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Tendangan Cinta

21+ Tomy adalah seorang pemain sepak bola gay pertama yang sangat terbuka, Tomy mempunyai motto bahwa tidak boleh membuat kesalahan, di dalam atau di luar lapangan. Dan kesalahan terbesar mutlak yang bisa Tomy lakukan saat ini adalah jatuh cinta pada Marcel Vino, sahabatnya, karyawan dan yang lebih penting, anak laki-laki dari coach. Tomy selalu berfantasi tentang Marcel di malam hari, setiap malam, tetapi kalau benar-benar menyentuh Marcel, akan menjadi pelanggaran pribadi yang serius. Dan jatuh cinta pada Marcel? Itu benar-benar di luar batas. Marcel telah belajar pelajarannya tentang jatuh cinta pada salah satu pemain ayahnya. Mereka sekelompok atlet manja dengan lebih banyak otot daripada otak. Marcel telah menghabiskan bertahun-tahun belajar untuk menjaga mata, dan tangannya, untuk dirinya sendiri. Tapi menahan godaan menjadi hampir mustahil ketika Tomy Rain dan Marcel berakhir bersama di sebuah pondok kecil di kota terpencil Padang. Tiba-tiba, tidak banyak yang bisa dilakukan selain saling memandang. Dan bicara. Dan semoga, semoga menyentuh. Tapi apa jadinya jika waktu untuk tinggal mereka di Villa Indah sudah berakhir dan saatnya kembali ke dunia nyata? Akankah Pelatih meniup peluit melihat hubungan mereka? Atau akankah Tomy mengakui bahwa sebenarnya ada sesuatu yang dia cintai lebih dari sepak bola?

Seven_Wan · LGBT+
271 Chs

Soul of Searing Steel

Joshua woke up in the middle of a battlefield one day only to discover that he has been transmigrated into a popular MMORPG, Continental War. Discovering that he has not only been displaced in space but also in time, Joshua realizes he has knowledge of the events unfolding around the world as he had played through them as game events. Read on to discover how Joshua forges his path toward becoming a legendary warrior embroiled in the struggle of Order and Chaos!

Gloomy Sky Hidden God · Games
1058 Chs

A Wizard's Secret

Anyone who could construct a stable Spell Model could become a Wizard — that was the Wizards' ultimate secret! Having been given a new life as the son of an aristocrat and armed with a super quantum computer from his past life, Spell Models game as easily as breathing to Merlin. With this overwhelmingly huge advantage, would Merlin become the greatest Grand Wizard of all time?

Shadow on the Moon · Fantasy
1063 Chs


21+ Yang paling Chriss rasakan saat ini adalah kesempurnaan dari apa yang telah diberikan oleh kedua pria itu kepadanya. Dan Chriss tahu betul pada saat itu bahwa dia akan melakukan apa saja untuk mempertahankannya. Apa pun itu. Empat tahun berada di luar negeri, seniman Julio Dante kembali pulang untuk mulai membangun mimpinya memiliki studio seni dan galeri sendiri. Tapi saat dirinya sudah siap untuk melupakan kegelapan masa lalu untuk selamanya, kegelapan itu datang kembali. Satu-satunya hal yang mencegah mantan polisi Michael Clark memakan senjatanya sendiri setelah kehilangan sesuatu yang tak bisa dibayangkan, yaitu perannya dalam sindikat bawah tanah yang berusaha mendapatkan keadilan bagi orang yang tidak bersalah dengan mengambil nyawa orang yang bersalah. Lalu mengakhiri kehidupan artis muda yang melakukan kejahatan tak terkatakan terhadap korban yang paling rentan seharusnya menjadi hal termudah di dunia. Jadi mengapa dia tidak bisa memaksa dirinya untuk menarik pelatuk senjatanya? Setelah bertahun-tahun bertempur dalam perang yang tak berujung dan memakan korban jiwa, Chriss Bryan pulang untuk bertempur kembali, berurusan dengan kenyataan bahwa saudara perempuannya yang melarikan diri dari rumah delapan tahun sebelumnya telah hilang dari dirinya untuk selamanya. Dia membutuhkan jawaban dan satu-satunya orang yang dapat memberikan jawaban kepadanya adalah seorang pemuda yang berjuang untuk menyatukan kembali hidupnya. Tapi dia tidak pernah berharap untuk merasakan sesuatu yang lebih untuk artis angker itu. Chriss dan Michael. Yang satu hidup dengan penuh aturan, dan yang lain membuat aturannya sendiri. Yang satu mencari keadilan melalui hukum sementara yang lain mencari keadilan dengan senjatanya. Dua pria ini, satunya terang, satunya gelap. Akan menemukan diri mereka satu sama lain ketika mereka dipaksa untuk berdiri berdampingan melindungi Julio dari kejahatan tak terlihat yang tidak akan berhenti untuk membungkam artis muda itu selamanya. Tapi bekas luka setiap pria ini sangatlah dalam dan bahkan kekuatan tiga orang mungkin tidak akan cukup untuk menyelamatkan mereka... Bagaimana kisahnya? Jangan lewatkan setiap BAB nya.....

Richard_Raff28 · LGBT+
265 Chs

The Grand Duelist

Check out my other work! https://www.webnovel.com/book/records-of-the-weakest-emperor_17617505506953105 Records of the Weakest Emperor Disclaimer: This novel is inspired by other great works such as SCOG, OG, DE, and all other works that the author admires and reads on a daily basis Left alone, scarred and swimming with debt after his parents' death. Our protagonist, Joseph is now on the quest of erasing his debt along with keeping himself afloat without being homeless… Left without other choices, he turned to the world of Victory for solace only to find out that everything wasn't so simple like he expected. Even after two months of complete dedication to the game. He hasn't achieved any of his goals at all… But fortunately, lady luck soon blessed his hopeless life… He managed on erasing his debt, angering the gods living above the heavens and even acquiring a Mythical Class! But Joseph is a young man left with scars due to his past. Can he even become someone suitable for the grandeur of a Mythical Class? The Sun that Overlooks Everything? "Aye wait bro, don't attack ye- Sike! You thought!" "Alice, I really love it that you keep yourself feminine for the sake of your Swordsmanship. But can you not wear skirts while we're practicing? I can basically see what's underneath." "Abyssal Flame Master, why do you remind me of the alter-ego that I sealed a long time ago back when I was in middle school?" Fueled with the determination of being the strongest. Joseph, along with the comrades that he gathered on his journey shall crush those that dare stand before their path. But why? Because he's the Grand Duelist, destined to be at the top of everything. Artwork: This is a collaboration between me and the Connoisseur of the Dao of Sticc, Truedawn. We spent countless nights depicting the awesomeness of the MC through the Dao of the Sticc, I hope it is appreciated.

TheAdventurer · Games
203 Chs

Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Liu Yang was a common employee, he had no perspective for his life. He only lived in a common and ordinary way, he had fun when he could. However, everything changed during his journey to work. There was a police chase, and he was shot by mistake. When he wakes up, he discovers that he is in the other world and that he could have a new chance at life in a different world from the previous one. At that moment he begins to think about the best ways to live the new life as much as possible. ------------------------------- Sorry for bad English in the first chapters. --------------------------------- Chapter: 7 - 10 per week Try to do mass releases every two Sundays ------------------------------------------ If you like the novel, try to vote in the novel, this will make the humble author-san happy. And when the humble author-san is happy, more chapters will be released. ------------------------------------------ My dear readers, this humble author-san thanks you if you can give a chance to my second novel. https://www.webnovel.com/book/10493515105046805/MMMORPG%3A-The-Tales-of-Souls ---------------------------------- I'm a novice writer of Web Novel. As a novice writer, I make several mistakes of inconsistency in history. I apologize for this. My English is very bad so sorry for that too

_chomps · Fantasy
533 Chs

Another World’s Versatile Crafting Master

Lin Li accidentally enters another world while playing with his smurf mage account just after he maxes out all kinds of crafting skills, bringing with him various top-grade materials. Although his character is practically powerless, what he gains in return is unprecedented magical talent! Can he survive by himself after being thrown into another world?

Zhuang Bifan · Fantasy
1309 Chs

Throne of Magical Arcana

"A falling star has brought the chaos. The throne of fate has lost its master. The nonbeliever who walks in light and darkness will make his debut." In this magic world, knowledge is power.

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving · Fantasy
910 Chs

The Wizard World

Ye Song, who once lived in a technologically-advanced world, died and reincarnated into a noble teenager’s body in another world. A fantasy world filled with magic! A series of events filled with tragedy, action, etc. began to unfold one after the other when he fatefully encountered one of the most guarded secrets of this world, obtaining the legendary power of Wizards. Watch how he reaches unreachable heights as a powerful Wizard in this new world. ------ Release Rate: 7 Chapters/Week; One each day. P.S. This has become a serious problem so I have to put it in the synopsis: First, I would like to thank everyone who spends their time reading this book. Second, I just want to say that this is not a WMW (Warlock of the Magus World) copy. TWW finished two years before WMW started.

Get Lost · Fantasy
646 Chs

Hasrat Terpendam

21+....... Cerita tentang Radit yang berusia 18 tahun yang masih duduk di kelas XI SMA, yang sudah memiliki ketertarikan dengan sesama jenis, Radit merasa apa yang dia rasakan tidak normal seperti laki-laki lainnya yang memiliki ketertarikan dengan lawan jenisnya. perasaan Radit semakin menjadi ketika melihat tetangga barunya yang baru pindahan di dekat sekitaran rumahnya yang bernama Bima. Bima yang berusia 2 tahun dari Radit yang sudah duduk di bangku kuliah semester 2. Bima dari keturunan China yang memiliki kulit putih, berbadan bagus dan tegap membuat Radit tergila-gila dengannya. Bima yang selalu rajin berolahraga dan ikut gym setiap sabtu dan minggunya, membuat badan Bima menjadi lebih sempurna. Apakah Radit akan mengungkapkan rasanya terhadap Bima atau akan memendamnya untuk selama-lamanya ? Cerita Radit yang menyukai Bima akan menjadi teka-teki dan berliku-liku dalam kisah percintaan nya ini.

Bintang_aries · LGBT+
268 Chs

When A Mage Revolts

Kubei was just an ordinary pencil and button pusher working a day job, hating his boss and making horrible speeches when one day he fell asleep after pushing an all-nighter. When he woke up, he was bound to a chair, facing three creepy robed women and in a body way too young and way too weak to be his own. As he slowly came to, he realized that he was no longer in the same universe as he was before. He had teleported to the Kingdom of Helius, where an all-powerful church rules its lands and wages war against the elusive group known only as Mages. Armed with an incredibly cocky neural interface that just won’t shut up and his own sheer wit, our MC will find himself not just fighting to survive, but maybe even something bigger than himself.

Yin Si · Fantasy
942 Chs

Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)

Tips: 나 혼자만 레벨업 Only I Level Up (Solo Leveling) - Webtoon Season 2 is start from Chapter 132 In this world where Hunters with various magical powers battle monsters from invading the defenceless humanity, Seong Jin-Woo was the weakest of all the Hunters, barely able to make a living. However, a mysterious System grants him the power of the ‘Player’, setting him on a course for an incredible and often times perilous Journey. Follow Sang Jin-Woo as he embarks on an adventure to become an unparalleled existence through his “Level-Up” system - the only one in the entire world! ------ THIS IS AN OFFICIAL LICENSED TRANSLATION FROM D&C MEDIA Copyright Owner's Information: © Chugong 2017 / D&C MEDIA

추공 (Chugong) · Urban
270 Chs

Summoning the Holy Sword

Rhode is a legendary guild leader of the most influential guild in the VRMMO, Dragon Soul Continent. In order to cope with the death of his beloved sister, he dived into the game for seven long years. During this period, Rhode tries his best to alleviate his emotional pain through gaming, but alas, his life shatters once more when he heard his parents perish in a plane crash. A month after the incident, he made a decision to quit the game and return to the real world. But just before that, as a final farewell, Rhode decides to fight the most powerful BOSS in the game with his guildmates. In the end, he defeats the BOSS at the expense of his avatar's life. Rhode smiles as his avatar dissipates in a beam of light. However, instead of respawning at the usual platform... ... "W-wha...!" Rhode shot up and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling. And thus, a player who had been creating legends in the game for three eras disappeared just like that...

Siberian Cat · Games
1381 Chs

Villain's Valor: A Noble Fantasy Resurrection

In a fantasy world shrouded in a veil of mystery and darkness, a sinister threat lurks among the shadows, weaving its plan from the depths of a forgotten past. In a realm where magic and wonder coexist with the persistent presence of an ancient evil, Anthony finds himself immersed in an intricate web of mysteries that seem to intertwine around him. The emergence of this voracious darkness threatens to devour everything in its path, and as Anthony embarks on a desperate quest for truth, he faces moral dilemmas that tear at his soul, betrayals he never imagined, and sacrifices that defy all logic. On his journey, every shadow seems to hide a secret, every step towards the light reveals a new layer of darkness. Who is friend and who is foe in this dangerous game of power and deception? What ancestral forces stir beneath the surface, waiting for their moment to emerge and lay waste to everything in their path? With each discovery, Anthony delves deeper into a maze of intrigue and danger, where the very future of his world hangs by a thread, and the only certainty is that the truth is even more elusive than the shadows that conceal it. --------------------- Show me your support if you enjoy my story! You can help me by giving me your power stones or even giving me gifts with golden tickets, this motivates me to keep writing! Thank you very much for reading my novel! You can also add it to your collection! Write a review! Check out my second book: Twilight of the Immortals! and if you like it, don't hesitate to support it!

Roseiinthegarden · Fantasy
257 Chs


In the wild world of old-school mafia survival, where the big shots ruled the roost and the government played cozy with the fallen bigwigs or the weaker links... A powerhouse mafia clan with Vixen and her crew: Isabella, Raven, and Seraphina. But here’s the twisted rub—these girls were victims of their own father, Vito Moretti's incеstuous sexual behavior, Vito Morеtti, a man who didn't give a damn about family boundaries. So, Vixen, the rebel, decides it’s payback time. She discovers this whole hidden society thriving within the mafia, and guess what? She dives right in, dead set on climbing the ranks and tearing down her own family's criminal kingdom. But dang, just when Vixen’s about to spill all her family’s darkest secrets to the world, cue the dramatic entrance of a mysterious figure from the shadows - some creepy villain Hold onto your hats, 'cause here’s the gut punch: her father’s twisted actions were all part of someone else’s sick game plan, a puppet master pulling strings in the shadows with their own perverse agenda. And bam! They drop this bombshell about having some secret weapon that could turn Vixen's world upside down. Cue the creepy smile and the ominous whisper, "Hey, remember, revenge always comes with a price." Drama, suspense, and plot twists—this tale's got 'em all!

DaoistYjFEDm · Urban
92 Chs

The Female Leads Truly Loves You

Sam unexpectedly acquired a dating simulation game named "The Female leads Truly Loves You". He was quickly captivated by the game, which featured numerous beautiful female leads. Crucially, it was a harem-style game where the mc could maintain romantic relationships with various female leads and engage in sexual relations with them. Just when Sam thought achieving sexual relationships with these female leads was the game's goal, the ending shocked him profoundly. When all the female leads discovered the male protagonist's love for multiple girls, they exhibited inexplicably insane behavior. True to the game's title, "The Female Leads Truly Loves You", each one wanted to possess the male lead exclusively. The crazed female leads resorted to extreme measures, killing the male protagonist. They dismembered his body and preserved it in formalin. They decapitated him and kept his head by their pillows to accompany them in sleep forever. They drained his blood to create a specimen, ensuring they could see their beloved male lead every morning. ... Realizing his fate would be death, Sam chose to avoid these female leads. However, they seemed to possess magical abilities, always finding him using various means. Fortunately, Sam had a system. By thoroughly conquering these female leads, he could avoid the deadly ending and even gain enhanced abilities.

Cadwaladr · Urban
232 Chs

The Runner's Odyssey

Following his death, Lex abruptly awakens in a world of steampunk machinery, which intertwines the enchantment of fantasy. Given a second chance at life, he is determined to carve his destiny - to rise through the ranks of the Revered Runners - to become a Legendary Runner. With steely resolve, he endures unknown lands, battles deadly creatures, and uncovers ancient mysteries. Guided by an unwavering spirit, this is Lex’s story to the top! ------------------------------------------------------------ Will be doing constant edits here and there, improving the grammar and story in general. Character artwork on Discord and in the comment sections. 1 chapter per day. 50 power stones= 1 extra chapter. https://discord.gg/rkyQyz85DJ

NegansPalace · Fantasy
157 Chs

A Destined Young Master Villain

As soon as Trent became conscious of his reincarnation within a novel, he was promptly acquaintanced with an introductory mechanical system sound that identified itself as "Destiny." The novel is set in an imaginative realm where elements of science fiction, fantasy, swords, and magic intertwine. The main character possesses a merciless demeanor, astuteness, impeccable physical traits, overwhelming power, and an unrivaled temperament. Trent assumed the identity of Zenryx, whose background in this world exhibited great nobility and commanded a high level of prestige. He is consistently greeted with utmost respect and graciousness everywhere he goes. Power? Prestige? Wealth? Appearance? No one could even closely rival him. Trent demonstrated a preference for efficiency over exertion, as he adhered to the principle of "working smarter, not harder." However, Trent's exceptional talent and remarkable aptitude enabled him to consistently astound everyone, even in the absence of extensive training. Explore the intriguing portrayal of Zenryx's manipulation of the novel's protagonist and the intricate influence he holds over those around him. ================== Discord : https://discord.gg/ThqjWeCHZz

Xerzxes · Fantasy
112 Chs

The billionaire and his contract wife

Mr Quin walked into his office very furious, he had just a very intense argument with his father who threatened him with his position if he doesn’t get married in a month time Mr Quinn being a play boy and heartbreaker needed to device means to save his position as the CEO and claim what was his. He needed to act fast even if it meant falsifying his marriage. He needed a pawn in his game. After several rejections from his exes he decided to try his luck with his assistant even if it meant doubling her price He called his assistant Annabelle and she rushed in, he threw document at her and ordered her to sign it. Unknown to him that she a secret identity that he was not aware of. Annabelle took the contract and saw the boldly written inscription “Marriage contract” she was confused, she secretly loved Mr Quinn but she wasn’t expecting him to force her into a fake marriage. She looked up to him but he wasn’t starring at her she was lost in thought. Finally she signed it, hoping seize the opportunity to make her boss fall her her within the period of their contract. little did she know that she had just signed a contract with the devil. fully knowing that Edwards Quinn was a cold hearted play boy who doesn’t care about people’s feelings he does whatever he wants and gets away wïth it he doesn’t believe in commitment or forever. Can Annabelle make Quinn to fall for her?? Will her fake identity be exposed? Explore the chapters to find out…

Seaquin · Urban
103 Chs

Magic's Return: I Can See The Spirits

The God of Magic stopped blessing his believers. The Tower of Magic, where the mages gathered and worshiped him was destroyed. Magic Fell. The surviving Mages were looked down upon by the rest of the world. Normal Mages, that is. The Mages from the Strongest Magic Family, the Vesta Family, were an exception. For 5000 years, the Vesta Family continued to produce exceptional Mages that were strong enough to resist other forces which came after their family heritage and treasures even without the Blessing of the God of Magic. Now, however, the Vesta Family found themselves in a difficult situation where they didn’t have a single capable heir. That was until, Christopher Davis, an underworld Gang Leader, transmigrates into the body of Vaan Astra Vesta, a well-known pushover and the ‘waste’ of the Vesta Family. Christopher, now Vaan, soon realized that he could see otherworldly magic spirits with knowledge so vast that the Magic books that the Vesta Family treasured for 5000 years were nothing in comparison. That, combined with Vaan’s own God-like Talent, The ‘Hope’ was born. A prodigy strong enough to not only protect the Vesta Family and its treasures, A prodigy who will restore Magic to its former glory was born. “Haa!? Who da fuck said a Mage can’t use fists!? That crab-like face of yours, I’ll punch it till it is deformed into something better looking!” And of course, Christopher’s gangster-like tendencies won’t just disappear. ... Cover: AI-Generated (Plus little editing) ... Discord: https://discord.gg/qZHRTHGdZG If the link does not work for some reason, DM me: sleepdeprivedsloth

SleepDeprivedSloth · Fantasy
272 Chs