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Mated To A Vampire

LONELINESS...... HATRED...... REVENGE..... those were the emotions Axel felt when he lost his mate to the cold hands of the Vampire King. His best friend and moon goddess, Selena takes pity on him and decides to assign him a new mate,one who matched his charisma and character. Unfortunately for our Alpha Lord, the only lady who fits this trait is Sydney, the only daughter of the Vampire King. Axel was never going to accept her. How could he accept the daughter of his worst enemy as his mate?. He was never going to shower her with the love/ attention an Alpha gave his Luna. All he longed for was to see her life as miserable as possible. He was going to make her pay for the sins of her father. And so, the first page of their book opens.........

DIVINE · Urban
131 Chs

The Play-Toy Of Three Lycan Kings

Maya, an omega, has been a victim of bullying since she turned sixteen and was found out to be without the wolf gene or trait. Her chief tormentors were the three sons of the Lycan King who ruled over the entire werewolf regions, taking into captive colonies that defied his order. After being set up by a jealous classmate, Maya is beaten and left for dead at the borders of their pack by the king’s three sons, who told the pack that she had been captured by some rogues. Maya is saved by a witch who adopted and drilled her on the ways of the ancient magic and sorcery, whilst encouraging and preparing her for a huge revenge plan which threatens to upset the balance of the world and unleash the great threads of darkness seven years later when she returns to her previous pack to perpetrate justice on her tormentors. She comes at a crossroads when she discovers her true heritage and that her mate was the biggest bully there ever was, Adam Brekans, eldest son of the lycan king. What happens now? Would Maya continue on her quest for revenge? Or would she submit to the threads of love so that peace could reign?

nuvvy10 · Fantasy
131 Chs

Sustaining the King's Life

COMPLETED. (WARNING: R18 on chapter 200+ onwards. This is a SLOW BURN ROMANCE. Read at your own risk.) ** On a secluded mountain situated upon a kingdom known as Feuersturm, resides a seemingly trifling cabin with an unlikely duo as its inhabitant—a witch, and her apprentice who presumably comes from a clan sought after by slave traders. Faustina is a sixteen-year-old girl who fled the slave market with the help of a sickly witch named Eula, who later on trained her as an apprentice for the span of seven years. Plagued with a mysterious disease for several years, Eula died despite the efforts Faustina had exerted to cure her; in her last breath, she left an odd request behind. "Sustain the king's life. This is your duty. Do not adhere to the prophecy." To which the odd plea shadowed a bizarre series of events, a consequential sentence; similar to that of a premonition. The same night the phrase was muttered, the chain of events followed: A warlock's intrusion to their home, with a peculiar yearning to resurrect Eula from the dead... and the king himself, asking for Faustina’s aid.

Chainslock · Fantasy
284 Chs

lost & found

Being 19 years old is never an easy task, with a world so dark and people so toxic, a simple weak girl could only fall victim to people's wrath. So alone, abandoned and scarred, would Zina make it? ========================= "I promise you, that I will fix you," She told him as tears fell from her sweet brown eyes. He raised his head to meet her painful gaze. He felt his heart sink. If only she knew she was in no place to fix me, he thought. ************************************************************************** "At just 19 years old, Zina finds herself navigating a dark and toxic world, abandoned and scarred. Will she overcome the challenges that threaten to consume her? With a promise to fix others while battling her own struggles, Zina's journey unfolds in a gripping tale of resilience and redemption. Dive into this captivating urban novel filled with raw emotions, unexpected twists, and the power of human connection. Join Zina on a quest for survival and self-discovery in a world where hope shines brightest in the darkest moments."

CHZ · Urban
75 Chs


21+ Yang paling Chriss rasakan saat ini adalah kesempurnaan dari apa yang telah diberikan oleh kedua pria itu kepadanya. Dan Chriss tahu betul pada saat itu bahwa dia akan melakukan apa saja untuk mempertahankannya. Apa pun itu. Empat tahun berada di luar negeri, seniman Julio Dante kembali pulang untuk mulai membangun mimpinya memiliki studio seni dan galeri sendiri. Tapi saat dirinya sudah siap untuk melupakan kegelapan masa lalu untuk selamanya, kegelapan itu datang kembali. Satu-satunya hal yang mencegah mantan polisi Michael Clark memakan senjatanya sendiri setelah kehilangan sesuatu yang tak bisa dibayangkan, yaitu perannya dalam sindikat bawah tanah yang berusaha mendapatkan keadilan bagi orang yang tidak bersalah dengan mengambil nyawa orang yang bersalah. Lalu mengakhiri kehidupan artis muda yang melakukan kejahatan tak terkatakan terhadap korban yang paling rentan seharusnya menjadi hal termudah di dunia. Jadi mengapa dia tidak bisa memaksa dirinya untuk menarik pelatuk senjatanya? Setelah bertahun-tahun bertempur dalam perang yang tak berujung dan memakan korban jiwa, Chriss Bryan pulang untuk bertempur kembali, berurusan dengan kenyataan bahwa saudara perempuannya yang melarikan diri dari rumah delapan tahun sebelumnya telah hilang dari dirinya untuk selamanya. Dia membutuhkan jawaban dan satu-satunya orang yang dapat memberikan jawaban kepadanya adalah seorang pemuda yang berjuang untuk menyatukan kembali hidupnya. Tapi dia tidak pernah berharap untuk merasakan sesuatu yang lebih untuk artis angker itu. Chriss dan Michael. Yang satu hidup dengan penuh aturan, dan yang lain membuat aturannya sendiri. Yang satu mencari keadilan melalui hukum sementara yang lain mencari keadilan dengan senjatanya. Dua pria ini, satunya terang, satunya gelap. Akan menemukan diri mereka satu sama lain ketika mereka dipaksa untuk berdiri berdampingan melindungi Julio dari kejahatan tak terlihat yang tidak akan berhenti untuk membungkam artis muda itu selamanya. Tapi bekas luka setiap pria ini sangatlah dalam dan bahkan kekuatan tiga orang mungkin tidak akan cukup untuk menyelamatkan mereka... Bagaimana kisahnya? Jangan lewatkan setiap BAB nya.....

Richard_Raff28 · LGBT+
265 Chs

The Fallen Rose: in love with the Vampire King

She was broken and had no one to cry to, an orphan who worked for only herself, a beautiful red-haired beauty who at the same day broke up with her boyfriend and also died by an accident, only to wake up in a mystical world in the body of a princess, with powers she herself couldn't understand. "Look 'your majesty' I don't know what sort of realm I am in but been here creeps me out" Then she meets Allerick the demon who hopped into her life after she chose to be his pet, just for the fact that she wanted to go back to her word, but slowly but surely feelings are meant to be built up. Him lone Demon reincarnation of wrath one of the seven deadly sin tries to change his faith of been controlled by lucifer and keeping his freedom, and now with the apearance of Nesrin, he should have a valid reason to change his faith. Read on to find out if Allerick is going to be successful or if she would end up going back to her world!!

Queen_Ochiwa2 · Fantasy
103 Chs

Tendangan Cinta

21+ Tomy adalah seorang pemain sepak bola gay pertama yang sangat terbuka, Tomy mempunyai motto bahwa tidak boleh membuat kesalahan, di dalam atau di luar lapangan. Dan kesalahan terbesar mutlak yang bisa Tomy lakukan saat ini adalah jatuh cinta pada Marcel Vino, sahabatnya, karyawan dan yang lebih penting, anak laki-laki dari coach. Tomy selalu berfantasi tentang Marcel di malam hari, setiap malam, tetapi kalau benar-benar menyentuh Marcel, akan menjadi pelanggaran pribadi yang serius. Dan jatuh cinta pada Marcel? Itu benar-benar di luar batas. Marcel telah belajar pelajarannya tentang jatuh cinta pada salah satu pemain ayahnya. Mereka sekelompok atlet manja dengan lebih banyak otot daripada otak. Marcel telah menghabiskan bertahun-tahun belajar untuk menjaga mata, dan tangannya, untuk dirinya sendiri. Tapi menahan godaan menjadi hampir mustahil ketika Tomy Rain dan Marcel berakhir bersama di sebuah pondok kecil di kota terpencil Padang. Tiba-tiba, tidak banyak yang bisa dilakukan selain saling memandang. Dan bicara. Dan semoga, semoga menyentuh. Tapi apa jadinya jika waktu untuk tinggal mereka di Villa Indah sudah berakhir dan saatnya kembali ke dunia nyata? Akankah Pelatih meniup peluit melihat hubungan mereka? Atau akankah Tomy mengakui bahwa sebenarnya ada sesuatu yang dia cintai lebih dari sepak bola?

Seven_Wan · LGBT+
271 Chs


[Warning: Mature Content R18+] BLURB “ Greetings your majesties, my name is Cedric Charon” The new slave took his time before he bowed his head and lowered his eyes in obedience. It was the uttermost impudence that we had ever seen from a slave. Yet, he was a startlingly beautiful specimen with all muscle and perfect edges, but the eyes were the most startling thing about him. They were molten gold and like the boy's skin, they seemed to shine in the sunlight. I felt my whole existence questioned by the slave and I pushed my power to smell him and for sure the scent of ambrosia that we had earlier scented came from him. " Brother, am I dreaming or is that human slave blood calling to us? A human slave!!!" Silas who sat on my right hand gasped in uttered shock. "My beast wants me to rush over and sink my fangs into him. He is a human slave for fucking sake" Talon muttered from the left side of the seat. " Mate," I spoke up. " That is what my beast roared and declared the minute he stepped foward and introduced himself" I whispered. Sith and Talon's eyes widened and they both looked at me with shock, dread, and disbelief at the realization of the fact that I had uttered the word " Mate". ******** Vampire Lords Niko, Silas, and Talon Sith were born in a pair of three and had lived for centuries ruling the Sith Glassy Mountains. They fed on the blood of the Elisera slaves who came to work in Sith castle where they all resided. Under the pact named Paktum between the humans and the Vampires, the young men would be employed to work in the castle for the Vampires while their families would be provided with gold that would take care of their needs. Hence, they co-existed as the Paktum Pact maintained peace between the two races. That is until Cedric Charon enters the Blood Mountains and the Vampire Lords realize that their intended mate is a human slave and more sore with the blood of a witch. Cedric is everything the Sith Mountain coven forbids, a human, a witch, and a rebel. Cedric is not ready to be imprinted by the vampires who have enslaved his people in the mountains to feed on their blood, while Vampire Lords Niko, Silas, and Talon are disgusted that their mate is a human slave with the blood of a witch. It gets complicated when they find out that Cedric is a blood rose. His existence makes the Vampires question all the teachings the coven has taught them regarding humans. Their relationship becomes more complicated once they discover that Cedric is also part of the resistance that wants the Paktum Pact broken and the human slaves set free. Will their mating bond survive or will it completely break them?

Anna_Baibe · LGBT+
15 Chs

RUTH: A Tale Of Luna's Birth

[Completed] Side story is out now! The cries of a woman collide with the rock walls of the Longhurst's castle. Ralph Longhurst, a wealthy trader living rather practically ruling over an island situated miles away from Vincardine has his brows furrowed. Cordelia Longhurst, Ralph's wife, has not expected this special moment to turn out the way it has. She can feel the anger radiating out of her husband but the mother inside her is more worried about their daughter, who is going through labour pain. The baby that was supposed to lit the lights of happiness and joy, has made even the dark sky cry. Gerald Livingstone can hear his lovers' cries but his hands are tied. All he could do is pray for the safety of both mother and the baby. And then that historic moment came when the Luna of not only a werewolf pack but of the whole werewolf breed took her first breath on the earth. A human Luna, who is supposed to meet Edwin O'Dell- the leader of the werewolf breed, the Alpha of Alphas and fall in love with him. But not everyone is happy with the birth of this special baby girl. There are reasons, secrets and plans involved. Only time will tell what the girl has written in her destiny and how she is going to find the right path in her life. ***************** The cover of the book belongs to its rightful owner and I. do not own it. If the owner wants to take it down please contact me. Instagram:- @author_rutujap Discord:- https://discord.gg/wpyvsh42

rutujaP · Fantasy
226 Chs

Mated to A Rival Alpha

[COMPLETE] [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+ // Mercy Makes You Weak] “And when the sun goes down on your grave, let it be known, that it was all my doing.” ***** Tired of the shit-show put on by her apparent ‘mates’, Kim Rania, the most powerful, ruthless, and psychotic alpha of the Obren kingdom declares that she will not take a mate, a decision that no one questions, not even the mighty werewolf king. However, her announcement unlocks a pandora of betrayal, chaos, secrets, and unforgivable sins; which brews in her, a new tornado of anger, hate, and a great desire for retribution, a need she must fulfill. At the center of all that, is her ‘clueless’ true mate, the man she has grown to hate with everything she has and doesn't have; a man determined to cripple her rule with the unfortunate aid of her parents – Park Jihoon, alpha of her rival pack, Calindra. Rania knows she has a choice to make. To either forgive them and give in to her mate bond, or to burn them all and everything they hold dear. However her anger is too great and it drives her to seek the help of humanity’s greatest evil & immortal psycho, the lycan Kaia Seto, the soulless barbarian of barbarians, who is a little too willing to help her with her vengeance. Perhaps Kaia just has a good heart, right? But what if there is another reason Kaia is open to helping, will the psycho alpha agree to it, just for her vengeance?

she_osprey · Fantasy
377 Chs

Serene and The Six Realms

Synopsis Princess Serene who belonged to Fae Realm had her life taken a 180-degree turn when she decided to join an institute full of vampires, werewolves, and witches. Being of Fae's kind, she attracted love and hatred from these creatures. But, the person who captured her heart was none of these three beings but an entirely different being..... Her world was basically divided into six realms: Fae (where fairies dwelled) Haxum (where witches and warlocks lived) Lycanus ( abode of werewolves) Wampir (where vampires were settled) Folkshel (where common or non-magical people lived) Dark ( where all kinds of mythical creatures and monsters lurked) Centuries ago her forefathers formed an alliance to deal with the threats posed by the Dark Realm. It was a horrid place where all kinds of mythical creatures and monsters lurked. They kept invading other realms so it was barricaded using a powerful boundary spell. But, after about 5 centuries of peace something evil was rising in the dark realm and everything in our world was about to change... .............. Excerpt So, that's what you believe? That your existence pains me? And that you are using me? Tell me, did you ever ask me to do something for you?" His voice seemed to be on the edge of being hurtful. I didn't know what to say to him and seemed tongue-tied. That feeling of hopelessness when you want to do something but you can't creep up on me. "You spoke with each other, determined my fate and decided whom I was supposed to love. At least let me choose the person I want to love. Have I asked you to love me back?" His words hit me like a tornado shattering my heart into millions of pieces. I couldn't understand why he wanted an unrequited love so much, which would only bring him heartbreak, over and over again. "Answer me, please." His tone was playing on the border of hurt and endurance. "No....you didn't." These were the only three words I could say to him, I wanted to say so much more but my whole body was trembling and my heart was racing so fast right now. I knew he could hear it. "Then let me be Serene, please let me be. You don't want me to bother you? I won't. I already keep my distance as you made that abundantly clear the last time. But, please don't take my will. Let me decide whom I want to love. And, one last thing: your existence is not a source of pain for me. Don't ever think like that again and stop letting others put words into your mouth." With these words, his gaze held mine for a brief moment. The agony in his eyes was indescribable, and then he swiftly turned around and left. *********** Take this journey with Fae Princess Serene to find out how she juggles life decisions. I hope all of you will enjoy reading my story. It's my first time writing a novel, so bear with me and support me. Vote for my book. Send a gift. Much appreciated. Thank you to all my lovely readers. Read my other novel as well and show your support to this newbie writer. That's called: "Elven Encounter With a Blood Seeker." ************ The book cover is mine.

Sunny_Shumail · Fantasy
192 Chs

So I Am A Demon Descendent!

When Li Xianyu was 20 years old, he received his father's inheritance, an 18-year-old great-grandmother who was incredibly beautiful. Li Xianyu: "Great-Grandma, why are you so young?" Great-Grandma: "That's because I died when I was 18 years old." Li Xianyu: Σ( っ° д°;)っ

Newspaper Boy · Urban
781 Chs

Undressed by the Half-Beast Prince

#completed #war #kingdombuilding #loveaftermarriage #politics #multiplecouple #mutant #princess #diplomacy #heartwarming As Sophia lay beneath Ragnar, she watched in awe as a primal energy surged through him. Ragnar's body trembled, his muscles tensing and freezing in place, as the runes coursing through him glowed with an intense crimson hue. It was as if a vibrant river of power flowed within him, originating from his heart and branching out to every inch of his being. His nails elongated and sharpened, while his canines protruded from his pristine row of teeth, revealing his primal nature. Ragnar's body quivered as the remnants of the ancient entity receded. His breaths came in ragged bursts, his eyes fluttering open to reveal a mix of relief and anguish. "Ragnar...," Sophia's voice trembled as she called out Ragnar's name. Ragnar startled, slowly opening his eyes. His irises slitted, elongating like those of a reptile. The orbs mirrored Ymat's, an exact reflection of his dragon's eyes. Sophia's jaw dropped in astonishment. So, this was the birth defect he had concealed all this time. ~~~ “All is fair in love and war” Prince Ragnar Clementine, suddenly appointed Lady Sophia Mary, the leader of mystical healer clan, to be his war prize after protecting Cescil Kingdom. However, Sophia had already been married to her husband of three years, Sir Arthur George, though they had yet to have a child. Yet, deep within Sophia's core, a hunger for Ragnar grew, a hunger that consumed her body and soul. In a world where duty and passion collide, will they succumb to the depths of their hunger or find the way to resist? ~~~ WARNING: - THE COVER BOOK IS COMMISSIONED - READ THE HASHTAG!!! - Slow burn type love story - Not smut centered story! - Mature contents and R18+ explicit in later chapters, approximately chapter 60 above. - I give warning at the beginning of chapters! ~ ~ ~ other works: - Sequel: Undressed by the half beast King - Wolfdale: Blood of The Moon - Mafia Princess: Raised by Wolves - Sincere and Lancelot - The Man of My Bitterest Lesson - I, Slave Become a Powerful Emperor

Tizzz · Fantasy
224 Chs

Astrid - The Hybrid Princess

[Warning: Mature Content] A great war has started between the great races. In the middle of it all, something that never should have happened had occurred. A hybrid was born. Rumours of this hybrid being the most powerful being in existence spread through the land. Through certain events, she was lost to all, yet sought by many who wanted her for the powers she possessed. Now, Astrid must venture through the magical realm in search of her mother, her kingdom and the truth behind the war, all the while escaping the schemes of the other kingdoms. She, Astrid is the caring, beautiful, talented, powerful, yet extremely impatient hybrid. He, Jareth is the cold, dashing and skilled elf who locked everyone out. What happens when these two characters meet on her journey and a forbidden love springs forth amidst the clash of swords? Would Astrid be able to resist the charms of the handsome Elf and focus on her journey or would she succumb and in turn, endanger her life and mission? *********** "Why do you do this every time?" Not that he didn't know the answer, he never failed to let her know what she did to him with that. Before Astrid could answer, Jareth closed the gap between them, with Snow sandwiched in their midst and pressed his lips against hers, shutting his eyes close. Unlike the last time, this time she was partially, mentally prepared for what he was going to do and returned his kiss, parting her lips to grant him entrance and closing her eyes to feel every single bit of it. One hand snaked into her hair pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss and the other caressed her face lovingly. As much as Snow wanted to watch, he felt that he should give them space and privacy. Quickly, it wriggled itself out of her arms, falling to the ground close to her side and looked up. His silly master only gasped from what he had done with eyes still closed and that only gave Jareth a better chance to be more mischievous. He bit on her tongue, sulking and tasting her as his slender hands on her face moved down, finding their way around her side, to circle around her waist and pulled her body closer to his. She followed his lead and wrapped her hands around his neck lovingly. Astrid felt their bodies collide, that coupled with how passionately he was kissing her, only made her want to melt in his arms and stay there. Jareth finally broke the kiss and his hands on her head moved forward to cup her face and chin. "Wait for me," his deep sensual cool voice rang in her ear, sending warmth down her stomach, making her further weak in the knees. "Be careful," Astrid whispered back. "I will be." "He wouldn't play fair from the way things are going." "I do not expect him to, but I am ready." With their faces so close together and nose touching, she could feel his warm breath tickle her cheeks, causing her to blush a crimson red. His green eyes shone with delight at watching her blush then quickly placed a kiss on her lips again before letting her go. --------------------------- Cover not mine, all credit goes to the original owner. Cover edited by Missrealitybites. ~~~~~ Discord: BaeVida#7167 Discord server: http//discord.gg/BH666ZK Instagram: baevidaa

BaeVida · Fantasy
648 Chs

The Countess and Her Knight

A Dark Crest Novel ------------------------------- You can now find the complete edited version of this novel on amazon! -------------------------------- After getting engaged to a man she's never met. Caroline moves to the Van Estate, where she realizes that her husband to be, is not who he seems. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Caroline!" The voice of her pursuer calls out to her, as she turns down the darkly lit corridor, hoping to elude them. But the footsteps only get closer, and closer. She runs down the end of the corridor, to a crossroad. "Right or left?" The footsteps get closer. "Was the exit right or left?!" She thinks to herself, as the voice once again calls out to her. "Caroline! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" "Right!" She turns down the right corridor and runs as fast as she's able. As she gets closer, a bright light shines through. Causing her to almost leap with joy, she had chosen the right way! Or at least that's what she had thought. As she gets closer she realizes that this is in fact a dead end. The light was coming from a window; taking up the majority of the wall. She turns to go back, but she's met with a familiar pair of vibrant, purple eyes, staring back at her from the end of the hallway. She freezes in fear, as the figure grins, and calmly walks towards her. "Found you." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For Updates follow me on Instagram @Zakiyahlwilliams and @KiyahLW

Kiyah · History
49 Chs

Bloody Lovers

In a land of Magic, where Kingdoms are ruled by royals and their magicians, a feud exists between two rival Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Nyx and the Kingdom of Sol. Alice was born into Nyx, a lowlife, a girl that lived and worked in a famous brothel in the slums until her magical powers appeared. She was then brutally sold to a man with red fiery hair and crystal blue eyes. Handosme but scarred, smiling but his eyes hid many mysteries. That man took her to Sol, where she was trained and her whole life took a turn. Just before her eighteenth birthday she is ordered to visit Nyx, the royal palace and to kill the crown prince. An event though on her brithday stopped her. She met the man with the snow white hair during a cold night and images of him began haunting her mind. Different places, different eras, different worlds and a mission that has lasted for centuries. Always the same. To save him.

Yaminoyosei · Fantasy
154 Chs

Pregnant For My Rejected Mate

Owen's lips pressed against mine. At first it was soft like he was unsure of what to do. At least he was doing something while I stood like a statue waiting to be pleasured like an effing idiot. I thought he was going to break it off but his arms went around me,  as sure and hard like it held promises to carry me if my legs gave out. I felt the rush and the warmth. The surging sensation I had never felt before. I was naive as I  had never been kissed before but I knew and dreamt, it was exactly as Owen was kissing me. The sensations almost left me limp like a freaking coward. Owen's face gradually blurred and drowned to nothingness.  ******* Emily and Owen has been best friends since they were in diapers. Owen was the one person she could trust to be there for her. He was Alpha and she was a pariah, a wolfless girl born to an unmated mother and a human father. He was hot and she was fire. He was voice of reason and she was chaos itself. She was his mate and he rejected her. Follow Emily as she navigate through the mess she calls her life with no one but the cub she had with the best friend that rejected her. cover is not mine. credit goes to the owner, reach out if you want me to take it down

King_Starr · Fantasy
291 Chs


To the outside world Cosgrove academy was just a school for rich spoilt kids but what they don't know is that they are more than that, they are supernatural. All the legends about faeries vampires werewolves are true. Chanel enters this new world to discover her new identity love betrayal and rivals. She finds out that the life she had been living was all a lie. Follow Chanel on her journey to find new friends, love and her identity

joyodafe · Fantasy
9 Chs

Loving You Till Dawn

In a world where mythical creatures coexist with humans, a power struggle ensues when the dominant Werewolves seek to rule over all. However, the other creatures and humans reject this notion and strive for peaceful coexistence within their respective communities. Defying the collective decision, the Alpha Werewolf, Dimitri Quinn, brutally murders a Witch, a Vampire, and a Human as a warning to anyone who challenges his authority. Enraged by the ruthless killings, the remaining creatures unite and launch an attack against the mighty Werewolves, despite their inherent strength disadvantage. The ensuing war rages on for three days and three nights until an unexpected intervention occurs on the third night. The moon goddess, Sierra, appears in all her radiant beauty, captivating everyone with her presence. Her enchanting voice echoes through the night as she condemns the Werewolves for initiating the conflict. Sierra strips Dimitri of his Alpha status, transferring it to his twin sons, Jayden and Kayden Quinn. Under the new leadership, the Werewolves are cursed by Sierra to never harm any creature outside their kind, lest they lose their inner strength and half of their powers. However, the curse arrives too late to prevent the loss of countless lives in the war. Despite the devastating aftermath, peace gradually returns to the realm. Years later, the once-established norms of finding mates within one's own kind are shattered. Sierra's curse mandates that Werewolves must now have human partners, while Witches and Vampires retain the freedom to choose their mates. Amidst this backdrop, Muna Carmichael, an eighteen-year-old girl, and her younger brother Nathan find themselves orphaned due to the war. Forced to relocate to a new city and live with their childless aunt and uncle, Muna's life takes an unexpected turn. She discovers that she may be the destined mate of a Werewolf, the very creatures responsible for her parents' deaths. Caught between the past and an uncertain future, Muna faces a series of difficult choices. Will she accept her fate as a Werewolf's mate? Can she overcome her deep-seated hatred and learn to coexist with the being who took her parents' lives? And what will happen if she uncovers the truth of her destined connection as the Alpha's mate? Muna's journey is one of love, forgiveness, and discovering the strength to embrace an unexpected destiny.

Oyiza_Marvellous · Fantasy
90 Chs

Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams

[COMPLETE] "I would give you everything, there is nothing in this world I wouldn't do to ensure your happiness. I'll cherish every part of you. Because without you beside me I can't survive." (Part of a series: This is Book 1/3) The Year 4014 Have you ever wonder how does it feel to be a Princess? Is it nice and fun or...actually not? Sadly for Lyn being a Princess isn't as nice as fairytales described. She is an abandoned Princess bearing a 'cursed' birthmark. Her mother the Queen isolates her, Lyn becomes the most unloved Princess. What can she do in this situation? Only study, study and study so one day she can be free from this cage. Lyn thought that she will live her dull life like this for a long time until... A young man from the Sound Kingdom comes into her life like a prince riding a white horse. But, he's actually a thief. His name is Kazuya. He brought new colours to her monochrome life, introducing her to many 'first' times. Sweet, gentle and kind but what if it's all just an act for hidden motives? Is the affection he showed her...genuine? What will happen between the two youngsters trapped in love-cage? What is the mystery hidden behind the birthmark? Can the two of them unite in such a chaotic world? Watch as Lyn begin her love journey on a thorny path haunted by dark politics and bitter life. --- [Commissioned Cover by: vatarison] Join me on discord: Invite Only (ask in comments section) Part of "Lyn Journey" series (1) Princess Lyn: Fleeting Dreams (COMPLETE) (2) Queen Lyn: Clash Of Kingdoms (ongoing) (3) Empress Lyn: The Last Age - Side Novels Purple Flower The Wolf and Beautiful Blade Updates: 2 Chapters everyday (UK Timezone)

XOMatsumaeohana · Fantasy
700 Chs