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Người yêu kết hôn 1 tặng 1: Giám đốc xin vui lòng ký nhận!

Chị cô kết hôn, cô lại từ một đứa không cha không mẹ một đêm trở thành thiếu phu nhân của nhà giàu quyền thế nhất của thành phố T. Trong đêm tân hôn, hắn vừa lạnh lùng vừa vô tâm nói, “Dù cho cô giở thủ đoạn gì gả đến Mục gia, thì trong mắt tôi cô chẳng là cái thá gì cả!” còn cô vô cùng bình tĩnh và nói một cách vô tình, “Mục thiếu à đừng đánh giá cao bản thân mình đến vậy chứ, cả thân thể cùng tiền của anh, tôi đều chướng mắt!” Sau khi kết hôn - ban ngày Mục đại thiếu tiêu tiền như nước, ban đêm thì “Em nói em chướng mắt anh ở chỗ nào chứ, hả?” Lạc Thần Hi càng cảm thấy phiền phức hơn, tàn nhẫn vứt giấy ly hôn, “Thời gian vừa qua thật khó khăn mà, ly hôn đi!” Một giây sau, cô công chúa nhỏ ôm hành lý hình dán hellokitty chạy đến, vui mừng ôm lấy đùi cô, “Ma ma, có phải chúng ta chơi trò bỏ nhà ra đi hay không?”

Thủy Tình · Urban
1724 Chs

Duy nhất là em

Khương Cửu Sênh là một ngôi sao nhạc Rock đang ở đỉnh cao thành công, một cô gái xinh đẹp, lôi cuốn, tao nhã, thâm trầm và có chút lạnh lùng. Cô gặp Thời Cẩn, một bác sĩ cuồng sạch sẽ, tự nhận là fan cuồng não tàn của Khương Cửu Sênh, gây ấn tượng mạnh với cô bởi bàn tay quá đẹp của anh, bởi cô mắc bệnh cuồng tay mức độ nhẹ. Cuộc gặp gỡ tình cờ của họ trong thang máy chung cư đánh dấu một câu chuyện tình cuồng nhiệt, ẩn chứa trong đó đầy những bí mật về thân thế của hai người, những cuộc đấu tranh của các gia đình tài phiệt, từ đó dẫn đến chuỗi những cuộc trả thù đẫm máu và tàn nhẫn. Nhưng trên tất cả là sự đấu tranh của Khương Cửu Sênh và Thời Cẩn để bảo vệ tình yêu, công lý, chính nghĩa, chống lại những thế lực đen tối, những vụ buôn lậu, ma túy, rửa tiền, đem lại bầu không khí trong sạch trong các phi vụ làm ăn, và một cuộc sống yên bình, ấm áp mà cả hai đều mong muốn. Với sự can trường, mạnh mẽ, thông minh của một cô gái yêu nhạc rock và một tính cách lạnh lùng, tàn nhẫn, sự tài giỏi không gì là không làm được, nhưng luôn muốn hướng thiện vì người mình yêu của người đàn ông si tình đã chứng minh sức mạnh tình yêu sẽ giúp họ vượt qua mọi khó khăn, cùng hoàn thiện nhau để có được hạnh phúc mãn nguyện nhất.

Gu Nan Xi · Urban
474 Chs

Thanh Xuân Bắt Đầu Từ Khi Gặp Anh

Bảy năm trước họ chia tay, anh biến mất không lời từ biệt. Bảy năm sau, cô chuẩn bị kết hôn anh lại xuất hiện, dùng mọi thủ đoạn để ép cô lấy anh. Một tờ chứng nhận kết hôn buộc chặt hai con người tưởng chừng đã mãi mãi mất nhau. Và từ đó về sau cô bé lọ lem trở thành nữ hoàng... Hoắc Miên, cô gái giản dị với chỉ số thông minh cực cao đã hút hồn Tần Sở - Tổng giám đốc tập đoàn GK đẹp trai giàu có. Tình yêu từ thuở thiếu thời trải qua bao sóng gió mới kết trái ngọt nhưng họ nào đâu biết, giông tố mới chỉ bắt đầu mà thôi…

Baby Piggie · Urban
1724 Chs

Lệ tiên sinh à, đường tình duyên của ngươi thắm rồi !

Chàng trai với ba búi tóc nhỏ xinh, hai tay ôm lấy ngực đầy uất ức, nói với ông Lý. "Tôi là đứa con mang trong mình dòng máu của ông, ông nhất định phải cứu mẹ tôi... nếu không tôi sẽ kiện ông vì tội đã bỏ rơi con cái" Lý Giang nhướn mày: "Tôi thậm chí không có vợ. Làm sao tôi có thể có con trai?" Chủ tịch Lý vừa định bỏ đi thì bỗng một cô bé đáng yêu, trên tay đang bế búp bê barbie chạy vào, ôm chặt lấy đùi ông và hét lớn: "Xin hãy cứu mẹ con, nếu không con sẽ không buông." Chủ tịch Lý bị chàng trai có ba búi tóc nhỏ xinh kéo lấy tay đặt lên cơ thể của người phụ nữ xa lạ. Từ dạo đó trở đi, Lý Giang luôn nghĩ về người phụ nữ ấy với mong muốn được chịu trách nhiệm với cô trong suốt phần đời còn lại...

Tử Hạ Mộc · Urban
1721 Chs

My brother is an Idol

2nd year of High School, Yoona. Her mother had left the world early and left her and her father by themselves. She relieves her stress caused by her troublesome father and schoolwork through watching Idols. But one day, her father announces that he will be getting remarried! And her new stepmother has a son? Yoona suddenly gets a new brother...

Rei Ko · Urban
123 Chs


(+18 content.) His life takes a turn for the better. Prologue Could it be that he knows, and that's why he...?" The life of secrets, betrayal, and firm In the midst of being lonely some days, Karalana takes a turn in life for the better. Karalana's mind was a swirling tempest of memories.The weight of his mother's death hung heavy on his shoulders—a tragedy that had shattered his world. Though the accident had been beyond his control, the blame was inescapable. One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the mountains, he met Sharisha. Her presence was a gentle breeze that momentarily calmed the storm in his heart. The two shared a secret beneath their imaginations, their whispered words forming an unbreakable bond. As time passed, Karalana couldn't deny the growing connection between them. In Sharisha, he saw not just a refuge from his past but the promise of a brighter future. And so he made a decision to be by her side: he would keep his mother's death a secret from her; it was a lie born out of love. In the glittering city of Smokey Valley and with unfamiliar faces, Karalana's trust issues deepened like a chasm in his soul. Surrounded by the wealthy elite, he felt like an outsider, a mere spectator in a world where people wore masks of politeness and privilege. When every smile seemed to have hidden agendas. He couldn't help but wonder if, in this world of opulence, genuine connections were a rarity. The memories of his cousin's past betrayal and the weight of his tormenting memory only fueled his suspicion of everyone he met. Yet, amid this sea of unfamiliarity,Sharisha remained his anchor. Her unwavering support and genuine affection were the glimmers of light in his darkening world. With her, he dared to believe that trust could be rekindled, even in a city where wealth and facades seemed to rule. The unexpected marriage of Karalana and Sharisha sent shockwaves through Sanka and Abisai's circle of friends.

Claudiah · Urban
88 Chs

Cuộc hôn nhân bí mật đầy ngọt ngào: Vợ yêu bé bỏng của đại gia tài phiệt

Kiếp trước, Cố Vi Vi bị chính người đàn ông mình yêu đem trái tim của cô cấy ghép cho người bạn thân mà cô tín nhiệm nhất. Cô chết đi sống lại, trở thành cô bạn gái nhỏ của tài phiệt đệ nhất Trung Quốc, Phó Hàn Tranh. Cô cẩn trọng từng bước, báo thù kẻ hãm hại mình. Anh ở bên bảo vệ, hết mực yêu thương cô. Ai cũng nói Phó Hàn Tranh là kẻ kiêu ngạo lạnh lùng, bạc tình, vô nhân tính. Vậy chẳng lẽ người chồng hoàn mỹ ngày nào cũng trêu chọc cô tới mặt đỏ tim đập, sủng cô vô pháp vô thiên kia, là giả sao? “Tiên sinh, ở trường học có rất nhiều nam sinh theo đuổi phu nhân.” “Cho toàn bộ nam sinh trong trường nghỉ học, biến trường của cô ấy thành trường nữ sinh cho tôi.” “Tiên sinh, có tin đồn gán ghép phu nhân và một nam minh tinh đang nổi tiếng trong giới giải trí là một đôi.” “Phong sát nam minh tinh kia đi.” (“Phong sát” là ngăn cản mọi hoạt động trong giới giải trí của ai đó.) “Nam minh tinh kia là em trai anh.” “Vậy thì đánh chết cậu ta đi.”

Helen Dương Dương · Urban
2303 Chs

lost & found

Being 19 years old is never an easy task, with a world so dark and people so toxic, a simple weak girl could only fall victim to people's wrath. So alone, abandoned and scarred, would Zina make it? ========================= "I promise you, that I will fix you," She told him as tears fell from her sweet brown eyes. He raised his head to meet her painful gaze. He felt his heart sink. If only she knew she was in no place to fix me, he thought. ************************************************************************** "At just 19 years old, Zina finds herself navigating a dark and toxic world, abandoned and scarred. Will she overcome the challenges that threaten to consume her? With a promise to fix others while battling her own struggles, Zina's journey unfolds in a gripping tale of resilience and redemption. Dive into this captivating urban novel filled with raw emotions, unexpected twists, and the power of human connection. Join Zina on a quest for survival and self-discovery in a world where hope shines brightest in the darkest moments."

CHZ · Urban
75 Chs

Meeting them

Meeting BTS was like a dream come true to every ARMY. What will it feels like to meet them face to face ? And what's more suprising is that they are just staying nearby your school. Then you went into the building because people say that the building is haunted and you met BTS there? What would you do when you meet your bias?

lovehalsey · Music & Bands
153 Chs

Contract Marriage: A Marriage Of Revelation

In a quiet, private room of the restaurant, the sound of shattering glass pierced the air like a gunshot. There, standing in front of the broken shards, was Robert, his face frozen in shock. The word "divorce" hung in the air, a bitter pill that he couldn't swallow. "It's a joke, right?" Robert asked, his voice shaking with disbelief. "No, I'm not joking, I want a divorce" Emily replied her voice resolute. Her words hit him like a punch to the gut, as he struggled to comprehend what she was saying. ********* In a society where arranged marriages are the norm, two strangers are forced to marry each other. They have very different personalities and interests, and they struggle to find common ground. They are bound together by a marriage contract that is intended to ensure that they will work together for the benefit of both their families. Emily Kevan, a college student with big dreams find herself in a situation that seems to have no way out. It was a leap of faith that would forever change her life, for better or worse. She felt a sense of profound frustration, knowing that she was tied to someone she had never met and knowing that she was unable to pursue a relationship with the man she truly wanted to be with. She considered divorce as a means of freeing herself from the constraints of the contract, but the terms of the agreement was clear: five years of marriage and an heir were required before a divorce could be considered. On the other hand, after years of focusing solely on his studies, Robert Rawlings graduated from university and was eager to begin the next chapter of his life. However, his parent had other plans. They informed him of a contract marriage that would tie him to a woman he had never met, and they made it clear that there was no room for discussion. Robert resigned himself to his fate, knowing that he had no choice but to comply. The question now is, will Emily divorce Robert after five years of marriage with a son? Cover image is not mine, all credit goes to the owner.

obiparadise_purity · Fantasy
23 Chs

Entangled : A Love -Story Beyond Time

What will happen when Nitya, a happy-go-lucky girl, finds out that she is the reincarnation of the Princess of a Healer tribe, whose own forbidden love story was the reason for the annihilation of her own tribe? What events are going to unfold now, when they come face-to-face in the modern set-up, and she figures out that her fears are rooted in the events of her past life? Is this a love story fated to end in heartbreak, because of a slight unknown mistake? How will Ji-hun deal when he comes to realise that he is the one behind all the heartbreaks and pain in their life, and most devastatingly, the death of the one and only love of his lives? The animal healer, Reneé, who was raised to be the shield of the plant healer Princess of the Healer tribe. Because being the older one inevitably brings the responsibility on one's shoulders! What will be her decision when she finds out that the partner destined for her was the very reason for the unfulfillment of her duties? After twelve hundred years, will she be able to forgive him when she finally encounters him? Will Surbhi, a leading architect, be able to forgive the love of her life for the mistakes he has made in the past, after remembering everything? In its own grounds that lie beyond the concepts of time and place, Destiny takes hold of the reins and brings all four to a crossroads on a journey of love, reincarnation and secrets with the tangled threads of Fate! ATTENTION! For the coin code, you can reach me on either discord or Instagram. Discord- @JoJo_17_34 (#2655) Instagram- @entangled_writes Come say hello, and the code is only valid for the first 10 readers, so hurry! The dates and status of the giveaway will be updated in authors note in the chapters, so keep an eye on that! The cover photo does not entirely belong to me. I have actually merged two picture: and the two pictures that have been used for the cover are by 'Wall Zencafe' (Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.) and 'UHDPaper 2021'.

JoJo_17_34 · Fantasy
349 Chs

Narrator: Keen

#WFP#17 THIRD PLACE WINNER Attention: *Book One completed* thank you for supporting Narrator: Keen. let's go through this journey together. ****Warning: Contains mature content.**** No Rape or Erotic. "Where am I?" Asaya of the other world asked "In my ship", he said. "Pirates!" *** Asana Keen reincarnated to an angel shape to save another world. Meanwhile, she meets her other homologous version in that world. She will realize much truth about herself... Would The Keen angel be able to bring changes and gain love instead? what are the consequences if disobey? Turning to Ash like never existed or becomes a normal person and gains the taste of love whether knows it is bitter. But bitter medicine can heal a body so love does the same! A bitter cure to heal her soul. To fill the deep gap within her. ===> please join my discord server if you have questions: https://discord.gg/vtGqMgYb9K cover art by me

Naz_Mzf · History
83 Chs

Blue Angel in search of Innocent Soul

Blue Angel in search of innocent soul, when counter with Maria starts mystery, magics &tragedy. It is complete family novel, I'm excited to share this story with you. It's about two very different people: Maria and Magician Jack. Maria's strong, and despite tough times, she's trying to find happiness. Magician Jack, on the other hand, has darker plans. I want you to think about choices and how they shape our lives. Sometimes, mysterious things happen around us. In this story, we explore these mysteries. Follow Maria and Magician Jack's journeys, think about what they do, and how it affects them and those they meet. Whether you like the light or the shadows in this story, I hope you enjoy reading it. It is complete family novel for all age groups Thanks for joining me on this adventure. Best wishes,  

Malik_2023 · Horror
32 Chs

Petal Cicada

A story of the alienated Tanaka Luca, saved by the kind and humble boy Tachibana Kisaki. The got close as the time passed, later did Luca knew, he fell hard for Kisaki. As soon as he was about to tell his love, Luca was somewhat unfortunate, he got hurt and ran home. Who would've thought that as soon as he got home, tiny streaks of petals came out from his mouth. Can Luca be saved by Kisaki again? Let's find out.

hiraki_mitsuha · Urban
9 Chs

The Idol's Wife

(COMPLETED) Kwon Jiwon, also known as KJ, is the nation's heartthrob. Voted the most handsome and talented idol of the nation, KJ has achieved everything he ever dreamed of. Together with his group, EXOTIC, he is the rebellious idol who is a royalty in the music industry. But deep inside, KJ is hiding a dark secret, which can threaten everything he worked for. His decade long secret, for which he literally erased time and his past, to achieve the success he has today. Despite his success and fame, he is still pained by the past which only he knows about, making him feel isolated from everyone. His only companion is a mysterious talking cat, Jade, who made a dangerous deal with KJ years ago. However, fate intervenes when KJ is threatened by a criminal cartel. His past re-enters his life in the form of the beautiful but feisty Jung Mirae, the founder of the mercenary group Abyss who is hired to protect him. Despite having no recollection of her memories with KJ, Mirae is entangled with the lonely idol who is determined not to reopen the wounds of their erased past. To top it off, Mirae gets involved with Jiwon's best friend, Ash, unknowingly breaking Jiwon's heart in the process. What is KJ hiding? What is his connection with Mirae? Will they ever reconnect with each other in the present? A/N: This is my first attempt at writing a somewhat adult romance. I might be sloppy at it but please bear with me ;-; The cover is borrowed from google/pinterest but has been modified to suit my characters. Credit goes to original owners. Thank you. JOIN MY DISCORD CHANNEL: https://discord.gg/Yh5c2xj

Tea_Tae · Urban
348 Chs

ROmance MYstery

Mylar Rodriguez is a waitress at Gentleman's club, a famous night club in Brooklyn, New York city. She finds herself in a hassle after her boss from the club revealed his intention of keeping her with him for as long as he wanted while using the excuse of a repayment of $80,000. And in the long run, she is involved in a one night stand with a big shot known as Camilo Wylder. Camilo is a young man who can't stand on his own without depending on his daddy who is a very rich business tycoon. Mylar finds out later on that she was in a really deep mess due to what she did out of compulsion and finds it difficult to think of a solution to her problem. Rumours about Camilo's habits are quite famous in the New York's papers and social media. Mylar took a big step after being pressurized by Vida, her best friend from gentleman's club. Mr Julian, Camilo's daddy accepted her into the family with open arms but with a condition of a contract marriage that will last for three years only. Elio, Camilo's younger brother and Mrs Camila, Camilo's mom liked Mylar very much and treated her like family but some others hated her especially Miss Emelda, Camilo's nanny and confidant. Elio falls in love with Vida and a new love story is formed. Mylar's curiosity reveals all the family's dirty secrets. Mr Julian's love affair and his plan to make Mrs Camila totally crazy by giving her the wrong drugs just to keep her properties for himself. Mylar saves Camilo from being killed by Mr Julian after he found out that he isn't his dad. Mystery finds it way into romance and romance finds it way into Mystery. PART TWO ROmance MYstery2 (FAMILY DRAMA) SYNOPSIS In order to cover up her secret about having a child out of wedlock, Mylar Tiffany Rodriguez had to find someone to put the blame on and that someone was going to be Camilo Diego Wylder, rich billionaire and mummy's spoilt boy. After a one night stand with a woman whom he almost ran over with his car, his life turned upside down. Mylar, the crazy and most popular stripper in Magic City Strip Club on 241 Forsyth St SW, Atlanta Georgia had recorded their sex video. Camilo's mom was forced to organized a contest to find a wife for her son by her father-in-law to please him after his failed seven dates but Mylar had to ruin it with her pregnancy news. His granddad literally ruined his life by arranging a contract marriage for both of them with the hope that one day, they will begin to love each other. "Hey daughter, we are moving in." Mylar's insanely terrible mom suddenly informed her that they'll be moving into her daughter's in-law's house because her gambler dad made a bet with their house and now they are homeless, broke and they do not have a place to live. More trouble for both Mylar and Camilo other than their daily trouble because Camilo's mom, his grandma and Mylar's parents despised each other. Here is a romance and a family drama with a twist for you to read. Enjoy.......

OlubukunmiJokotoye · Urban
128 Chs


Ian has a crush and when he realizes that he will be spending the summer with said crush, he takes it as a sign to confess...will love blossom between the two?

LOLOthaNinja · Urban
30 Chs

Sebuah Pengakuan

21+ FREY : “Awasi Zulian dan jangan pukul dia.” Permintaan kakakku terdengar cukup mudah. Yaitu untuk mengawasi sahabatnya di kampus dan menjaga tanganku untuk diriku sendiri. Dan ini tentunya sangat mudah. Bahkan jika Zulian adalah seorang kutu buku. Aku selalu berpikir ini sangat lucu, aku tidak punya waktu untuk berpikir dengan diriku sendiri. Hanya ada satu tongkat yang harus aku fokuskan tahun ini, dan itu adalah tongkat hoki ku. Tujuanku setelah lulus adalah untuk mendapatkan kontrak kerja. Hal terakhir yang aku butuhkan adalah pengalihkan perhatian dari semuanya. Di dalam atau di luar. Hanya saja, mematuhi aturan lebih sulit dari yang aku pikirkan. **** ZULIAN: Semua orang membuatku bingung. Dan tidak lebih lagi seseorang yang bernama Frey Geraldi. Aku hampir tidak berbicara sepatah katapun dengannya sepanjang waktuku mengenalnya, tetapi kali ini, Aku menginjakkan kaki di kampus, dan dia tidak akan mungkin akan goyah. Aku tidak pernah bisa mengantisipasi langkah selanjutnya. Dan setiap kali kita bersama, langkahku selanjutnya adalah sebuah misteri. Aku ingin menyerah padanya, tapi itu mungkin aku harus berterus terang tentang sesuatu yang belum pernah aku pedulikan sebelumnya.

Richard_Raff28 · LGBT+
286 Chs

Mila: Cinta dan Rahasia

Ketika cantik, kaya raya, dan pintar menjadi hal yang menakutkan. Karena orang-orang bisa datang hanya karena ingin terkena sedikit keberuntungan. Itu semua dimiliki oleh seorang perempuan bernama Mila. Mila adalah perempuan yang sangat cantik dan pintar. Ditambah dia merupakan anak satu-satunya dari keluarga kaya raya. Menurut orang lain semua yang dimiliki oleh Mila adalah keberuntungan. Namun di mata Mila itu bukan lah keberuntungan, melainkan kesialan karena tidak ada yang bisa membuat Mila bahagia. Tapi walaupun begitu Mila tetap tumbuh menjadi anak yang baik dan dia bertekad untuk hidup biasa-biasa saja. Tentunya dengan menyembunyikan semua keberuntungan itu. Namun apa jadinya ketika semua persembunyian yang telah dia lakukan akhirnya terbongkar oleh laki-laki bernama Risky. Laki-laki yang Mila temui di sekolah barunya.

Peony15 · Teen
305 Chs

My Youth My Love Story

I fall in love. Forbidden love with classmates. A person with all the differences that are many and difficult. Can I keep this love? ... In the crocodile class, there aren't many rainbow geese. Because one or two female foxes from another planet enjoy ducking their juniors. Isn't it the norm at school? Is the biggest problem with Anggi herself? Cover is mine

Ningsih_Nh · Teen
314 Chs