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NEET Mendapatkan Sistem Simulasi Kencan

Seorang NEET berumur 30 tahun berinkarnasi ke dalam badan seorang otaku yang tersedak mi instan hingga meninggal. Saat ia mulai menjalani hidup barunya, ia sadar bahwa dunianya yang baru sedikit berbeda dengan Bumi. Penduduk di dunia ini memiliki penampilan yang jauh lebih baik, dan dunia yang baru ini juga memiliki teknologi futuristik dan ahli Yin Yang yang misterius! Setelah berinkarnasi, ia sadar bahwa ia telah diberkati dengan suatu keajaiban yaitu sebuah sistem seperti dalam game, yang dapat membuatnya meningkatkan status skillnya dan melampaui batas-batas tubuh manusia. Sistem ini bahkan memiliki kemampuan yang sangat luar biasa, yaitu kemampuan untuk menyimpan dan memuat di kehidupan nyata! Di dunia baru yang mirip dengan game 2-D itu, dia hanya ingin menikmati hidup dan berjalan menuju masa depan yang mulia… Namun, dia dengan cepat terlibat dalam suatu plot yang kompleks. Dapatkah ia membebaskan potensinya dan menggunakan sistemnya untuk melepas rantai-rantai yang mengikat dirinya dan menemukan kebenaran mengenai keadaan tubuh sebelumyna?

Ikan Asin Terdampar · Urban
842 Chs

Kelahiran Kembali: Berevolusi Dari Nol

Dorian sedang merayakan kelulusan kuliahnya ketika sebuah mobil menabraknya, dan kegelapan mulai menguasai. Dia terbangun dan menemukan dirinya dalam tubuh baru yang aneh, di dunia baru yang aneh. Satu dunia di antara 30.000 dunia fantastik, tempat dimana yang kuat berkuasa, tempat binatang mistik berjalan di bumi, dan mantra sihir membengkokkan realita. Agar Dorian bertahan di dunia ini, tanpa terkekang dan bebas, hidup dengan kode moral yang kuat, dia akan membutuhkan kekuatan besar. Dia harus memanfaatkan tubuh barunya yang aneh dan berevolusi. Tapi ada satu hal ... Dorian bukan satu-satunya yang dikirim ke 30.000 Dunia dengan kekuatan untuk berevolusi. Dia adalah satu-satunya dari Bumi. Dia satu-satunya yang dapat mempertahankan ingatannya. Dia adalah Anak Sulung. Tapi dia hanya satu di antara banyak. Ayo baca saat dunia turun ke dalam kekacauan pada saat kedatangan 88 Anomali.

AuthorWiz · Fantasy
237 Chs

Sistem Terkuat

Kalian harus sujud pada Diriku yang Mulia ini. Setibanya di dunia yang baru ini, Lin Fan menemukan dirinya memiliki sistem yang memungkinkannya untuk naik tingkat secara tak terbatas dan tak terikat pada keterbatasan dunia ini. Setelah mempelajari teknik yang kuat dari Monyet Mencuri Persik, Lin Fan menyadari bahwa dirinya siap untuk menjadi orang terkuat di seluruh dunia ini. Namun, tentu saja hal ini akan membosankan, kecuali seluruh dunia mengetahui nama besarnya, bukan? Tak tahu malu. Adil. Pintar. Lin Fan tak akan membiarkan seorang pun (atau sebuah bola pun) untuk menghalangi jalannya menuju kemenangan! Lucu untuk semua alasan yang salah dan menarik untuk semua yang tepat, novel ini pasti akan membuat kalian tertawa terbahak-bahak dan mengatur darah Anda memompa semuanya pada waktu yang bersamaan. Bergabunglah bersama kami di mahakarya roller coaster ini dengan Lin Fan dan sahabat-sahabatnya yang terpercaya saat dia menunjukkan pada dunia apa arti yang sesungguhnya menjadi YANG MULIA. Ada seseorang, yang seluruh hidupnya adalah legenda. Ada seseorang, di mana kemampuannya yang luar biasa memancar dari alisnya. Ada seseorang, Namanya Lin Fan. Semuanya, “Lin Fan, aku ingin memiliki bayimu.” Kehidupan yang mendominasi dari rasa percaya diri yang tak terkendali, tidak membutuhkan penjelasan apa pun.

Xin Feng · Eastern
1159 Chs

Legenda Dewa Harem

Dulu dia dikenal sebagai Ares, dewa perang yang tak terkalahkan, tak tertandingi! Sekarang dia adalah Randika, penjual mie ayam pinggir jalan Akibat siasat busuk musuh bebuyutannya, dewa perang yang tegap dan kekar ini terpaksa menjadi pedagang kaki lima untuk memastikan teman-teman seperjuangannya tidak dihabis. Tanpa kawan, tanpa uang, tanpa apa-apa, Randika dipaksa menanggalkan masa lalunya yang penuh darah. Namun takdir berkata lain! ”Aku mau kamu jadi suamiku! Sekarang!” Teriak perempuan yang tidak mau menerima jawaban ‘tidak’ dari Randika. Perempuan sinting macam apa yang mau kawin dengan penjual mie ayam? Apalagi perempuan itu adalah Inggrid Elina, CEO super kaya yang bisa mendapatkan laki-laki siapapun yang dia ingini! Apa yang membuat Elina memaksa penjual mie ayam ini menikahinya? Bagaimana Radinka bisa menolak tawaran Elina yang kaya dan cantik jelita? Apapun jawaban Randika, sebuah sosok akrab dari masa lalunya akan segera kembali menghantuinya. Akankah ia menghadapi sosok itu seorang diri? Akankah kehadiran CEO sinting nan cantik ini membantu atau justru memperburuk keadaan Radinka?

Lao_Ban69 · Eastern
420 Chs

Isekai : Kingdom Of Denjavas

Apa yang akan kalian lakukan jika mendapatkan undian berhadiah sebesar 300 Miliar,...???? Novel ini berkisah tentang seorang pemuda bernama Tama yang beruntung mendapatkan undian berhadiah sebesar 300 Miliar... Banyak orang yang secara tiba-tiba menghubungi dirinya hanya untuk meminjam uang, baik itu teman, saudara ataupun orang yang tidak dia kenal. Berdasarkan saran dari orangtuanya Tama lalu bersembunyi disebuah Villa Tua milik keluarganya, namun siapa sangka ternyata Villa Tua itu terhubung dengan dunia lain....!!!!! Penasaran dengan Kisah petualang Tama di Dunia Lain....????? Terinspirasi dari sebuah manga Takarakuji de 40 Oku

Si_Koplak · Fantasy
341 Chs

Ranger Malam

Marvin, yang merupakan seorang pemain legendaris, bertransmigrasi ke malam dimana Bencana Besar akan terjadi. Ini adalah akhir dari era keempat, semua dewa bergandengan tangan untuk menghancurkan Kolam Sihir Alam Semesta. Tablet Nasib ke empat datang pada waktunya dan semua dewa, setan, legenda, iblis, lich, naga dan mahkluk legendaris lainya bermunculan satu demi satu. Dengan tujuan untuk melindungi orang yang dia sayangi, Marvin tidak punya pilihan lain selain mempelajari tentang kegelapan. Ini cerita tentang seorang ranger muda yang tumbuh besar menjadi sang Penguasa Malam saat Era Kekacauan.

Dark Blue Coconut Milk · Games
735 Chs

Isekai - Cheat Koneksi Internet

Sebagai pencinta smartphone, Rei Kuraki menemukan aplikasi yang mencurigakan saat ia mencari aplikasi baru seperti biasanya pada suatu hari. Sepertinya menarik sekaligus, jadi ketika saya mencoba Download dan bermain, saya tiba-tiba terlempar ke dunia lain!   Tunggu sebentar, nih! Apalagi semua data di smartphone saya telah hilang!!! Itu bohong, data tagihan saya yang ditinggalkan!!! Tapi smartphone ini luar biasa!!! Tetapi ada terlalu banyak faktor penagihan!!! Ada terlalu banyak tsukkomi!!! Petualangan saya dimulai dengan ini. Tidak, saya tidak berpetualang karena saya hanya bermain-main dengan smartphone saya di penginapan. Saya kuat di dunia yang berbeda? Tidak, saya tidak dapat mengayunkan pedang dengan benar karena saya memiliki kekuatan fisik yang sama. Super kaya dalam Revolusi Industri? Tidak, saya langsung kehabisan uang karena terlalu banyak faktor penagihan untuk ponsel cerdas saya. Hal hebat saya adalah saya hanya memiliki smartphone yang hebat ... itu? Bukankah itu layak untukku? Penasaran dengan kelanjutannya, terus pantengin ceritanya, hanya di Web Novel Si_Koplak.

Si_Koplak · Fantasy
304 Chs

Singgasana Magis Arcana

Bintang jatuh menimbulkan kekacauan. Singgasana takdir kehilangan pemiliknya. Orang-orang tak beragama yang berjalan dalam cahaya dan kegelapan akan memulai debut mereka.” Di dunia sihir ini, pengetahuan adalah kekuatan. Xiafeng, seorang mahasiswa biasa, tiba-tiba berreinkarnasi ke dunia lain. Jiwanya masuk ke dalam tubuh Lucien, pemuda 15 tahun yang hidup di Eropa abad pertengahan. Dunia itu benar-benar berbeda dengan dunia Xiafeng. Di sana, sihir dan kekuatan Ilahi benar-benar ada. Di hari pertama Xiafeng menjalani hidup sebagai Lucien, dia menyaksikan seorang penyihir dibakar hidup-hidup.

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving · Fantasy
910 Chs

Mahakarya Sang Pemenang

Ini adalah kisah tentang mengejar kemenangan. Dalam sepakbola profesional, kemenangan adalah yang utama. Tanpa kemenangan, kau hanyalah pecundang. Tang En adalah pemuda Cina dengan temperamen buruk yang tak pernah bermimpi akan menjadi Tony Twain, seorang manajer tim sepakbola profesional, Nottingham Forest. Dengan hanya berbekal pengalaman bermain game sepakbola, dia mulai memimpin timnya menuju kemenangan. Perjalanan menuju kemenangan itu sama sekali tidak mudah. Pertandingan keras antar klub, pemain yang cedera, penggunaan taktik yang sesuai, hingga keputusan-keputusan yang diambil saat situasi genting turut mewarnai perjuangan menjadi juara liga. Tidak hanya itu, Tang En pun diuji untuk mengatasi semua insiden yang terjadi dalam kehidupan pribadinya. Dimulai dari teguran FA, penghargaan manajer terbaik, hingga beragam pekerjaan sampingan dan skandal pribadinya. Dengan semua peristiwa itu, bisakah Tang En mewujudkan mimpinya untuk mencapai kemenangan bersama timnya?

Lin Hai Ting Tao · Sports
1030 Chs

MMORPG: Kelahiran Kembali Sang Penjaga Legendaris

Phoenix adalah makhluk dari legenda, sebuah keajaiban dunia, citra dari kehidupan dan kehancuran. Makhluk dongeng ini menandakan munculnya seorang pahlawan di dunia maya di mana pertempuran terjadi demi kehormatan dan kemuliaan! Zhang Yang adalah pemain game profesional dalam game pertama dan paling fantastis yang merevolusi dunia: Mujizat Tuhan. Sebuah permainan di mana pengetahuan tradisional dalam RPG [sebuah permainan yang para pemainnya memainkan peran tokoh-tokoh khayalan dan berkolaborasi untuk merajut sebuah cerita bersama] tidak penting lagi, pemain harus secara manual menargetkan dan menghindari serangan, sehingga menimbulkan kesenjangan keterampilan yang signifikan antara pemain profesional dan amatir. Kejatuhan Zhang Yang datang sedikit lebih cepat. Pacarnya direbut, guildnya diusik dan dibubarkan, dan dia bahkan didorong untuk melakukan bunuh diri! Melompat dari lantai atas sebuah hotel, Zhang Yang tampak seolah-olah sedang melayang seperti burung phoenix. Sedikit yang dia tahu bahwa akhir hidupnya juga menandakan kebangkitannya kembali!

Flying Alone · Games
856 Chs

Reinkarnasi Dewa Pedang Terkuat

Memulai kembali sekali lagi, ia telah memasuki “game kehidupan” ini lagi untuk mengendalikan takdirnya. Kali ini, ia tidak akan dikendalikan oleh orang lain. Sebelumnya dia adalah sang Raja Pedang level 200, dan sekarang ia akan bangkit ke puncak tertinggi dalam kehidupan ini. Metode untuk mendapatkan uang! Strategi menaklukkan Dungeon! Misi Legendaris! Lokasi perlengkapan jatuh! Teknik pertarungan yang belum ditemukan! Bahkan rahasia yang tidak dapat diketahui oleh para Beta Tester, dia tahu semuanya itu. Peperangan besar-besaran, kemajuan hidup, memasuki Godhood, pedang mencapai puncak; legenda seorang manusia menjadi Dewa Pedang telah dimulai.

Lucky Old Cat · Games
2918 Chs

Carnivals: Claimed By The Deranged Alpha Prince [BL]

Jules’ life was picture perfect until his entire family got murdered all of a sudden, with him being the only survivor. A savior swooped In because he was still in immense danger, and that led to Jules taking on a new identity and becoming a completely different person overnight— and enrolling into Carnivals, a prestigious all-boys school for all supernatural beings. In Carnivals, monsters lurk the dark hallways and the strong preyed on the weak. You either become a predator or a prey… and from one look at Jules— a boy too pretty for his own good, with a slender and petite build, it was obvious that he was gonna be eaten alive by the predators. Here comes Blaze, a wolf who sends shivers down every predator’s spine in the school, an insanely hot Alpha who was as dangerous and deranged as the rumors claimed. He took one glance at Jules and decided there and then that Jules belonged to him. *** I inched backwards, eyes widening even more as my eyes zeroed in on the smirk tugging at the side of his lips. Blaze never smiled, and whenever he does, it never meant anything good. My heartbeat quickened as I scrambled backwards even more, breath stuttering to a stop as he began to narrow the distance between us. In no time, my back was plastered against the cold wall and that was when it hit me right in the chest that I was cornered and ensnared, like an actual prey… by none other than Blaze, when I had thought my life couldn’t get any worse. He towered over me effortlessly, emitting so much dominance and I had to tilt my head backwards for me to be able to meet his dark eyes, and my breath hitched when our eyes locked. He leaned down and my eyes snapped closed at once as I held my breath, waiting for him to strike. I’ve heard all the horrifying, endless rumors about him. He was an Alpha Prince whose presence someone like me should never be in. When I felt the tip of his cold nose glide over the length of my throat, my mouth fell open to release a startled gasp. He dragged in a long, audible breath and I felt a shiver rattle down my spine as I grew even stiffer, confusion clouding my mind. What was happening? Why was he doing this out of nowhere? Oh my gosh… he really was a deranged alpha like everyone says! *** THIS BOOK IS RATED 18+! It contains matured content such as: - Bullying. - Drug use. - Smut [a whole lot of it.] - Violence. - Harem [not between the main characters.] So… proceed with caution, you’ve been warned! *I don’t own the rights to the cover!

Bree_Airee · LGBT+
51 Chs

The Black Star Monarch

Li Jun was cast out of his family after his father's death. Bullied by his cousins and robbed by his uncle, his upbringing was less than pleasant. Despite that, Li Jun tried his best to live a quiet life; he kept to himself and worked hard to earn a living. However, fate dealt a cruel blow when a vicious attack left him unable to work again. Li Jun fell into despair. It was only through the selfless sacrifice of his devoted mother that a glimmer of redemption emerged as she sold off her final sliver of wealth to afford him a chance at a better life. Just when all seemed lost, a mysterious silver ring, seemingly tossed from the hands of celestials, descended from the heavens. Upon receiving the celestial gift, Li Jun's life took a surprising turn. As the layers of deceit peeled away, Li Jun found himself thrust into a web of lies that began to unravel before him. Compelled to untangle the enigmatic circumstances surrounding his father's demise and the orchestrated misfortunes that befell him, Li Jun strode on through the world of cultivation as the heavens trembled at his feet. He had seen a whisper of despair and vowed to never glance upon it again. ______________________________ Hello Author here. :) I just wanted to let you all know that I have a discord server and if you would like to join the community and discuss topics regarding this novel or other novels in general feel free to join. We have various sections for different hobbies so you can show off your skills so if you want to stop by. Discord.gg/KbBF8XP

Zero_Things · Fantasy
99 Chs

Aboron: The Elusive World of Adventure

Imagine a group of unlikely characters: a hapless boy, a shy girl, a homeless man with a mysterious power, and an underground high school society. What could possibly go wrong? Tom, a desperate bullying victim, encounters a timid Cacey for the first time in the school canteen. Tom was in need of something that Cacey possessed, and Cacey was in need of someone to rescue her from an uncomfortable situation. Despite its brevity, the meeting leaves an indelible mark on both individuals. To Tom, Cacey becomes the savior he will always admire. Accidental interactions with Cacey continue to impress and captivate Tom. Tom encounters the enigmatic homeless man Edward Lesseter Holmes, who promises to take him to a realm called Aboron and give him the power to become anything he wants. This encounter, however, turns his and Cacey's lives upside down. Through a dimensional curtain of ones and zeros, the man disappears, shocking Tom to no end. Things take a dramatic turn for the worst for Tom and Cacey after that. Without their knowledge, they end up on the Syndicate's hit list. Angus Balfour, the meticulous villain, has a very sinister plan for them. Is there any hope for Tom and Cacey to escape Angus's clutches? Can they alter their destiny in Aboron and return to Earth?   Will they be able to return and exact their vengeance? Join them as they set out on an adventure brimming with transformations, blood-curdling vengeance, and otherworldly powers. Join my Discord to discuss my novels: Instagram for wallpapers and illustrations of my novels:

Mashuk_Musafir23 · Teen
43 Chs

Building a Business Empire with my Technological System

Michael Reyes is your typical college student, caught in the relentless cycle of balancing studies and part-time work. As a second-year mechanical engineering student, his days are packed from dawn till dusk. Mornings are dedicated to lectures and coursework, while afternoons are spent at a part-time job that helps him make ends meet. Evenings are his only respite, though often spent more on studying than sleeping, if he gets the chance to rest at all. His life is a constant juggle, trying to keep up with demanding academic requirements while also contributing financially to his household. He's a hardworking, average student – not the top of his class, but not at the bottom either. But Michael's life takes an unexpected turn when he gains access to a mysterious Technological System. This system offers him a glimpse into future technologies, granting him knowledge and tools far beyond his time. When he realized its potential, his first words are. "I'm going to be rich!" Follow as Michael build his own business empire rivaling Apple, Microsoft, even Google. Disclaimer: 'Building a Business Empire with my Technological System' is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This book may reference real companies and organizations, but these references are for narrative purposes only and are not intended to depict actual conduct or involvement of these entities. The use of these names and references is not meant to harm, defame, or discredit these companies or organizations.

Faux1231 · Sci-fi
179 Chs

My Virtual Girlfriend Is Actually a Lady From the Richest Family

David rarely interacts with women in real life other than his older sister. However, online, he has a virtual girlfriend who wants a more serious relationship. When his virtual girlfriend claims to be a lady from the Rothschild Family, he begins to wonder if his life will be okay from now on. *** https://discord*gg/kQRNTHh6eA

Dark_Crow1111 · Urban
211 Chs

The CEO's Seductive Doll

[Warning: Mature Content, R18] Evanescence "Evan" Holz, a billionaire businessman, received a souvenir from an obscure country that creates s*x dolls called “Eternity Women.” These "Eternity Woman" are life-like and turn alive once activated. To activate them, you need to "use" them. There's only one way for anyone to use a doll: You "play" with them. But what if these Eternity Women weren't just s*x dolls that magically come alive? What exactly is the mechanism behind Eternity Women that makes them into sentient beings in the first place? Is it just the pleasure, or there's something else, something sinister, that gives them life? That’s for Evan to find out. *** EXCERPT: "Raise your hips," he ordered. His voice was husky and demanding. Eternity quickly did as she was told to do. He wasn't a mind reader, yet he knew that it filled her with desire that he was talking to her in such an authoritative manner. Evan slipped Eternity's panties quickly off of her, giving them the same treatment as her bra once they were removed. He flung them away with no care as to where they would land. He nudged her legs wider apart using his, signaling the impending act. As Eternity called it, 'penetrative intercourse.' "May I?" he asked, even though he knew how much she wanted it. She nodded, tears trailing down her cheeks because of how much she had done. "F*ck me, Evan." *** GIFTING AND BONUS Magic Castle = 5 Bonus Chapters Spacecraft = 10 Bonus Chapters Golden Gachapon = 15 Bonus Chapters TAKE NOTE: The bonus chapters will be uploaded at the start of the following month.

kasurindusk · Fantasy
111 Chs

My Simulated Road to Immortality

The Immortal Way, how arduous it is! Especially in this Immortal Cultivation World, which has been drastically changed by a plague! Mortals carry the disease, and when Immortals come into contact with them, they are liable to suffer a decrease in their cultivation, and in the worst case, end up Returning to the heavens. This has made Mortals and Immortals eternally separate entities. The Immortal Law cannot be jointly cultivated, turning the entire Immortal Cultivation World into a vast dark forest. ...... Li Fan, having travelled through time, despite having boundless ambitions, can only toil within the mortal dust, wasting away his whole life. Fortunately, just before death, he finally awakens an odd treasure which can turn the real into the fake - transforming his real life into a vivid dream, enabling him to return to the time right after he travelled through time. Therefore, Li Fan began his long Road to Immortality! In his second life, Li Fan, over the course of fifty years, overturned the power balance of the world, yet he searched everywhere and failed to find a trace of Immortals, only managing to see the traces of an Immortal at the very end of his life. In his third life, despite Li Fan exhausting his spirit and wits and laying out all sorts of schemes, he still couldn’t withstand a single strike from an Immortal! In his fourth life...... ...... I, Li Fan, a mere mortal, have no regrets even after a hundred lifetimes, I only seek Immortality!

Angry Squid · Eastern
422 Chs

The Blind Swordsman.

A boy with an unfortunately tragic past grew up into an emotionless retard and became an assassin codenamed [Stylish-Assassin], who never bothered to hide his face even at the scenes of his missions; as such, the woman who loved him from the bottom of her heart was found out by the authorities from the government, who used her to keep an eye on him and dispose of him at any given moment. He who knew learned about that for a long time decided to resolve the matters with his death being the conclusions, but what he got was far too different for what he wanted, as the 'reason' that made him want to live another day even if it had to strive for it, ceased to exist that..... Without a reason or a will to live, he picked up the revolver held hand of his now dead 'reason' that made him want to live, and shot himself. What he thought was the end, Was instead a new beginning; He involuntarily found himself believing that, It was another chance in life, but DING-! [Character’s synchronised story has been successfully re-enacted!] “This scene should remain in your mind as you die. Take this as a lesson to never go against an aristocrat!” The man with a hoarse and cold voice said and slashed Mark’s eyes with his dagger. [User, Daddy_Darkness’, customized character has been created!] [Perfect synchronisation complete!] [[Mutated sewage rat’s crystal] [Rank – F (-)] [Inconsumable] has been consumed!] [[Abyssal (Ex)] has been activated!] With a clear target for his revenge etched onto his consciousness, he set foot into a path threaded with blood and cold darkness that lead him to the very depths of the abyss as he strived to become stronger than his target, even if the path leading him held life-threatening dangers at each step..... DING-! [An [Unborn Tower] has begun plundering over the [Essence] from the [Assimilated] worlds] *** AN: I don’t know who the artist of the cover is, but if you want me to remove it.... you can ask me to do so (T-T). Credits to the artist. -----------------[Goals]----------------- [+1 Chapter for every [Magic Castle]] [+1 Chapter for every 10 reviews] --- [Daily Goals] [Power Stones: --/50] [+1 Chapter] [Golden Tickets: --/10] [+1 Chapter] --- [Saturdays I may or may not upload]

_Eshwar_ · Realistic
218 Chs

Overlord of Outlaws

Countless worlds span the universe! Hundreds of planets are civilized. Thousands are uncharted or unexplored. And all of them offer death to unwelcome visitors. But where to go? What to do? Need the best weapons and armaments modern technology can offer? Visit Alforro, where elves run the largest manufacturing companies this side of the known universe! Want a custom ship with mods unavailable anywhere else in the universe? Hurry over to Verrgal, home of the legendary dwarven engineers! Searching for the best organic, farm-grown steel? Then the hills of Buurzeim are a must-see, but make sure to offer a hefty tip to your giant tour guide! With so many worlds to manage, only the most vast and powerful planetary councils can do the job. But with all the varied opinions and agendas spanning the universe, it’s only natural that no single government has managed to control it all. And always keep an eye open for outlaws. Whether you’re in the outer corners of the known universe or in the center of an intergalactic capital. Outlaws are everywhere… especially with the Mob Lords controlling the universal underworld. Luckily, the last Outlaw Overlord, the most wanted man in the universe, was done in almost two decades ago! In such a vast, chaotic universe, who would dream of adventuring as an outlaw? Why not become a bounty hunter in search of prestige and wealth? And there’s always an opening among one of the many intergalactic patrols, offering promotions to the most dependable, powerful people! Then again, with no other option available, that’s everything Ayse can possibly dream of. To be an outlaw on the run! To see every sight imaginable! To explore an entire universe of fantastic worlds! Even if he has to avoid possible capture and death at every turn. But can Ayse survive that long? How long will it take for Ayse's unavoidable past to catch up with him? Can Ayse successfully form his own outlaw posse with his recruited, self-founded family? Or will Ayse drag his newfound friends into the deadliest conflict the universe will ever face, risking the total extinction of sentient life? ****************** A Sci-fi/Fantasy Epic!!! ~ 6+ chapters every Wednesday! (by Webnovel's clock) ~ Discord: https://discord.gg/akzn9SM5k9 Art by @itsjustfroggy, found on Youtube, Twitter, or Twitch! *Want YOUR name (or a name of your choice) in OoO? Gift a Magic Castle, Spacecraft, or Golden Gachapon. I'll reach out via Discord after you join the server, then we'll chat about your character/name ;) Join the server to chat with me or to vote in regular polls. Help improve the story while it's still being written!

TheSilverQuill · Sci-fi
328 Chs