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Orchid: Sun and moon

The young CEO falls in love with a mob girl who chooses to live simply. A simple girl who was exiled because of her actions. Make friends with the school gang who brought them into a world of darkness. The arrival of the Moon and An's life is a mystery. Moon's closeness with Uncle Chan made An want to set her up. But a danger has targeted the Moon as the target of assassination, and Hyun, who has disappeared from the hospital. Hyun's search for his childhood girl, and the Moon's love triangle. A mystery is asked, "Why is the Moon everywhere?" A humor that "Demon has returned", the assassin who became great enemies of Orchid and Eye Shadow. Orchids are back in action to reveal the truth. Favorite please !?

Apkxiaanita · Teen
188 Chs

Heidi y el señor

Año 1847 Los cuatro Imperios se han mantenido sin cambios durante siglos, los vampiros tienen la ventaja y son los titiriteros de todo. Pero los conflictos han comenzado a aumentar causando una guerra interna entre los Imperios, Bonelake y Woville. Heidi era una niña adoptada, por el Duque que había sido lo suficientemente generoso para acogerla. Una niña, que cuando creció, no tenía ni idea de que sería el puente político entre los dos Imperios a través de un matrimonio con un pariente del Señor del Este. El Señor Nicholas, con su suave apariencia y comportamiento, se convirtió en el Rey Blanco del Imperio. Un hombre que era el más amable con todas las personas que lo rodeaban, aunque solo unos pocos sabían lo que había debajo de esa hermosa máscara. ¿Qué sucede cuando una chica es responsable de sacar lo peor y lo mejor de él? Especialmente, si es la prometida de su primo. Créditos de la portada del libro: complxmars

ash_knight17 · Fantasy
158 Chs

Imperio Valeriano

Año 1834, en un tiempo oscuro cuando sombrías criaturas descendieron a las pacíficas tierras de los humanos, revelando su existencia lentamente. Una época donde los imperios eran regidos por las conspiraciones del hombre, el odio y la traición, pero sin advertir que eran meros títeres. Los verdaderos titiriteros detrás de escenas eran las criaturas sombrías, con el poder de aplastar cualquier cosa en su camino. ¿Qué pasa cuando una pequeña niña humana llama la atención de uno de los Señores pura sangre? ¿Sobrevivirá las intrigas políticas entre las naciones cuando hay un atractivo Señor involucrado? ¿Sin olvidar al fantasma que la ha seguido desde su hogar?

ash_knight17 · Fantasy
125 Chs

The Billionaire's Secretary is a Stud

CHAPTER 97-147 ARE CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN F×M Book 1 Intimacy Contract Pregnancy Engagement Marriage As the old adage goes, marriage has never been easy Book 2 whips WiFi contracts true love submission invasion

qweenamanda · Urban
147 Chs

Bullets by Dawn

[COMPLETED] "Rome wasn't built in a day, nor was her revenge." ***** He had taken her family, so Amelia was going to take everything from him. Literally. She may have been in love, but she hated him more, with every breath she took, and no matter what happened, forgiveness wasn't a choice. She would give him a taste of his own medicine and didn't care that she could lose herself in the process. If anything, she had come from the ashes he had forced her into. ************ It was a game of power - sacrifices had to be made and blood would flow this time. They share a bed, they share a home, they share literally everything, or not. They both have secrets. Secrets that tie them together and doom them at the same time. They are both strong-willed and can fight their own battles. Standing on opposite sides, love and betrayal face each other, while regrets and kisses take the back seat. In a world where the bullets decide who lives and who leaves, who will take the first shot? ****** [Cannot be read as a standalone] - To understand the storyline, you have to read the first book, THE CRADLE OF LOVE. OTHER WORKS: CRADLE OF LOVE [PREQUEL] WHOSE ALPHA NIKITA cover photo, not mine will take it down if the owner requests.

she_osprey · Urban
300 Chs

La heredera está aquí: ¡Cálmate, príncipe de la escuela!

An Xiaxia es una verdadera anti-fan, ¡y ama pasarse el tiempo criticando a Sheng Yize! ¡Criticando, criticando, criticando! Pero un dia, este ídolo nacional se vuelve su compañero de clases, ¡e incluso se mueve a su casa!

An Xiangnuan · Teen
1094 Chs


When the god of death and the goddess of the moon are reincarnated into highschool teenages. Love washes its path on them. The land , waters and air craved with trapped souls. They couldn't get to the afterlife because they needed to complete their birth reason. Innocent Mrs Menices runs away from her husbands torture while 9months pregnant but her fate is unfortunate. She dies while the baby stayed alive in her tummy. She became a trapped soul too and with charm and chants the baby was brought out of her. He was magnificent. His hair was blazing like the volcano and his eyes combined the colouring of gold and red .His teeth was bright white and his skinned looked slightly pale almost like the souls. As the elder among them held him, watching his intimidating look they, felt his strength and they named him Thanatos:he who brings death. But that isn't all. They sent him away at age 18 to study and live with the humans and that is where he met Luna the girl who made his rage high and yet only she could calm him down.

Infectious1x1 · Fantasy
17 Chs

Bambi y el duque

Año 1766. Desheredada por su propia familia por razones particulares, fue acogida por una criada a la edad de siete años para trabajar en la casa de los Carmichael. Los Carmichael eran una de las familias más respetables de sangre pura de Bonelake y, como en cualquier otra familia, tenían sus reglas. Reglas que debían ser seguidas por los sirvientes y criadas. Como a todos, se les enseñó a que no desobedeciera las reglas. Pero, antes de que aprendiera a caminar discretamente en las sombras como todos los demás, el hijo pequeño del duque la llama “Bambi” y todo se desencadena.

ash_knight17 · Fantasy
276 Chs

Lovely Girl from Mestonia

Petra relocates to the city to pursue a Metropol High School scholarship. That's where she met Lyon. The wealthy and cool young man. As if that wasn't enough in the name of destiny to secure Petra a lifetime contract with Lyon. Lyon's future wife.

Ningsih_Nh · Urban
351 Chs

Save Me

Morgan lost her mum and sister to a fatal accident and she came home one day to find her dad the only family she has dead, Ann on the other side finds Morgan and wants to help her heal. will Morgan let Ann help her out of her misery or will she just allow herself to wallow in pain? Morgan has suffered a bad fate and still holds on to her past. There is Ann who has a past she has long forgotten. She is as scarred as Morgan. Ricardo too has a story.

Bethel-Gold · Teen
42 Chs

Mi papá es el príncipe azul de la galaxia

¿Qué harías si tu planeta dejara de existir después de una siesta? Había una vez una princesa… Borra eso. Había una vez una ermitaña llamada Yao Si. Era una huérfana hikikomori (aislada) que tenía una vida trivial y tranquila en su pequeño y cómodo departamento. Justo cuando pensaba en que viviría el resto de sus días mundanos, murió. Los acontecimientos tomaron un giro inesperado, y de alguna manera, terminó convertida en vampira. Aún peor, una de quinta generación sin habilidad de combate alguna. Los vampiros tenían su propia pequeña sociedad secreta, con problemas culturales, y se llamaban a sí mismos “sangrientos”. Con la amenaza de otra guerra civil entre los vampiros, Yao Si permaneció alerta. “Aunque la guerra de los vampiros volviera a desatarse, se necesitaría un milagro para que me afectara”, pensó. Y ocurrió el milagro. Cuando despertó de una siesta milenaria, se encontró con que su hermoso planeta madre Tierra había dejado de existir. Desaparecieron incluso los primeros vampiros. El vampiro más viejo del universo era ahora uno de sus bisnietos. Y todos deberían llamarla “ancestro” de ahora en adelante.

You Qian · General
198 Chs


Question: “How to be a human being?, How to live as a proper social being?” ___ There are many new things learned from movies or series and thought that is something that people need to watch. It’s not just romance or gender or just being boys love fan, but things give her some thoughts about, “How to be a human being?, How to live as a proper social being?” HUMANITY is what Nan sees through those series she watched, made her want to become a person who produces those kinds of series. And one day, she seriously takes a step to achieve her dream. ___ Nan, a girl who had a dream of becoming a drama series director in Thailand. She has a secret about her having a thing to watch a Boy's Love series and it makes her crazy about the actors! Then one day when she's worked to pursue her dream, she got the chance to meet and work with the famous rising actor, Din Vachikorn. The actor on the most recent famous BL series that she been watching. What kind of encounter will Nan face? From now on, a heart-throbbing experience is about to happen ahead of both her career and romance!

ssun_ara · Urban
115 Chs

Thanh Xuân Bắt Đầu Từ Khi Gặp Anh

Bảy năm trước họ chia tay, anh biến mất không lời từ biệt. Bảy năm sau, cô chuẩn bị kết hôn anh lại xuất hiện, dùng mọi thủ đoạn để ép cô lấy anh. Một tờ chứng nhận kết hôn buộc chặt hai con người tưởng chừng đã mãi mãi mất nhau. Và từ đó về sau cô bé lọ lem trở thành nữ hoàng... Hoắc Miên, cô gái giản dị với chỉ số thông minh cực cao đã hút hồn Tần Sở - Tổng giám đốc tập đoàn GK đẹp trai giàu có. Tình yêu từ thuở thiếu thời trải qua bao sóng gió mới kết trái ngọt nhưng họ nào đâu biết, giông tố mới chỉ bắt đầu mà thôi…

Baby Piggie · Urban
1717 Chs


“For My people are foolish, they have not known Me. They are silly children, and they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. We are actually living in a world that is likened to a society with the vital ingredient that keeps the essence of life missing and the truth is that, we can’t even place really what that is, I mean we do not even know what is missing, notwithstanding, we could still feel it like we are feel the impression of air. In hollow and in emptiness, in the heart of our hearts, we just know that something is missing. Personally, I have felt this hollow and emptiness that burdened my heart so much while I was growing as a child. In my family, right from the cradle, I have always desire to know why things happens the way there often happens. What I am trying to explain span from our relationship with each other into our worship to God that has now being limited to self-imposed rituals. Hence we worship but not the true God, but the one who wants to be like the Most High as our mindsets are now dragging us into His very thought. Our worship has become so empty and adulterated with strange intrusions that we could hardly tell if truly what we are worshipping is God.

Pattyegah Ikwue · Fantasy
93 Chs

Land of Harz

Sweet Mari . You smell good They call them the chosen ones of Elimen. Long ago the world was accommodated by humans and mage. They saw no difference in each other and live happily together until an unknown protest formed by some ruthless humans out of jealousy to destroy all mages in the town started destruction... This forced the powerful mages to desert the human world and move to a magical world of their own . Lord Valix Grunch the most powerful of all was the chosen one of Elimen. His abilities was unlike any other ... His mighty power created the land of Harz where all mages would get peace without any human knowledge. He also hypnotized all humans and wiped all memories of mage existence from them. His reign was powerful . Until he faded from existence... The ruling system of Harz had changed. there were now elders and a king who took all decisions for the kingdom.. Edward Gruch the last descendant of Lord Valix was born without magic. His abominable birth caused him to flee to the human world and live among them . He got married to a nurse and bore three Children and non of them knew of the day where among those three lied the chosen one of Elimen..

Infectious1x1 · Fantasy
29 Chs

School of Persona

Bagaimana rasanya hidup sebagai remaja di tahun 2042-2043? Ditengah perkembangan zaman yang semakin pesat dan kompetitif? Mereka itulah yang disebut sebagai ‘Generasi Emas Indonesia 2045’. Berdirilah School of Persona (SP). Sebuah asrama yang dibangun sebagai tempat pembinaan kompetensi dan kepribadian para remaja SMA penerima Haikal Scholarship in Leadership (HSL). Penghuni asrama elit itu sangat heterogen, mereka dituntut untuk memahami berbagai perbedaan persona di dalamnya. Mereka memiliki sisi yang membanggakan, normal, hingga 'liar' secara bersamaan. Bukan kamuflase, itu hanya ukum tiga wajah; pribadi; keluarga; publik. Banyak persoalan, rahasia dan masalah muncul diantara mereka, lama kelamaan membesar, lalu meledak sebagai bom waktu. Lalu, mampukah mereka membangun diri sekaligus menghadapi tantangan besar generasi mereka itu? Unlock the answer by reading this story! ------ Halo, Readers! Selamat datang di novel keempat Aleyshia Wein. Konsep novel ini adalah Fiksi Realistik dengan sentuhan Literary Fiction. Meskipun demikian, sisi romantis akan tetap ada tipis-tipis, baik diantara para penghuni School of Persona, atau Adriana dan Haikal. Author menyarankan untuk terlebih dahulu membaca karya kedua Author yang berjudul 'Laboratory Doctor and Activist' untuk lebih dekat dengan karakter dan kisah Adriana Gerrie dan M. Faqih Haikal yang terbilang cukup filosofis mendasari berdirinya The School of Persona. Seperti biasa gaya bahasa akan cenderung teknis, dan beberapa istilah advanced akan dijelaskan dalam notes Author. Happy reading! Regards, Aleyshia Wein.

aleyshiawein · Teen
268 Chs

MY LOVER IS DRACULA (English Version)

A handsome dracula named Mikaelo, loves a woman named Agreyta, a beautiful Chinese and Dutch student living in Indonesia, will they unite, let's follow the story in each chapter. Original Author Febyola_Manoppo

Febyola_Manoppo · Fantasy
214 Chs


Starting from Anko Sawaguchi, 25 years old, a graduate of a state university who became a NEET-hikikomori. She spends her daily life with games and doujinshi. One day, Anko finds a memory card that says "Yuuto Kazuya." She picked it up intending to look for its owner on the internet, but to no avail, and judging by its elegant color it felt like the card was a rare item. Because she was very curious about the contents of the game in it, she immediately entered it into the game console. Suddenly a flash of light appeared from inside the console and dragged Anko into a different world. Spoiler: In that world, Anko meets a prince named Yuuto Kazuya, the same name as the memory card she found. Anko started to approach Yuuto to find out what mystery dragged her into that world but Yuuto had no recollection that he was ever born in the real world. Slowly Yuuto began to be attracted to Anko and a feeling of love emerged between the two. Finally, the mystery has been revealed! Anko became hysterically shocked to learn of Yuuto's real existence... Note: This story is already available in Indonesian version and recently I continued the English version using google translate when writing it. I will correct the grammar once this work is finished.

292 Chs

Ex-Esposa Embarazada del Sr. Director Ejecutivo

Ace Carter Greyson, su esposo de cinco largos años, exigió el divorcio en la noche de su quinto aniversario de bodas. —¿Razón? Simplemente porque no puede darle un hijo.— Fénix le rogó que se quedara, pero su firme decisión era inflexible, así que finalmente lo dejó ir. Su vida se destrozó aún más después de descubrir su relación clandestina de largo tiempo con su secretaria, —y ahora, la amante estaba embarazada.— Solo meses después de su divorcio, él se casó con la secretaria embarazada. —El mundo de Fénix se pone repentinamente patas arriba cuando descubre que está embarazada de cuatro meses.

ruffatorres · Urban
261 Chs


Danielle has to transition from teenage hood to adult hood but the childhood trauma holds her back. The death of her father and abuse from her mother weighs on her soul. But there's love. what happens when the love eats her slowly from the inside? Would Danielle finally be able to discover who she truly is? Read on to find out. REWRITING

qweenamanda · Teen
148 Chs