamanya melekat di hati Jessy hingga ia mati?

Narria_vivi · Urban
223 Chs

A Pastor's Daughter Diary

Radiance Abraham, rather unexplainably, is the only daughter, actually she's the only child, of Reverend Kennedy Abraham, the senior pastor of The Redeemer's Love Church; and that comes with it's pros and cons. Her life spirals upwards, then downwards, then in zigzag motion, then as the crow flies when she becomes a Jesus freak. And by freak, I mean a truly born again, Holy Ghost baptised Christian. She's launched into the supernatural when she gets baptised in fire. By this she uncover secrets and mysteries she never knew existed. And yeah she finds true love, in friends. And meets her soul mate. Follow her special diary, which she writes in form of letters to Jesus. In her diary, you'll find Radiance's struggles, relationships, spiritual encounters, scandals and really entangled revelations about the people surrounding her.

PeculiarPraise · Teen
53 Chs

Cuộc hôn nhân bí mật đầy ngọt ngào: Vợ yêu bé bỏng của đại gia tài phiệt

Kiếp trước, Cố Vi Vi bị chính người đàn ông mình yêu đem trái tim của cô cấy ghép cho người bạn thân mà cô tín nhiệm nhất. Cô chết đi sống lại, trở thành cô bạn gái nhỏ của tài phiệt đệ nhất Trung Quốc, Phó Hàn Tranh. Cô cẩn trọng từng bước, báo thù kẻ hãm hại mình. Anh ở bên bảo vệ, hết mực yêu thương cô. Ai cũng nói Phó Hàn Tranh là kẻ kiêu ngạo lạnh lùng, bạc tình, vô nhân tính. Vậy chẳng lẽ người chồng hoàn mỹ ngày nào cũng trêu chọc cô tới mặt đỏ tim đập, sủng cô vô pháp vô thiên kia, là giả sao? “Tiên sinh, ở trường học có rất nhiều nam sinh theo đuổi phu nhân.” “Cho toàn bộ nam sinh trong trường nghỉ học, biến trường của cô ấy thành trường nữ sinh cho tôi.” “Tiên sinh, có tin đồn gán ghép phu nhân và một nam minh tinh đang nổi tiếng trong giới giải trí là một đôi.” “Phong sát nam minh tinh kia đi.” (“Phong sát” là ngăn cản mọi hoạt động trong giới giải trí của ai đó.) “Nam minh tinh kia là em trai anh.” “Vậy thì đánh chết cậu ta đi.”

Helen Dương Dương · Urban
2268 Chs

The Vampire's Priestess (GL)

Nadia is the daughter of a high official in a secret vampire society, and Keiko is a human hailing from a long line of divine priestesses. The two should be natural enemies, but when Keiko stumbled into her path as a child, Nadia knew that she needed to keep her by her side. Normally a relationship with a human is forbidden, but Keiko has the power to vanquish the cursed deity after Nadia's body. So Keiko is assigned as her executioner, with a duty to kill Nadia if the evil ever overtakes her soul. However, all is not as it seems, as the ancient goddess residing inside Keiko, may have dark secrets of her own. *There will be a short break, but new chapters will return! I'm aiming for May 1st, but I will update as required. Thank you for waiting patiently! *If you like what you read, please leave a review! Please be sure not to include specific terms in it such as GL, or the review will shadow banned! *Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural, Horror, Vampire, Goddess, GL, Yuri, LGBTQIA+, Inclusive, Diverse, 18+ *If you'd like to get story updates and keep up with the latest news or if you'd like to join my community, please search 'otakugamergirlt twitter' or 'otakugamergirlt wordpress' in a browser and the first few results should lead you right to my social media pages. You'll also find my Discord link in a pinned post on Twitter. Please join if you'd like! I'd love to keep in touch with my readers and fans. Thanks!

OtakuGamerGirlT · Fantasy
105 Chs

Reincarnated to save the universe (GL/BL)

Celia died and was reincarnated in a young girl's body in Eben's world. This world where magic is not only an illusion was the opposite of hers, she came from a modern world and now she must learn to be a mage.   Anaya is an orphan girl and she was borned to be a fighter, once she met Celia her life changed forever.   A long time ago a prophecy was made: when the forces of evil are about to enslave the universe, a mage and a fighter with extraordinary powers would join forces to save all the worlds in this universe. Could they be them?   ........................................   Celia used her spiritual energy to create wings on her back and fly to Anaya. Anaya caught her in her arms and asked her: "What's wrong my love?" Celia said with a grin in her face: "My beloved baby wife, I have a favor to ask you, can I fight with that level nine mage, I really want to try a true fight to see if I’m be able to handle an ennemy without my green papers." Anaya didn't get why she was asking for that, so she said : "If Liam has agreed then it's fine, why do you have to ask me?" Celia sighed and caressed her cheek with her finger, she said: "I have to because it's a girl, and Liam just remembered me that the wrath of a dragon is not a joke." Celia heard everyone coughing or mumbling and Alec was looking at Liam from afar with a smirk on his face, maybe I went too far this time thought Celia, poor Liam, Alec is going to eat him for a long time tonight, she could see that just with that gaze. Anaya spanked her and said: "If you are here to cause trouble then go back to fight I will take care of you tonight." Celia laughed happily and said: "Okay sweetie, don’t worry I will let you punish me the whole night." She heard at least five difference voices yelling her name "Cel..." so she flew back to the combat ring and once there she sent a flying kiss to Anaya. Liam seeing everyone's reaction and especially the piercing look that his man was giving to him, he couldn't help asking Celia: "What did you say to make Alec look at me like that? Damn Cel! This is not funny!" Celia just had an irrepressible laughter, when she calmed down she said: "Don't worry, I just set you up on a date with your man tonight." ....................... Want to read more please be awared that the main couple in this novel is lesbian there will be also BL couple (Starting from chapter 40). There will be also mature scenes. the extract is from chap 110 ;) Give a try to my other novel : My Mage System (BL) The Divine Mage System The Celestial Phoenix and His Guardian (BL)

CeliaNaya · LGBT+
265 Chs

Meet Belle

Have you ever met a puppet that has bruises under her clothes? If not, wanna meet me? This is my diary, I wrote this in hopes of someone reading my story, I wonder, would you sympathize? Call me pathetic? Or maybe find out that I am not worth helping.

AAMO · Urban
37 Chs


Note: Juara 3 Event WPC 33 IND kategori Female Lead Status: Completed ________________________________________ Berawal dari semester 3, Zaskia menjalin hubungan dengan cowok tampan yang jadi superstar di kampusnya. Sebut saja namanya Muhammad Raka, pacar Zaskia saat ini. Namun, setelah berkencan berkali-kali, Zaskia melihat keanehan dalam diri Raka. Kedekatan di antara keduanya tidak bisa dipungkiri dan sudah menjadi buah bibir seisi kampusnya. Tetapi semakin mendekati semester akhir, Zaskia selalu di hadapkan dengan keputusan sulit untuk hubungan yang rumit. Mampukah Zaskia mempertahankan cintanya?

332 Chs


Menceritakan tentang seorang anak laki-laki remaja berusia 17 tahun bernama Deon diteror oleh pembunuh berantai. Setiap malam, kematian selalu menghampiri mereka di tengah malam. Dendam yang terus berujung kelam karena masalah masa lalu yang tak pernah terselesaikan. Pembunuhan berantai itu mengorbankan banyak nyawa, bahkan Adik Deon bernama Lia adalah salah satu korbannya. Dapatkah Deon menangkap siapa pembunuh berantai itu? Apa yang akan terjadi setelahnya nanti? Simak ceritanya disini sekarang juga!

ayukimmy_ · Horror
282 Chs

Your Paradise: Listen To My Song

Fans chanting your name, makeup artists and stylists swarming you and creating a beauty out of this world, your music playing on tv, and most of all, becoming someone's paradise...that's what Ishihara Minami had wanted since she was 12 years old. An avenue to someone's healing process, a comfort to those who needed it, all the while looking like a princess and being loved by many. It sounded like heaven. It seemed like thousands of girls just like her managed to live out this dream that seemed so far it almost felt like it was made-up. They made it look easy....but who knew it would be so hard. With so many people out to get you and willing to use you as a stepping stone, it seemed impossible to stay genuine in such a place. The road to her dream of becoming an idol that was filled with a roller coaster of emotions and constant lies, even she wonders if this dream will ever come into her grasp. "How far are you willing to go?" "I'll do anything." "Just like they did to you?" "No....I'll do it better than all of them combined."

Thalia_Ilace · Teen
125 Chs


To the outside world Cosgrove academy was just a school for rich spoilt kids but what they don't know is that they are more than that, they are supernatural. All the legends about faeries vampires werewolves are true. Chanel enters this new world to discover her new identity love betrayal and rivals. She finds out that the life she had been living was all a lie. Follow Chanel on her journey to find new friends, love and her identity

joyodafe · Fantasy
9 Chs

The Last Heiress of Oblonsky, Beatrix

The sound of guns... The darkness... The smoke... Then, oblivion. Everyday, I am haunted by my nightmares. Everytime the thunder roll and lightning strikes, I shivered. Looking outside my window, I am writing my daily journal and poetry today... To release all the pains and tensions from my past. And I wrote.. December 18, 1980 Myshkin, Russia My beloved, Have you ever ask yourself... What's your life purpose? If.. Are you doing the right thing? Are you on the verge of confusion, loneliness, unhappiness and being stagnant? Day dreaming into your own world? Too much questions filled in your heart and mind. Too much of everything that you don't want. Too much! To clear out my confusion and to have more clarity about myself, I dig deeper inside me. Reminiscing my childhood moments and cherish them. Facing the darkest and painful moments of my memories. Those memories of repeating horror, memories of loss, memories of death. Yes, I did face it all. I cried hard. After decades of those patterned memories... This is the first time that I realized.. How I treated myself so badly. And I really wanted to give back to myself. By appreciating my past. Appreciate yourself more... Love yourself more... And you will discover more... I have discovered each words, all feelings, expression, harmony just fits well to take steps in writing this poem for my past. ***A LETTER FOR MY PAST SELF*** My dearest self in the past... I have been visiting you lately in a vast... You are carefree, immature and FEARLESS, You go out more, loving the sun and grasses, Full of sweat and sun-kissed from above. Joyous days, feet touching stones and green Oh How glorious those days have been Flowing like water in every storms within And wind touches, caressing my skin Telling me, It's ok dear, everything has it's purpose". A path full of journey and a dead rose All those rise and fall, I am with you... All those tears and laughter, I am with you.. I am always with you til the end of time

L_stellaluna · History
60 Chs